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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Will they miss some schedules like tax filing and be fined 😁
  2. This horror goes on since years and the political elite/leaders will repeat their slogans and empty "we will take care" babble. Nothing changes. They want to fight the problem with forbidding knives instead of naming the real problem. Loud crying and teeth gnashing over the potential outcome of a state local election on Sep 1.
  3. Sure there will always be some trouble, brawls, sexual harassment and the like. But there is no word in the article about a reason for this stabbing. And stabbing hasn't been a frequent attack until some 10 to 15 years ago.
  4. Endless article and I can't find anything about the potential attacker? Searching for? Arrested? Have I overlooked? Stabbing at a festival? Sounds familiar. Three killed at a city anniversary in Germany two days ago by a Syrian "refugee" who claims to be an "IS soldier". Yet another case, hard to keep track.
  5. ? Where you have that idea from? Why should the motor have degraded that much. W123, one of the best Merc ever built, lasting decades and half million km. Even a E230 still makes 180 or more. Watch respecting videos.
  6. Sheer desperation by the airlines. Order books are full for many years. Chinese and Indians order planes in the hundreds. Boeing and Airbus both in a situation where they can NOT go bankrupt. Both have far reaching significance for the military/defense. States would have to rescue them for any price.
  7. What do you think about having moved this thread to the electricity forum where strange bills are discussed quite often?
  8. The house is empty since 4 years and was still connected to power? (what for?). Did you get bills during the 4 years? What I know is that since a while even consuming no power you are billed for some basic fee (less than 50 Baht) while before it was a 0 bill (we had this at the house of the sister in law). Did you ever check the meter reading and compare? (of course immediately read and compare with the bill) An empty house with power at the pole might also be a good source for power thieves (branching off). Best thing that can happen. You or wife should clarify billing history at least for one year.
  9. I just completed this quiz. My Score 40/100 My Time 52 seconds  
  10. But you are aware that the very most pharmaceuticals (basic materials) come from China and India? Particularly those which are patent free. Another critical dependency.
  11. Last visit of the topic starter was in October 2023. Think this thread can be buried.
  12. Seems the OP is operating a secret data center, crypto farm
  13. Not specific for CM but I never read that someone is denied within 30 days before due date. (I always go within 30 to 25 days ahead here in KK) 45 days may need some justification.
  14. Indeed Soneva Kiri. On booking you find it for a negligible 46000 Baht/night. 5 bedrooms, 1000 sqm for 360000. Not the typical Chinese tourists.
  15. Report says "nosedive". Complete loss of control.
  16. The web says this is on Koh Kood?
  17. I am thinking of those who have to dig in the mud for body parts. What does that make to your mental state?
  18. Compared to what? To the exorbitant prices on the shelfs here? Cost a multitude of the iHerb prices. Multilevel marketing??
  19. And it will lead to nowhere. Every cop or prosecutor will bury the file in the cabinet and forget about it until statute of limitations is reached. Handling this file is worse than playing with glowing iron. Best case: out of court settling, he pays some pocket money, no public excuse.
  20. Somewhat "refreshing" to read from someone who has no experience with quality of transport in Thailand That's the reality in Thailand: (fortunately they do not speed before a curve)
  21. Just did an order of 47 USD. I always switch to USD although my credit card is in EUR (no fee for foreign currency use). (Once my credit card was locked/cancelled. No reason given but I have a feeling that is was due to the reason I ordered in THB).
  22. Obviously things will change. They write "upcoming" changes but are already following new rules. One order from iHerb in May was 78 USD. I had to pickup the parcel at the post office and had to pay some 360 Baht tax/duties. Other order from them in this year with lower value came by the postman to the gate without any cost. I guess the stupid 3 item rule comes from FlashExpress?
  23. Upcoming! they write. No other shipping option available.
  24. Seems the rule for collecting VAT on imports less than 1500 Baht is in effect? Today I wanted to order some supplements/vitamins from iHerb as done in the past. Unpleasant surprises. They precollect VAT for orders less 1500 Baht. They precollect VAT and import duty for more than 1500. Max 3 items per order! Flash Express as only shipment option (Thai Post discontinued). Free shipment over 40 USD (which is just short of 1500 Baht). Most cost effective ordering becomes a math puzzle now.
  25. YUTONG ZK6729?? (not readable), "24" passengers? A whole series of mini buses from a Chinese manufacturer. The NGV variant in the picture seems quite specific for Thailand.
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