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Everything posted by tgw

  1. Hello, does anyone know where in Pattaya I could have photos printed in poster format (A3 and larger), with vivid colors (excludes laser printers) and that will last a while in daylight (no direct sunlight) ?
  2. I'm still trying to find a video of the initial assault and robbing. I saw one with a lot of finger flipping by the Pinoys, but nothing physical. Could someone please post a link to the initial video?
  3. This is way over the top. But ... if his visa gets revoked because of that, there may be a new avenue of investigation, namely that of abuse of power and influence peddling.
  4. Static websites (consisting of html and javascript) typically don't require maintenance. More complex websites that use content management systems, e-commerce platforms, etc. require regular updates of the software.
  5. I have started making websites 25 years ago, including e-commerce sites, hotel bookings, flight bookings, secure payment interfaces, etc. My clients are in Germany, France and Switzerland, I work remote from Thailand. Before choosing a solution, the best is to have a chat with a professional about your vision for your business and then it's possible to think about how a website would best support your business. A website can support several processes, such as PR, marketing, e-commerce, payments, for the obvious ones, but also resource management, call center support, fleet management, asset management, property management, etc. If you are around Pattaya, we can have that chat in person.
  6. storm in a glass of water (germanism)! make him pay 100k baht to the woman he kicked and put a lid on the whole thing.
  7. tgw

    Go Wholesale

    I went pai tiow to gowholesale to discover something new for relaxation. I was quite disappointed in gowholesale. Their product mix is just standard local products with even fewer imports than Makro, Tesco and Big C, and some usual products they just don't carry, for example gherkins. And their prices were more expensive than the 3 aforementioned shops, sometimes significantly so. Granted, I didn't check out the fresh department other than ribeye / chicken legs / pork neck, so I potentially didn't notice good offers for crabs or fish, if there were any. So I don't see the point in gowholesale. Seems like a wholesale-themed premium local retail store to me. I didn't see a lot of wholesale shoppers either. Most people did what I did, a lot of searching, looking, thinking, and walking out.
  8. LOL ! hmm... let's see "Ach ja, Frau Zuckerman, ve vant to help our friend ze ukrainians to make ze bridge explodd into ze air, ja ? You can kvote me on zis."
  9. tsk tsk Urs ... the police was right, the matter should have been resolved on the spot. as the article doesn't mention any wounds on the woman of undisclosed identity, I guess the "assault" was rather light.
  10. that's because for many needs it really is the best option.
  11. I'm a bit surprised an anonymous website gets such coverage. Who is behind the "Thai Enquirer" ? Are there any other articles on the internet written in perfect English by "Wanchai Vatanakool" ?
  12. how is it being held against her? the world is open to her, just not the part where she is considered a security risk.
  13. you are still Putin friendly I guess. worth it? let the Ukrainians answer that one, but only as far as Ukraine is concerned. for the rest of the world, stopping Putin is certainly worth it. Ukrainians have indeed been used. by Putin. not anymore. this conflict will resolve when Trump and his MAGA fanboys (many of which Putin probably has kompromat on) will have been taken care of. Any moment now as even Fox News started attacking the Trump crew. They are done, they just refuse to acknowledge it for now. Ukraine can hold Russia on its own, but it can't win on its own.
  14. I do respect opinions. But misinformation is not an opinion and neither is ignorance. Opinions need to be in accordance with facts to qualify as proper opinions. I have no respect for people holding certain beliefs that when presented with facts proving the contrary still continue to misrepresent the truth.
  15. of course with such sad news, the trolls are out in force for a field day.
  16. sure ... all with regular veterinarian inspections during the animals life, checking for parasites, vaccinations ...
  17. the main difference is in how the animal is slaughtered. meat from professionally grown and slaughtered cattle is fine, but the risks associated with home-grown cattle and home slaughtering are high. and then of course how the meat is stored and sold. if eating steak tartare, use only meat from industrial farms that gets industrially slaughtered and then refrigerated throughout until sold and eaten.
  18. I guess you are not familiar with the Isaan raw beef salad
  19. thanks! it's not a green topic though. "green" suggests a green political agenda. I think that's why it didn't register as the correct place to post - and I didn't even see the air pollution forum. may I suggest renaming the green forum into "environmental topics forum" ? EDIT: on a second thought "environmental topics" wouldn't nail it either. I'm splitting hairs.
  20. Air quality is in the news again, with pollution levels being extremely bad currently. I looked at the maps for Thailand, but the sensor coverage outside of Bangkok is quite poor. Wouldn't it be nice to get more sensors up and running so we could have more data about our localities ? What is needed to setup an air quality measurement station and publish its data to the internet-based air pollution map sites ? Who did it already ? Any recommendations about which devices work well ?
  21. It looks like Western delivery practices arrived in Thailand. The worst company I know is DPD. They will not even show up and claim "missed delivery".
  22. My opinion is that locking the phone would be nearly useless, since I consider the biggest risk to be hacking. Harmful code comes onto phones via security vulnerabilities, not via unlocked screens.
  23. yes, but ... the OTP is no problem, it served as a second media to provide authentication to the transaction made on another device. With banking apps, everything is on the same device, which becomes a single point of failure. That's why I have no banking apps installed on my phone, not to mention the crippling effect when the phone is stolen or lost.
  24. Regardless, I think it's alarming if a bank requires a phone to be locked, banking apps' security should be good enough to not rely on the phone lock.
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