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Everything posted by radiochaser

  1. Where did I write czar. You can read, it says that biden appointed kamala to lead efforts to stem the U.S. Mexico cross border migration. Biden put Kamala in charge. Call it what you want, chief mucky muck, head M.F. in charge, person responsible for etc. It was kamala's responsibility. Did she do anything about illegal cross border migration? From the internet: ""In the United States, the informal term "czar" (or, less often, "tsar") is employed in media and popular usage to refer to high-level executive-branch officials who oversee a particular policy field. There have never been any U.S. government offices with the formal title "czar"."
  2. So, the nbc report is a lie? "WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border, ... "
  3. "WASHINGTON — President Joe Biden announced Wednesday that he has appointed Vice President Kamala Harris to lead efforts to stem migration across the U.S.-Mexico border, as the administration faces growing political pressure to address a surge in undocumented migrant children unaccompanied by parents." "A senior administration official said Harris' role would focus on "two tracks": both curbing the current flow of migrants and implementing a long-term strategy that addresses the root causes of migration." "Harris, seated by Biden's side, echoed the assessment. "There is no question that this is a challenging situation," she said." From the extreme, far, right wing, lying, misinformation ... https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/white-house/biden-taps-harris-lead-coordination-efforts-southern-border-n1261952
  4. Stop it! Stop it! Stop it! Your code words will trigger google.com search bots to pull up this thread and then the whole world will be reading this and you will defeat watthong's and his ilk from their efforts at censorship of the far, extreme right! Ooooohhh the humanity! (is this expression appropriate in this context? [ where is that damn sarcasm button?])
  5. I am not sure I want to go to Australia. It isn't the snakes, its these guys ... https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=Big spiders in Australia&form=IQFRML&first=1
  6. You refuse to take responsibility for your posts, then you accuse me of just what I said you do. Make a condescending remark. Then tell me not to reply with sneers? Another condesending remark, see which : sneer /snir/ noun plural noun: sneers a contemptuous or mocking smile, remark, or tone. You are the king of "sneers" , you refuse to take responsibility for your posts and now, I am off your radar? Can I take that to mean, you blocked me? I can still see your posts though, right? I think that's how it works. Your posts shows the quality of your character, don't they?
  7. Looks more like an M26 grenade or a fake copy of one. Usually the pin ring is on the left side of the spoon handle, when the spoon is facing you. That pin ring is on the right side and the base has rounded off edges. The alternative, it is not an American grenade and the M79 nomenclature is not one I am familiar with.
  8. Geeze man, you are the guy that has a snide, denigrating, disparaging, or condescending remark about any one that challenges you or your beliefs. Imply that I want babies to die due to lack of regulations and you can't even own up to your own posts. Take responsibility for what you write. BYW, I don't go to bars. I don't drink alcoholic beverages at all. Oh excuse me. That was a typo, I meant, BTW!
  9. I cannot make an argument about that. As I posted earlier, most of the TV news that I see are left wing news, because someone posted it on youtube. I see some you mentioned like fox, but the ratio is probably for every fox news report I see, I see between (for example) about 15 - 20 cnn news reports. I do have this to say, every claim made about the right wing news reports being misleading or lies, can be said of the left wing news. . If you want to argue that only the right lies and misleads, its TV or internet viewers, then you are mistaken.
  10. The biggest snake I have seen in North America was a cottonmouth. I swear it was almost 6 foot long and the largest part of its body was over 3 inches in diameter, maybe bigger. it had a huge head too. That was in Texas. I had just finished shooting practice at a range out in the sticks outside of Houston Texas (M14 competition rifle from the TX National Guard) and walked to the bridge over a small creek near it. There it was swimming in the water! And I had been out in the woods right next to the creek a couple of times just walking around checking it out.
  11. So, you have never watched a left leaning news media head tell a lie about something? They do that you know. "Dershowitz, through his attorneys, argued that CNN’s editing of his defense and the ensuing conversation on the network resulted in an intentionally “misleading” narrative that caused the cable news" e.g. https://lawandcrime.com/first-amendment/alan-dershowitz-secures-major-procedural-victory-against-cnn-in-defamation-lawsuit/
  12. Only when I can't get out of it. For me it's like having a tree fall on your head. After one tree has done it, you don't want to have any more trees fall on your head.
  13. I think I read once that rattlesnakes kill more people than any other snake in the world. My memory is foggy on that, it just might be they kill more people in the U.S. of A. and not the world.
  14. I know what rattle snakes look like. I had one as a pet. The poison would kill mice in about 3-5 seconds. What I wrote was that I did not know rattle snakes were in Pennsylvania. I also did not know that copper heads were in Maryland. Now I am wondering if copperheads are in Pennsylvania too. I have seen other snakes in Pennsylvania, but no venomous snakes as yet. In Louisiana and Texas I have seen a variety of different snakes. I have not seen all of them in both states, but, I have seen Coral Snakes and can tell it from a King snake, rattle snakes, moccasin/cottonmouth snake, copperhead snake, black snake, hog nose snake, chicken snake (might be the black snake) etc. Fortunately never bitten by any of them, whether venomous or not. I have been bitten by dragon flies, which took chunks of skin out of my finger tips. You have to be careful where on their bodies you catch them.
  15. You specifically asked me if I wanted to risk the poisonings of children due to lack of regulations. That is a direct question asking me if I wanted to have babies die due to lack of safety regulations for baby formula. I have not seen any part of the 2025 thing until today, when I looked for it based on the meme about removing safety regulations for baby formula that the meme said was on page 302. I read what is written on page 302. That calls for a reevaluation of regulations. It does not call for a removal of regulations. That meme is a lie! Do you support a meme that is a lie? By the way (BTW), do you know how many pages are in project 2025 tome? Just curious.
  16. Color me surprised about snakes again. I didn't know there were rattlesnakes were in Pennsylvania. Now I find that there are copperheads in Maryland?
  17. The majority of TV news media that I watch are the left leaning ones. Mainly because someone posts the news segments on youtube. Some people post compilations of the talking heads as well. When the left wants some propaganda out there, the left leaning news reporters are in lockstep with the same theme or in some cases the exact wording. Like the recent, "weird" mantra from the left.
  18. Are you implying that Trump and conservatives are planning of getting rid of all regulations for manufacturing and selling baby formulas in the U.S. of A? That is what the meme implied.
  19. Copperhead snakes in the U.S. of A. will chase you sometimes or attempt to bite you without provocation. I lived in Louisiana when I was a kid. They came at me and others when they were over 3 meters away from us.
  20. Did you miss the part about reevaluating regulations? Not get rid of all baby formula regulations? The meme was about U.S. of A. producing and selling baby formula. You were the one that brought china into this thread, weren't you?
  21. I am sure that china has some regulations, like, if you make money you must give the government a cut of your profit.
  22. I am sure it isn't his fault, when he posted There are no poisonous snakes in Thailand He probably wrote, "There are no poisonous snakes in Irland (meaning to write Ireland) and auto correct inserted, Thailand!
  23. Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I see what you did there!!!!
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