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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Heaven thanks I was never harassed with this track and trace in Khon Kaen over the years. I had done only domestic travel. First time a TM30 was done was after my border run last year (cancel Non O-A). The officer did this when applying for the Non O two days later. After that having travelled domestic and done 90 day online.
  2. I stumbled upon a report about these gangs and was somewhat surprised. For most Europeans New Zealand is the peaceful remote island in the Pacific.
  3. Decades ago I remember having complete lists of terms for Windows in different languages. Can't remember where to find and whether it is still supplied. I also install three Windows languages on my desktop PC (German, English, Thai). So if necessary I can switch and compare.
  4. This might be helpful: https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/language/search Don't be disappointed that "cut" is simply "ตัด" like at the hairdresser ???? A typical query:
  5. Small bottle of local beer still available at the cheap locations. And this "Bonsai"(?) bar does not seem to be a hiso meet.
  6. A 60 Baht drink won't start a party. Maybe she told him what a Ladydrink costs
  7. Same observation here. And nothing will change until: The message is clearly announced during commercial break of soap operas by high authorities. Propagated through the village headmen through the morning loudspeaker and the village health centers. Peasants don't read about top virologists.
  8. Isan is big and seems the message hasn't reached every corner. Big majority wearing masks in convenience stores, supermarkets, offices etc.pp. (all! staff of course) Walking on the open parking lot with masks, riding motorbikes even bicycle. The highly esteemed Mr. Anutin, health minister and his entourage incl. greeters welcomed the Chines at the airport without masks and even shaking hands (although he made a long arm ). With this, how can they seriously demand people still wearing masks. Some weeks ago visited my PC repair guy. Entered shop and no one wearing masks. Asked him and he said that he just came back from Pattaya. So do I, I said and we had a good laugh.
  9. Think again. Would the driver be thrown out of the car and buried when buckled up? Five (foreign!) tourists survived more or less injured.
  10. Poor driving and could still live if used seat belts. They will never learn, just grin if you insist on buckle up. Is it in the genes?
  11. And below your account name? (have hidden mine).
  12. And also quite frequent. Depending on season down to every 30 min. Now maybe every hour.
  13. I don't think you will get it any cheaper than using transport to Jomtien bus station and ride from there. Others had described that the Bangkok buses have a stop south of Suvarnabhumi from where you can use a short taxi(?) ride. Cheaper?
  14. That's the Jomtien bus which the OP seems to be aware of. Bell Bus from North Pattaya is also operating again after Covid: https://belltravelservice.com/shared-transfer/ 300 Baht! I am not aware of other coaches from North Pattaya to Suv. airport. The frequent coaches go to Ekkamai or Morchit and not via the airport.
  15. One of the few opportunities to shift your calendar date for extension without leaving country.
  16. Same here in KK. But this year I was reminded for the first time that the >bankbook< has to be updated same day. All the years I did both the day before. Bangkok (Chaeng Wattana) seems to be the worst with these requirements. But is Jomtien that relaxed? You should consider to "relocate" your bank account. Relocate means open a new account (close the other or not). Within the same bank it shouldn't be too complicated.
  17. That's bad luck. Would make me think whether I would go that way.
  18. Open Chrome on both devices. Open Google homepage: https://www.google.com/ What do you see in the upper right when you move the mouse over? Something like that (can only show German, in English it should be "Google Account"?):
  19. You have Google Chrome on both devices? (and yes, Gmail is not a browswer, either a website or an app on mobile) You are logged in to Google with your account on both devices/browsers? Then clicking this should do it: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/
  20. Is it in the news already? Today (Wed, Jan 11t, 2023). Massive problem in US air traffic due to a computer outage. https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/hundreds-flights-grounded-nationwide-faa-experiences-computer-outage https://edition.cnn.com/travel/article/faa-computer-outage-flights-grounded/index.html https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/us-flights-grounded-faa-outage-rcna65243 (too many NOTAMs from Thailand, couldn't resist )
  21. Thanks for memory refresh. Months and months waiting for vaccines while many countries were in full swing. After long wait got Sinovac and after six weeks or so AZ. Then ages after having paid for Moderna got this at a terribly crammed mass event at an exhibition hall. But hey, mask mandate still works. Grannys on bicycles up the village road with mask. 50% motorbike riders masked (no helmet of course). Health precaution at it's best
  22. Sure. Funny or arrogant(?) that some posters think all 150 million Russians are dirt poor, have no savings. And so far no one could tell what a package tour from Russia cost. You can bet that airfare is a fraction of prices from Europe or not to speak from the opposite side of the world (America). Many Russians from Siberia which is closer than you might think.
  23. Maybe it was the same talent who teared down high voltage cables in Pattaya Soi 15 resulting in impressive fire and five cars burnt ???? One more lesson: see an excavator? Run!!
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