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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Bangkok Bank and Kasikorn offer enable/disable in total. Applies to online and ATM use.
  2. Taxi rider being drunk. OK, so no problem. All as normal.
  3. But even I am not too happy about the CVT automatics that seem to be standard now in new small cars in Thailand. Do they live long?
  4. I feel the exact opposite. Both hands on the wheel. I do break with left foot so it's not bored too much. Don't try without exercise first 😊 But each to his own although it's close to impossible to buy a new limo/sedan here with manual gearbox. Up/down: sounds you never drove auto. Standard auto's have at least three choices (D/S/L) that can smoothly be selected without any clutch pressing. I never use kickdown. Of course much more sophisticated auto's available. Merc has abolished. Porsche has manual as an alternative but comparison drives also ridicule the "save fuel" argument.
  5. The Indian learnt quickly. Why use the road if there is a footpath. 2000 Baht, that will ruin him. The fines are still a laughing stock.
  6. Medical certificate is for 30 days. Cost me a 100 Baht. Quite a farce. The real important facts are self qualified by signature (epilepsy e.g.).
  7. It's 3 years now from the thread start. And KTB has taken the same lazy approach as SCB and cancelled internet banking through the website. Mobile app only!
  8. Don't expect one single motorbike taxi rider, delivery rider etc. to follow the rules at least for the connecting Sois.
  9. Indeed a good question. The accident did not happen on the motorway as such. How crazy must one drive in a rest area to kill his passengers?
  10. I suggest you do that e-Learning procedure at home and get a QR code. Can save you sitting at the office and watch some video there. https://www.dlt-elearning.com/ Quite boring and some very simple questions. I have just done that in preparation for my 5yr/5yr extension next week.
  11. Self taken pictures. Superstar "mai thai". Picture before concert started. These boys took care:
  12. What is not true? My observations? They are years ago and I had no urge to check again. Good for you that the events you see have such a good security.
  13. These "morlam" events are full of trouble due to brainless drunkards. Extra protection is needed. It's ages that I came near such event. One was in our village at the school yard. Guys with pump guns taking care for security. The other one was a "superstar" event with huge crowds. Military police taking care.
  14. A cheap camera "holder" is any plain chair/table/shelf. Camera placed so that lenses are just over the edge looking down. Freehand will hardly give satisfying results.
  15. Even "good" webcams often have only 1080p (1080 pixel) resolution on the long side. My fairly average Android phone has 4624p. And that is just good enough under ideal conditions. Camera holder, exact alignment. Good light. Paper/document lying plane.
  16. Screenshot from Lazada. But should be available at shops in town.
  17. If you live close to the city I am sure you will have DVB-T2 signal. That's the successor of analogue TV signal. Introduced since years and analogue switched off. What johng shows is the right thing. But you might be successful with smaller/simpler antenna. Then you additionally need a cheap set-top box.
  18. No. You could try for an exception (at a superior) if you have travel plans (with some documents). Game of luck.
  19. I navigated through to single Non-O visa. Fee 120 AUD. About 78 USD. TR 60days is 60 AUD. Reasonable.
  20. Looks like aliens or zombies have landed on Phuket. What a complete joke? Why are these voyeur w..kers not fined?
  21. Damage to the good reputation of Phuket tourism 🤣🤣🤣
  22. BBC is a hard nut to crack. They seem to use sophisticated methods for VPN detection. (I tried it quite a while ago out of curiosity) I am using NordVPN since long. Expires in June and I will extend with the additional option of a dedicated IP address. Should make detection more difficult.
  23. The mentally ill should see a psychiatrist and not seek Pattaya for healing. Finnish people considered happiest of the world. He is an exception to the rule.
  24. I am not into US politics but recently saw a video clip showing his critical mental and physical state. Find a way to avoid sliding into gerontocracy, rule of the senile.
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