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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Same for Bangkok Bank, SCB and Kasikorn. And for effective transactions all use SMS OTP. Not considered too safe in the west and abolished. Insecure because of the careless procedures of telecom operators. (easily sending out replacement SIMs to new address via hotline request e.g.) Security of such apps is not limited/restricted by Android. That Android is one of the most buggy operating systems is no secret. That's what add-on security SW and regular updates are for.
  2. I had to learn that there is yet another special holiday for "eight eastern provinces" which include Chonburi/Pattaya e.g. So not nationwide. Guess someone will have it at hand. I am too lazy to search. Dec 30th to Jan 2nd incl. all offices closed. Have fun on the 3rd
  3. Even if I would live close to an immigration office I would always try online report. Works perfect since quite a while. I have a 100 km one-way to the office but even those who have 5 min to Jomtien: why would you risk to stand in a queue for this meaningless procedure?
  4. Exactly that and I did serious swatting for the theory test (2017) because it's not simply common sense or logic behind the questions. And who needs to know about tanks allowed or not on the road for riding a motorcycle.
  5. And the exact opposite happens. Latest trend: many primary school students (<12 yr) riding electric scooters of all types. Easily doing 40 to 50 km/h. It's "only" in the village not on the highway but there is enough hools ("delivery" drivers e.g.) speeding their trucks through the neighborhood. Disaster waiting to happen. Just this evening five boys (about 12 yr old) on a bike with such a primitive sidecar. An everyday scene.
  6. And nowadays there is a hipster trend (back) to vinyl. And they swear it is so much better than CD or streaming. It has this "special character". What will be next? Cassette decks? And about the topic: sure they have been swapped away by streaming/downloads. I remember when Thai people used Video(!) CDs (VCD, not DVD!) in quite poor video/audio quality. I think we still have some player buried deep in the cabinet. My first recording equipment was a 9 mm tape deck. Before disposing many years later I played some of them and all high frequencies were gone. Just some dull bass.
  7. Sweetening syrup? Did she find it in the kitchenette?? If there is anything then it's a much too small bags of coffee mate and sugar clearly labelled. Sounds suspicious.
  8. Read an interesting article about microchips developed in Russia BUT they don't have a chip factory capable to produce them. So TSMC (Taiwan) did the production (as they do for a about half of the world production). But no more, sanctions.
  9. A couple of domestic flights daily to Udon Thani from Suvarnabhumi or Don Mueang. From Udon take a taxi (if you want to avoid a minivan 1h trip / ~60 km) to Nong Khai land border to Laos/Vientiane. Easy and not as expensive as a flight to abroad. E.g. a flight to Vientiane will be much more expensive.
  10. You can bet all such activities are/will be cancelled. There was a confusing message about Chonburi in a thread yesterday but also 100% confirmed for Pattaya: https://thepattayanews.com/2022/12/22/new-year-countdown-fireworks-canceled-in-pattaya/ And even a reason stated now telling half of the story.
  11. Don't shout too loud and your wish might come true. A big fat blow to the tourism/travel industry.
  12. But "CHONBURI’S municipality" has no authority to cancel a Pattaya event. The linked report is as confusing as can be by showing the Pattaya sign and then writing about a Chonburi (city?) event. The Chonburi (province) governor or the Pattaya municipality (major) might have the authority to cancel the Pattaya event. Correct me if I got it all wrong. And do you believe this is about general safety or health protection (Covid)? I doubt it. But please not write what I think It's not allowed to speculate about it.
  13. Each border checkpoint has its own opening hours. Some are open during daylight hours only (can close as early as 6 PM). Others like 10 PM or 11 PM (major checkpoints).
  14. Bangkok Bank, SCB and Kasikorn moved to new phone without visiting branch. It should be noted that the phone number wasn't changed (put SIM to new phone).
  15. No uploading but what sometimes goes unnoticed: after submitting the browser should open a popup window with the generated TM47. Can be ">downloaded<. Often browsers are set to block popups and users overlook the hint about it. (just submitted this morning)
  16. Correct. Basic error. You have to use the reverse rate. You "spend"/"buy" THB and pay in USD. E.g. you withdraw 10000 Baht and will be debited 287.60 USD. Which means your Dollar buys 34.77 Baht. This new redesigned site is easy confusing. The old site said something like "your card currency".
  17. Never has VISA used the mid market rates that a site like xe.com shows. They always cash in on a lower rate. And most card issuing banks eat another bite of the cake The links above are preset with 2% bank fee which you can change. Long ago when I used VISA at Thai ATMs I sometimes won a bit over last cash rates by the fact that VISA updated rates only once a day. No idea whether this still the case.
  18. In the past there were two different looking sites for Euro and US issued cards. Seems they have streamlined that: https://www.visa.co.uk/support/consumer/travel-support/exchange-rate-calculator.html https://usa.visa.com/support/consumer/travel-support/exchange-rate-calculator.html
  19. They don't even come to senses. They push forward for more and more Balkans states getting candidates. Schengen free travel/residence/work permit from Romania and Bulgari. Hooray! Shout the traffickers. Visa exempt for Kosovo, a country in dispute with Serbia. Good to watch from the distance.
  20. You should check whether in other countries they come without any assistant functions/ABS etc? Manual gearbox?
  21. Using Lazada is like walking through a minefield. They are just a marketplace for most products. They don't check on the credibility of the sellers. I was lucky so far (and very cautious selecting seller, checking plausibility of prices etc.).
  22. Good for you. Enjoy London. Here a BOLT qualifies by being able to handle two mobile devices for navigation and handling next job at the same time while at the wheel like I experienced in Phuket. The Phuket BOLD experience was bad both ways. On return I got nervous to miss my flight because I was arsed for 20 min. My friend in Jomtien though never complained.
  23. Just finished posting on another pickup crash in Phuket It will never get better. How can you be sure. Could be the rare case of a pickup/light truck used for meaningful purpose, delivery truck with a close cargo cabin and a wind deflector. It's obviously not a long truck. Delivery driver paid on piecework fallen asleep. Would makes perfect sense after 12+ hours at the wheel?
  24. Or stop financial preferences of truck purchase for every Somchai that never needs it for business/transport. The country is pestered with the ugly /bulky diesel trucks for no sensible reason. And Somchai races them around the corner (even wet) as if sitting in a Porsche (his dream car). Empty rear wheel trucks sailing.
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