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Everything posted by tgw

  1. every time I read "heavy seas" and it's about the gulf of Thailand I chuckle
  2. and they should be fined again for that statement.
  3. JT, just the fact that you posted here to ask if this is legit or not is rather concerning
  4. it needs to come out before it's all over, so that we won't allow for it to be over too soon, so that Putin and the other criminals against humanity won't be allowed to keep any of what they hope to have gained.
  5. and I'm here imagining OP sitting in his room with his laptop and how many ants must be there for them to be a nuisance.
  6. errr.... I'm very very very sceptical about the accuracy of this headline
  7. yes, that thing will work, thank you for the suggestion
  8. I would be interested in a link please
  9. there's no wifi in the location I want to run the AC in.
  10. Japan seems to have it: https://www.amazon.co.jp/-/en/OAR-N16-Conditioner-Remote-Control-Reserved/dp/B092YSK6ZF
  11. that would require installation, I got no exposed cables. and it relies on the hope that both the AC and the timer resume after power loss.
  12. yes, that's the plan
  13. yes. but in my case I have the AC already, it doesn't support that function, so it has to be in the remote. besides, incase of a power cut, the AC unsit would have to have an internal battery, akin to a computer's CMOS battery in order for it to keep the current time. so it's much simpler to have the function in the remote which runs on batteries anyway
  14. that's way too advanced for my purpose, I don't need wifi or anything. just a remote on a table, pointing towards the AC and sending the signal at the right time
  15. and then you realize the only thing that is needed is an aircon remote that sends an IR signal based on a clock. it's all in the remote, no need for the aircon itself to support anything.
  16. I am looking for a programmable aircon remote that will allow me to set fixed on / off times for every day. I toyed with the timer function of my LG Inverter, but it seems the settings wear off after they were triggered. So I'm looking for some sort of programmable universal AC remote that will switch the aircon on and off every day at the same time.
  17. placing the heavy cooking part of the kitchen outside will always work in Thailand ???? you will have to think about details such as smoke/exhaust management, easy placement of cooking supplies, roofing, etc. regarding the drain in the floor, yes, Thai bathrooms usually come with that drain in the floor, but Western bathrooms usually don't. I mean building the whole bathroom floor with a very slight slope that guides the water towards the drain. The bathroom floor could also be 1 cm lower than other floors. The Japanese generally make very clever bathrooms.
  18. it filly up really quickly if storing series in 1080p and x264
  19. completely unrealistic. Taiwan has been fortifying, training and buying weapons for over 70 years to defend against a Chinese invasion. To prove my point, I suggest you use google satellite view and check out Taiwanese islands and coastline and look for bunkers. Some of these islands seem to consist only of fortifications. I'm pretty sure Taiwan itself is akin to Swiss cheese with underground bases everywhere and numerous coastline defenses. Just have a look please. Launching an invasion on a prepared Taiwan that is equipped with modern weapons is pretty much suicide, especially if Taiwan is supported by the USA.
  20. "upgrade the computer" but all we know about OP's requirements is: - torrenting 24/7 - light video editing - multitasking unless OP wants to expand his video editing, I'd say any reasonably solid midrange machine from 5-6 years ago should do the trick. speed of HDD, etc. is all secondary as long as OP does not have fiber internet. another thing is OP doesn't tell or doesn't know what the specific problem with his machine is - might just need new thermal paste. OP's box looks noisy though.
  21. well, anyone generating clicks from the story has an interest too.
  22. I need to see a doctor for a differential diagnosis of a possible carcinoma on the penis glans. So I would like to ask here for recommendations of a particular doctor or team/hospital with good reputation in that field of expertise, along with their lab. English speaking doctor only of course. Also, if I suppose the visit will include : - examination - anamnesis - biopsy (one or more) - lab analysis is a rough estimation of costs possible ?
  23. hmm... why do posters get all excited about an election for less than half of parliament seats ?
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