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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Yep. It's only worth the land it's built on. Actually, the only way to f%7k up the price of land here is to start building on it.. ????
  2. Rubbish. How is legislating against "drag shows" in schools 'victimizing' transgender people.? Your link is from CNN which is in the forefront of promoting this whack agenda.. The same organ calling for ramping up nuclear brinksmanship, weapons and war games in Ukraine, yet crying about imagined aggression against less than 0.5 % of the US population.
  3. You've gone so far down the bi-partizan political divide (left v right, "good" v "bad") that you've lost perspective on facts and reality. (It's the same money backing both sides, btw). Transgender people are not being 'victimized' at all. This agenda is just served up by a media to create division and permission for censorship and curbs on freedom of speech. Amongst other thngs.
  4. Do you embrace this garbage to try and remain "relevant" in a society atomized by deliberately divisive politics and weaponizing of language and culture? No it's not. Think about why such a small percentage of people (less than 0.5%) have been thrust into the limelight recently.
  5. Washed my car and started an exterior paint job earlier this week. Bingo! Instant heavy rainfall right on cue.
  6. When you just relax and stop worrying about what people think about you, life gets a whole lot easier. In the meantime, dress well and don't make aggressive body language.
  7. Need to also have a close look at the media outlets giving this clown the oxygen of publicity and legitimacy.
  8. Similarly to the OP, thinking about spending a week (holiday) in Laos next month, starting in Vientiane. Never really spent much time there, only visiting the large power plant in Hongsa, where my company does regular work. A few questions I had have been answered in this thread. Thanks to the contributors. I will update this thread hopefully after our visit. ????
  9. If he was "petitioning" for the other side, he would have disappeared a long time ago.
  10. The "soft loans" handed out to people during the past few years are a time-bomb for the next Government.
  11. He would have got away with it, but for the rather conspicuous hair-do / dye..
  12. A few houses in our village were broken into a few years ago. The culprit was a kid (used by criminal gangs, so they can't be prosecuted apparently), who evidently from c.c. footage was pretty skillful it must be said. -Until some Thai houseowner shot him.. ???? I would improve your security features, if you know how the thief got into your house? One or two Thai dogs are great security and deterrents also. You sound a tad pi$$ed off, but it's not your fault. Just take steps to ensure it doesn't happen again.
  13. If he is indeed coming back, then obviously deals have been done upstairs already, preventing him from any serious punishment and how he will slot in to the present political "crisis". He has led a charmed life, so is probably aligned with the WEF, Soros, & other major Globalist orgs.
  14. Maybe the writers of this piece ought to meet up with the authors of this:
  15. Critical thinking is discouraged here, only deference to authority. The Thai language bubble also limits the information available to normal Thai peeps.
  16. Wresting the "economy" away from a bunch of venal thugs and their enablers might have a (very temporary) effect on it's performance. Small price to pay, imo.
  17. Those photos and inspiring back-story have really convinced me that she certainly is more substance than style. ????
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