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Everything posted by KhunBENQ

  1. If you remove all criminals from the political caste many seats empty. If a fake election is hold, it's time to consider/rethink international relations with this country.
  2. Did you try to register on the website? There is a guide how to install from the WISE app on the smartphone. Verification code sent, sounds like SMS being sent. I myself had problems with another bank (German) that should have sent an SMS with some code and never arrived. It might be a problem with SMS. I am successfully registered with WISE and there is no SMS involved in daily business.
  3. Ongoing endless discussion about weed/marijuana while it is made clear that he was on speed/ice/yaba whatever. And that makes sense.
  4. Good boob jobs are expensive. So every chance to make some money from is welcome.
  5. There is a reason why Thais call it "yaba", the crazy medicine. Two houses down there is a young yaba addict. His parents have fled the home. From time to time he goes on a rampage, crying and throwing stuff. Daily he revs his motorbike to the max and speeds up and down the road. Note to myself: next time walking Soi Diana not only look forward for traffic but look up for flying objects.
  6. Interesting. It's the airline that is in a long dispute with Pratt&Whitney and their problem ridden engines. They claim that half of their fleet was grounded due to lack of repair and spare parts by P&W. Now you know why it might not be a good idea to limit the fleet to one type of plane and engine. P&W claims that GoFirst has a long history of non payment.
  7. How could you kill Putin with such a small device detonating outside the building? A cruise missile is the tool of choice. It's known that Putin doesn't stay at the Kremlin too often. Just for official visits/events. He has multiple offices with same layout/design. So if he appears on videos you can not easy guess where he is. The Ukrainian front line is about 500(?) km from the Kremlin. A drone started from there almost hitting the flagpole? More likely started from inside Russia by domestic foes or collaborators. Or simply staged to give justification for more rockets on Ukrainian cities (as seemed to have happened already?).
  8. Friend in Jomtien got a some "old age accident insurance" for 6k or so. This year he paid 10k in total (with financials in order). I got rid of the Non O-A plague last July with a border run and now also Non O extension.
  9. Yes for those who need an agent because something is missing. If I understand it right the friend got an extension on Non O-A without having account/money in order nor having the required insurance. If so (I could be wrong) then 14k would be real bargain. Usual price in such cases is 25k.
  10. Married to a local. But doing extension on retirement with Non O-A status? If so does he have the required proper health insurance? (3 million Baht coverage, costing 50k upward) With the health insurance and the 800k (or 65/month) there is no need for an agent, no need for a new account etc.etc. I think something is missing in the story.
  11. Which office? I never been asked to show anything after extension approved. And I don't visit the office anyway. Do it online.
  12. I did some attempts to find something specific about this office (website, Facebook, Email etc.). Except a phone number I couldn't find anything. And from what I know they are crowded like mad and wouldn't expect an answer anyway.
  13. Or have a LINE account that ends in a garbage bin. Once tried a simple question to KK immigration ("are you open on..."). No answer.
  14. 2 year old video and even Nick Dean can give false predictions And for long it looked like killed by Covid.
  15. Unfortunately the best and smartest receptionists at my place have vanished after COVID.
  16. The staff at the lower end of the income scale (room maids, cleaners, guards) at my favorite place in Pattaya are elderly folks mostly from Isaan. But of course more is expected for reception and the like.
  17. 19:15h (7:15 PM) Looks normal to me. Last used before around noon.
  18. Not for government. But this has been done to death in another thread.
  19. That's my information too. Not on the 17th as stated in the opening post. Another headache to find out what is true? Immigration calender says 11th. After comparing misc sites: it's indeed the 17th. Immigration calendar on website is wrong
  20. Oneway with Thai Smile advance booking is about 1500 incl 20 kg of baggage (final price). September flights 1150 Baht. Varies much on season.
  21. Seven to eight hours in a taxi costing ~5000 Baht+ ? Really? Assuming they arrive late in the afternoon/evening? (night ride in a taxi after long haul flight? ) Last flight from Suv is 17:55h. Spend that money for a good hotel overnight and a relaxed daytime flight.
  22. GFS (Global Forecast System, US) and UKMO (UK met office) being about the worst
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