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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. Thread should be in the Health forum. No Pattaya allergy.
  2. Tragic. You must not ignore the risk of water plus electricity! Such accidents can easily be avoided with safety measures that don't cost a fortune.
  3. Going north from Big C Extra is Soi Paniad Chang where Apus Condominiums are. A nice quiet way to the back entrance of Home Pro Soi Arunotai (Pattaya Klang Soi 1) is going south and quite a few bars scattered along.
  4. Bet there will be a mask mandate to visit polling stations. I am so fed up seeing even small children masked up in parking lots of the malls.
  5. What a happy country where such singular events are worth reporting.
  6. It's just garbage. Forget it. Sure, Banglamung is the district which contains all of Pattayas scattered parts and more. And I can't find these Rueangwilai apartments. Maybe someone knows.
  7. During my first years the PEA guy/contractor came to the gate and bill was paid in cash.
  8. Smart Meters, two self taken pictures from Aug 2020 in Pattaya: (from what I remember they started in Pattaya testing the devices)
  9. Just seen an example bill here from the forum and reading and printing time are identical (as stated in post above) So the midnight reading must be something/new different.
  10. Good question and might explain the "midnight" reading. 6:41 in the morning? Seems still a guy with a handheld prints the bill just having the readings in his terminal already? Or printed centrally? Unsure.
  11. A >conventional< meter is read by a guy scooting around, looking up (possible using some stick and camera? for meters hanging high up). He enters the reading it to his handheld terminal and prints it from there and puts the bill it in the box/mailbox. At the online PEA app it will not appear until next morning. What time? Who knows. It's done when it's done. Date is usually the same every month. That's what happens at our house. Unfortunately I don't have a printed bill at hand to check about timestamps. Conventional meter: you now see more and more smart meters. Look very different and can be connected as a "mesh" network. Read remote. But I don't know too much about it.
  12. No problem here. I wasn't aware that there is something like a sign in to that ChatGPT. I just open this: https://aseannow.com/thaivisa-chatgpt/ I sometimes get weird "robot proof" challenges from Lazada ("unusual traffic from your network") even though I use a standard 3BB fiber internet. What internet provider do you use? Do you use a VPN? Why the captcha doesn't work? No idea. What I also sometimes get is the annoying "robot" popup related to AN newsletter. But I click and close no problem.
  13. Just this morning (7 AM Thai time). Was quite shocked. EUR/THB:
  14. The word "Tesla" triggers some reflexive reaction of me. So forget my comment. BTW when will Apple come with such
  15. Agree on that. After she had prolonged life of more nuclear power plants before. Cost German tax payers xx billion Euro in compensation.
  16. But go for bungee jumping, tandem skydiving and selfies on the cliff (and scoot around in Thailand) If you were afraid of nuclear plants in Germany best stay in bed. Of course nuclear power was not a major contributor anymore after the completely erratic U-turn policy of Miss Merkel. She missed a lot. So now the greens can dance and jump of joy. Will there be a party today? Germany sleeps well now, only 422-3 = 419 power plants in operation worldwide. 57 under construction though. The green minister for economy/energy (doctor in philosophy, interpreting French poems) recently said: Sure Ukraine will continue with nuclear power. That's OK if they are safe. Considering that Chernobyl is in Ukraine more hypocrisy is hardly possible.
  17. Exactly. If 49 deaths is a deadly day then every day is a deadly or terrible deadly one. Just media frenzy, an annual ritual.
  18. Not sure why 18000 animals killed is a good topic for "some funny jokes".
  19. I better shut my mouth about electric battery cars. In Thailand?? But have fun if you have the money to waste and circle around the neighborhood.
  20. 80 years old, dementia, already has a catheter (through the penis?). Sorry to say but in my opinion this is hopeless/too late for medication. I myself have developing problems (mid 60s) and use misc stuff (that has been mentioned above) to win a few years before Rezum or whatever. Just a nightmare to end like my father: My father was in a similar situation and got a catheter through the belly. And worst case not just visit the bath and open a valve but having it connected to a urine bag attached to the leg. Not what you wish for but probably only solution. Is he living alone? Does he have a medical caretaker/regular visit? He might even have problems to empty the bag or change to a new. The catheter has to be changed in some regular interval (is it a year? I forgot). This procedure has to be done at a hospital, usually outpatient.
  21. I always do 1080p as it matches my screen. But look at this screenshot (about 1/4 of the view) and can hardly read any of the signs. Really poor. (click on picture for original size)
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