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Everything posted by huangnon

  1. Not sure, but the pair I bought are lighter than their (waterproof) walking shoes anyway. https://www.decathlon.co.th/en/p/8513387/trail-running-shoes/xt7-trail-running-shoes-for-men-blue-and-bronze
  2. Yep, have ordered a few different walking shoes from Decathlon. The comfort and durability is great for the price tag. The "Trail Running" style shoes are worth a look also.
  3. Yep, wild overreactions all sides on this story. Your haircut could have got you a beating back in late 70's Britain as I recall during my punk rock years. But nothing like this, obviously.
  4. Hope it hurt. And / or stopped them from reproducing.
  5. When comedy legends like Jerry Sadowitz start getting canceled in their own country you know something is wrong. Hopefully, this silly and self-defeating BS censorship will go full circle and fade away to a distant memory.
  6. Maybe getting "pilloried" for real might help these people augment a few manners or consideration for other road-users and pedestrians?
  7. Maybe everyone is overlooking the fact that Germans are noted for having a legendary sense of humour, and he's just utilizing his devastating wit and repartee.?
  8. The State threatening to confiscate private land.? Has Thailand gone full Communist or something?
  9. My neighbour and friend passed away recently. He had been suffering from diabetes and heart problems for a while and was virtually bed-ridden for the last year of his life. He was 74yo, and when he finally passed on, his body was taken away from his house, and was declared to have died from "Covid", even though he had not left the house, or any of his immediate family being tested positive for C-19.. (At his funeral, a bunch of goons with full Hazmat suits and visors delivered his body to the temple and no one was allowed to go near the casket).
  10. Politics and business go so well together when you get to make policy or know beforehand of the decisions that benefit or create your business.
  11. Kim Wexler (Rhea Seehorn) from "Better Call Saul". Intelligent, cool and prim-looking. But with an obvious wild side. ????
  12. I wonder how much debt Thailand owes the World Bank / IMF? After the big crash of 1997, it was the Thaksin Govt that paid off Thailand's debt to the IMF, and largely through Constitutional reform turned a surplus GDP of 12% in 2017, with foreign reserves of 185 billion USD preventing capital outflows.. Guess which little piggies have had their snouts in the trough since then..? No wonder the World Bank are sniffing around looking to asset-strip the nation. Thailand's national (projected) debt:
  13. I'd do a STR or two before you push the boat out for an LTR. "Try before you buy", so to speak. Just remember it's not a girl with a cock, it's a bloke with tits. ????
  14. Sad to hear, but thanks for the update.
  15. He's on a Thai boat, with a Thai boat captain, in a National Park. Where did he get the spear-gun from? I doubt he brought it through customs from Holland. Amazing non-story, served up as xenophobic click-bait to "outraged Thai netizens" (who are meek little rabbits in normal life). ????
  16. Spot on. Also have to factor in the knock-on effect for manufacturing, food processing, hotel accommodation, etc, etc. A vicious circle of price hikes and inflation.
  17. Thanks all for the recommendations, lots of options here.. ???? Good to hear that Duke's and Le Bistrot are still doing well. Is "David's Kitchen" now permanently closed? If so, that is a shame.
  18. I've booked a week's holiday next month in Chiang Mai. I've not visited CM since the height of Covid in late 2020, so not sure which restaurants are still in business. I would like somewhere special (local or European food) to take the family on my birthday. (Searched for an existing thread, but nothing came up). Thanks in advance. ????
  19. If you can make an age disparity work in a marriage, good on ya. The other disparities; language, culture, education, etc, can create a yawning crevasse of difference that can only be bridged by serious amounts of moolah.. Sometimes it's better just to rent.
  20. Most stabbings here happen in the heat of the moment, and so it's probably fortunate that the nearest weapon that comes to hand is some crappy, bendy cheapo fruit (no pun intended) knife. A serious set of good quality chef's knives, and the murder stats would be through the roof.
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