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Everything posted by tgw

  1. This I can tell you - the basic "apparatchik" a term that didn't completely die and makes a comeback under Putin - that apparatchik, meaning "a small piece of the big machine", that person has never seen a system that was not cruel and corrupt, never seen a system where people can speak freely. When they read about elections, or watch Western movies with elections, they think it's a show. They think all elections are fake/rigged and results dictated by the USA. And Trump didn't really help to sell the idea of free and fair elections. Most Russian apparatchiks when taken to the West are surprised - wait, a private person can win a court case against the state ? wait, police doesn't extort people ? wait, people can elect the people they want to run the country, just like that ? journalists can write what they want and not get killed ? It's a different planet for them, and they can only believe it after living for some years in the West.
  2. definitely the wrong place to ask. while only about 1% of posters here are able to make a useful comment, 30% will post nonsense and the rest will denigrate. AFAIK, you are right and business visas are routinely issued to people that do not work in Thailand but are conducting business here. A visa is not to be confused with an extension of stay though, which is granted on the basis of employment. If conducting business in Thailand (such as ordering/buying products), you could be issued a multi business visa. Visas are delivered by Thai consular services abroad, in your country of residence. The best is to ask there.
  3. Of course there will be arrest warrants, investigations, etc. But it's unlikely much more will be done than transforming Ruzzia into another North Korea until the regime changes or collapses. The Iron Curtain will be back. I expect many more Ruzzian assets to be seized and used/sold for reconstruction of Ukraine and compensation of victims.
  4. moral of the story: put a colored sticker on your car so it can be easily recognized.
  5. and another aspect of the tactical nuke question is - tactical nukes aren't THAT powerful that one or even two could stop Ukraine in its tracks. nuking Kyiv and Kharkiv won't stop Ukraine. It will make it enraged. for Putin, there are only negatives in using a nuke. they are only useful as long as they remain a threat, preferably an empty one.
  6. I have added a paragraph to my reply above: Putin's not alone. He gives the order and it is refused, he is finished. He gives the order and nukes someone, then Putin's system is finished. They are all finished. They don't want that. Is it good enough for me ? In theory no. In practice, I don't feel we have much of a choice than to give guarantees the conflict remains limited to Ukraine, so they don't have to fear for their power. If they decide to launch a nuke anyway, they would behave like an immature little bully child, and it's not possible to negotiate with immature little bully kids. And little immature bully kids don't stop once they get what they want because in the next minute they want something else --> Baltics, Georgia, Poland, Moldova .... And their friends too --> Taiwan. So that's my reasoning.
  7. Putin has children. 6 AFAIK. Where would he send his bomb to ? on the people he pretended to "liberate" ? His "best unlimited friendship" allies already told him no. Using a tactical nuke within Ukraine, well away from NATO borders would be his only (slim) hope to avoid NATO involvement, but realistically he wouldn't. There is also a good chance the troops themselves would not carry out the order. And that would be the end of Putin. The same reason he can't go into full mobilization. It's not just Putin. Putin will die from illness at some point, but after Putin, there will still be Putin's system. Medvedev and all his cronies are already scared to lose their grip on power today that they take great care to not cause the Russian people to rise up against them.
  8. yes not quite right, internal supply of food, meat, consumer goods, etc. is still good, it's just that TVs and phones now come from China instead. Yes. Personally I think "operation Bakhmut" has been on since November or December. Phase one is complete and killed scores of Ruzzians. Phase two is underway, which is to attack the flanks and attract lots of Ruzzian reserves there, while cutting off supply routes and destroying infrastructure in Ruzzian's rear using Himars and Starm Shadow / GLSDB. Phase three will be a turning movement or a double turning movement depending on opportunity and tactical situation, to cut the Bakhmut area off from supply. Phase four will be closing the pocket and suppress Ruzzian troops inside. Simultaneously with phase three, we will probably see the demolition of Kherch bridge and a Ukrainian combined arms thrust towards Melitopol. What disturbs me is that this is what I, as an armchair general, would expect to happen. So, the Ruzzians will expect this as well. And I hope the Ukrainians have a plan that is ten times better.
  9. The Ruzzians don't even know what a Ruzzian victory could look like at this point. With the annexions, they maneuvered themselves into a strategic corner. Ukrainian victory is clearly to push Ruzzians out and join the EU, plus either security guarantee by NATO or full NATO membership. I don't see the Ruzzians using nukes. But if they did and if the West gave in, it would mean they are going to invade the Baltic states next. and then Moldova. Georgia. Poland ... ? Because the West and NATO bow to nuclear boomsing. not. Even the Ruzzians know they can't realistically hope to get away with using nukes.
  10. how about a one-year exchange program with another temple for a handful of monks ? ?
  11. how likely is that ? not remembering where one fell ? maybe someone put him in the sewer and closed the lid. or he went in deliberately to flee a situation he doesn't want to disclose now.
  12. no, villas for 80k+ baht /month were never rare
  13. the significance of this election cannot be overstated. sure, we shouldn't expect many things to change quickly, but the symbolic meaning is that old corrupt systems (i.e. yellow and red) were voted out. another thought I had was that this evolution would probably not have been possible without the previous coup. MFP has a lot of work to do, and must do it cleverly and skilfully. the old systems are still around and won't let it go too easily.
  14. tgw

    Thai beef

    by the way, has anyone an idea where I could buy Thai brahman beef wholesale ?
  15. "British restaurant" sounded a bit scary when I read the post, but then I remembered my tour in Wales, England and Scotland (golf) and realized that Tikka Masala and Family Happiness for 3 were staples during that great time I had there (Royal Lytham , Troon, Turnberry, Dornoch, Gleneagles, St.Andrews, Carnoustie...) and these dishes can safely be considered British food ???? We had some excellent fish & chips and unbelievably great fresh salmon sandwiches though !
  16. I would like to recommend the French movie "AKA". It's not a masterpiece and not super-imaginative, but it's a well made, fast-paced agent thriller, despite a few plot holes. Features Eric Cantona Warning: bodycount ++
  17. then I recommend "Designated Survivor" Season 3 to you
  18. episode 3 was kind of empty, the plot didn't progress much, which is disappointing.
  19. yes, this is the way.
  20. tgw

    Thai beef

    there is very nice Thai beef at very cheap prices. but not all of it is good. quality varies wildly from one animal to another., I'd say about 5% of the ribeye I see in the shop could make it into my plate. when I see nice ribeye steaks, I inquire at the counter if more of the same cut (from the exact same animal) is available, and then I buy it all. sometimes I walk out with 4 Kg of ribeye steaks. people want to buy a label, one that says "good ribeye, yummy" and that's it. individual buyers don't want to look for color, water content, check the marbling, etc. too complicated. and restaurants need a reliable, steady source of constant quality meat. I think beef produced in Thailand doesn't meet that criterium (yet), except limited quantities that have been hand picked and then of course come at a higher price tag. large foreign producers have much more control of their production quality (different breeds and fodder) and are able to supply constant quality.
  21. tgw

    Thai beef

    these look great ! in fact "KU Beef" is short for Kasetsart University Beef, which I mentioned in my earlier post.
  22. tgw

    Thai beef

    yes, it was originally a type of Japanese beef, but today the word has evolved into an appellation of a type/grade of marbling.
  23. it's getting comical: Washington Post: Leaked US intelligence suggests Prigozhin in contact with Ukrainian intelligence Wagner mercenary group founder Yevgeny Prigozhin allegedly offered to give Russian troop locations to Ukraine in exchange for Ukrainian forces withdrawing from the area around Bakhmut https://kyivindependent.com/washington-post-prigozhin-made-offers-with-ukraines-intelligence-directorate/
  24. tgw

    Thai beef

    look for Thai crossbred beef Charolais / Brahman or Simmenthal / Brahman - I think Kasetsart university developed some of these hybrid breeds. and then don't buy the label, choose your meat. I buy only ribeye, as dark as possible (but nice red/alive looking not the shelfkeeper/dead looking dark shade) with as much marbling and small fat inclusions as possible.
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