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Everything posted by tgw

  1. - no need to have another computer - no need to update - no danger of data leak / intrusion on the remote computer - much less danger of the remote computer having a technical issue (Bios CMOS bad, select boot device/ windows blue screen loop, boot into safe mode, windows update fails....) - you can use all your programs/files of your own computer ... I guess there are some advantages I don't even think about, but I'm sure there is not a single advantage in using a remote computer and teamviewer compared to VPN on the router. and ah, hum, I have been a user of teamviewer for years until they decided my connection to my dad's computer and my son's computer were of "commercial" nature and cut every connection after 1 minute. It took some time to convince them otherwise. the less you depend on third party vendors and other devices, the more reliable your solution is.
  2. It will be interesting to know China's reaction to this invitation
  3. I think you don't understand what a VPN is. What gets you flagged, is the commercial VPN's IP address. There is no way the use of a private VPN can be detected by the visited website.
  4. I wonder how people who write "all are guilty" and "all are innocent" even manage to command their lungs to breathe with just their binary system of neurons... anyway, the salute of the arrival of the Russians is a disgrace for Thailand. this damages Thailand's image. disgusting !
  5. don't negotiate with terrorists. slava Ukraini !
  6. https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-12-28/milan-reports-50-of-passengers-in-flights-from-china-have-covid Milan Reports 50% of Passengers on China Flights Have Covid
  7. 1- no sharing of a computer involved if using the router's VPN server. 2- VPN on the router should not cause your sister any technical issues 3- your sister's connection bandwidth will be impacted regardless of what solution you will use, because both will share your sister's connection. the impact should not be noticeable though, if you don't stream HD video or down/up load a lot of content 4- I have mentioned the drawbacks/advantages before
  8. okay, still, anyone can plug a monitor in.
  9. I would still prefer a home router configured as a VPN server, because it wouldn't require a remote laptop to be switched on. you could of course switch the laptop on if it's connected to the router by using "wake on LAN" function, but this requires to login on the remote router anyway. and even an "always on" laptop will need to be updated, rebooted, etc. also anyone near the laptop will be able to see what's on screen, and able to install any software.
  10. Kremlin spokesman: Peace possible only if Ukraine agrees to Russia's annexation of its regions. https://kyivindependent.com/news-feed/kremlin-spokesman-peace-possible-only-if-ukraine-agrees-to-russias-annexation-of-its-regions good luck with that ????
  11. Russia Today's Disinformation Xmas Video yes, I'm posting content from Russia Today. It's so ridiculous. This is the disinformation Ruzzia feeds to its own citizens about how Europeans experienced Xmas in 2022: I wonder how many vatniks will believe those "fairy tales" ? "if your media doesn't tell you where it's all going" ... yeah right ! lol
  12. when I read Lavrov's drivel, it reminded me of this guy:
  13. good thing then that Ukraine has about a million men standing in arms and with enough ammo, equipment and food.
  14. Putin ... is '100% sure' his forces can 'weed out' $6m anti-aircraft system https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11574175/Putin-vows-destroy-patriot-missile-systems-sent-Ukraine.html?ito=social-twitter_mailonline err ... a patriot battery costs 1 Billion, not sure where they got their 6m figure from
  15. I'm opposed to a general minimum wage, I think it disregards specificity and differences between people. There are huge differences in the personal individual situations of people, for example if they have to pay rent or not, passive income, living in the same household, family members of the owner of the business, etc. Minimum wages generally announce the end of small family businesses, as well as freelance jobs, and that's not a good thing. A general minimum wage is not something that is a must have for a welfare state. Switzerland for example does not have a minimum wage. Another bad side effect of a minimum wage is that it does automatically transform low performers into jobless bums and criminals. Because as the minimum wage rises, so does businesses' requirements for employees to perform to justify their employment. Expect less "security" staff paid for sleeping through the night on their post and more petty thieves and scammers. Better ways to ensure proper wages are paid are issuing official advisory guidelines for salaries according to qualifications, unionizing in some jobs and sectors, and, of course, the government leading by example, especially in schools, hospitals and the police.
  16. it seems you are no better than Putin supporters
  17. I'd even go further and say it's not really relevant if Biden is physically completely fit for office or not, because it's a team that gets elected, and there is still the vice president, Kamala Harris. In these times, with menacing China and Russia, it's better to elect a functioning team than a loose cannon autocratic single person program.
  18. true. but it's not criminal negligence nor gross negligence. he just drove his truck as anyone does in Thailand, not keeping a safe distance when overtaking is something all drivers do, even the good ones occasionally. justice is not revenge. part of justice is considering how big a fault was, not just the outcome.
  19. priorization. if you start slapping the book at everyone for everything, people will just not care and accept the situation as a lottery - as it is now - nothing will change. they should start with mercilessly enforcing a handful of rules and enforcing the rest too, but in a balanced manner. in that way, it would be possible to slowly improve the situation. destroying individual people's lives when genuine accidents happen will not help the situation in any way and will create more criminals.
  20. in theory, yes. in practice ... you know how it is on Thai roads. if they tackled the most serious problems on Thai roads, 90% of deaths would be avoided, and this doesn't even rank in the list of most serious problems. they should fine and suspend the driver in a way that doesn't destroy his life. it's not worth nor would it be balanced making an example of him while millions are still driving through red and in the wrong way on streets.
  21. any VPN vendor solution runs the risk of getting recognized by websites you visit, because multiple services maintain lists of known VPN server IP address pools. setting up a private router for VPN is the safest approach.
  22. in theory, there is. both routers could use an IP-to-IP protocol that does not use encryption, for example GRE or another IP tunnel protocol. in practice however, I'm pretty sure no consumer-grade router firmware supports this, because nobody wants to run unencrypted traffic over public IP routing. I don't know if custom router firmware such as tomato or DD-WRT support it. In any case, you would then have to overwrite firmware on both routers to test it. I wouldn't be able to assist, because I've never done that, and I also advise you against it.
  23. okay, so it's simple really. the person in the USA must use a router that supports VPN. For example an ASUS, there are many brands and models which support this. https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1008713/ that turns the ASUS router effectively into a VPN server. dynamic domain service such as dyndns can be used to make the router reachable through a public URL such as "yourdomain.dyndns.com". after that, you need to install the VPN client on your computer, for example OpenVPN. after you connect over OpenVPN, your computer will appear on the internet using the private US home IP address. regarding security issues, every instance that gives external access has the risk of being compromised. the risk is limited however, especially if the router is not configured to give LAN access to the VPN client, but only shares the internet access, which is, I believe, the default configuration. check the router to be sure, delete any Open VPN -> LAN static routes if present. so, if friends & family do not consider you to be a potential security risk, I see no reason to not give you Open VPN access. performance-wise, I think there won't be much of an impact, except maybe on very weak routers with very weak internet connection/bandwidth. Your own bandwidth will be limited by your Thai international routing anyway, so the resulting 15-20 mbits should IMO be handled easily by the router. some providers choose to block Open VPN ports. to circumvent such a port block, you can set the OpenVPN port to 443, both on client and router, which should work if your friend/family does not already run software using that port with that dyndns address. 443 is the standard port for exncrypted HTTP traffic, so no network provider can block it if they want to keep the internet running.
  24. A VPN like I suggested would be indistinguishable from a US based home computer, because it would use the home computer's router.
  25. the following source material will help you to find the answers to your interrogations yourself: Sensationalism in Media https://reporter.rit.edu/news/sensationalism-media Why sensationalized news stories are damaging to society https://www.thewilkesbeacon.com/opinion/2019/04/16/why-sensationalized-news-stories-are-damaging-to-society/ https://academy4sc.org/video/sensationalism-breaking-news-watch-this-video-now/ Sensationalism Explained https://fairygodboss.com/career-topics/sensationalism https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sensationalism
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