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Everything posted by Stocky

  1. Why would non-belief make anyone fear death? Surely religion with threats of eternal damnation would be more worrisome. Personally I'll just keep going, when I die, I die.
  2. Nothing unhealthy about a pie, a little bit of what you fancy does you good.
  3. That probably answers your own question.
  4. Yes you need the app to call, but using Skype Out you can call any landline or mobile, the person you're contacting doesn't need to have Skype. Calls per minute to UK landline are 2.3¢ and 10¢ to a mobile. I just use the pay as you go option and buy Eur 10 credit every two or three years.
  5. They don't. Rather they synthesise compounds with perovskite structure this can be done cheaply, ammonium halide salts do the trick. .
  6. I struggled with that too, I can't imagine they're bigger than Malaysia Airlines nor Air Asia, and I doubt they're bigger than either Malindo or Firefly. But more competition the better, would be nice to have a second option on the Hat Yai - KL route.
  7. I used to visit Golok when working in Malaysia, also during the 90s, it was the nearest point for a visa run. A couple nights R&R staying at the Marina Hotel, they had a night club in the basement which was fairly wild on a weekend.
  8. You were thinking of visiting Yala, Pattani and Narathiwat? It's certainly the road less travelled.
  9. WTF is a "travel coach" ~ I assume he's not talking Midland Red.
  10. So do I, it's a nice city to live in.
  11. Keeps rats/mice out of the roof space too, but use the big size balls. Drain flies, just flush the U-bends with boiling water once a month. .
  12. Possibly not the best location, at least not without additional measures. Maybe they should design it so the panels can rotate 180 degrees if necessary to present a less vulnerable rear.
  13. I checked the info for Hat Yai, apparently updated 19th April 2023, that claims The Pubb is still operating, it closed nearly 10 years ago! So would treat that site's info with a bag of salt. .
  14. If you say so. I can remember my uncle had a Welsh dragon and anchor, though he'd travelled extensively in the Far East before the war. During the war he was on the North Atlantic and then Arctic Convoys.
  15. My great uncle, who was in the navy during the first world war, had tattoos on his arms, as did my uncle, who was a merchant seaman during the second world war. The purpose of those tattoos was to help identify their corpse if they got killed. The current fashion for getting inked is largely that, a fashion, and whilst some are pleasing to look at, most are pretty ugly and ill-considered.
  16. The resurfacing of the main roads was long overdue. Starting during lockdown Hat Yai took the opportunity of empty roads to install new storm drains, push on with the burying of electric cables, and additional street lighting; so the roads have been dug up several times and were a mess. This is just laziness on the part of a few workers, most of the resurfaced roads have been marked properly. The gangs doing the road resurfacing were able to raise or remove the metal ramps, just the guys laying down the road marking who couldn't be bothered.
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