After 16 years I think we should come over it. Soi 7 has changed quite a lot over 1.5 decades 🤣
Two Kuwaitis fighting over a girlfriend at Yensabai. That's today's reality.
By passport yes, but Laos people and upper Isan is so close in culture and language.
Can usually communicate with little effort.
Udon Thani is full with Lao people from border regions coming for shopping, medical etc.
The idiots that are responsible for the road construction/safety should be held responsible too. A small unlit STOP sign is all I see saying I have to give way.
Biggest possible signs should be there and be illuminated.
Flashing lights too.
So I was in error!
Yes you see a small STOP sign on the right.
By theory/law the car driver should have slowed down and stop.
So much about the theory.
I often stood there with other bikes/scooters waiting for railway road traffic to stop. Anxiously crossing with extreme care.
1) way of right is from the left (see traffic law)
2) the car is on the railway road. I drove there a couple of times and never seen that crossing traffic claims right of way. Crazy dangerous traffic in the daytime (if not clogged)
3) every motorbike rider with a gram of brain would not approach and try to cross this intersection with that speed
You can't watch the video?
I have the same problem with Firefox browser.
Change to Chrome and it works.
Such an accident is the nightmare that follows me.
About 200'000 km and being spared from.
Of course! My new car has built in front and back camera.
Can be read/downloaded via WiFi.
Now I am looking for a sticker at the back with camera/recorder symbol and "smile you are on camera" (you thailgater) in Thai.
Two page thread with so much babble about a special edition of the 100 Baht. Can't believe it.
"Commemorative 100 baht banknotes to commemorate the coronation of King Rama X [Credit: Bank of Thailand]"
A more generalized statement is hard to find.
Yes there is crime in Haiti, Rio de Janeiro and also in Monaco and Liechtenstein.
Still a big difference.
30 days in advance is usual. Here I always go 29 to 28 days before.
Immigration will be closed on Monday 22nd only.
Sat 20/21/22 long weekend with terrible traffic, marathon etc.
A simple click onto the greyed text and the bouncing "slider" is gone. Than take four hours to read terms and conditions 🤣
And at the end you acknowledge and is good for x months.