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Duties Of A Maid...


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A Filipino friend pointed out the following advert. in Friday's Bangkok Post classifieds front page and then we had a chuckle about it together. She said it was obvious the Yank wanted his maid to do a lot more than just mop the floors and cook pad pak gai!

"American businessman needs MAID Must be single, attractive, clean, between 20-30 years old and non smoker. Must speak English. Can live in. Good salary. Call 084 078 5798."

So, why does a maid have to be single, attractive and between 20-30? Why can't some old lady clean his house, like our cleaner? Requiring English means she has to be well educated too. So he wants a young, pretty, live-in, educated English speaker just to be a maid? Come on...

I suppose if some young woman makes a conscious and informed decision that this is a good deal, sex and housework for shelter and a salary, well that's her business and who am I to play the Moral Police? But, frankly, this advert. sounds like cultural arrogance to me. "I'm wealthy and I can dictate the terms of our relationship", sort of thing. What do you think?

Edited by Bruce1
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You very well might be right about this guy. However, my wife and I went thru 6 nannies last year and ended up with a wonderful 18 year old girl from Ubon.

That makes her "single, attractive, clean, young, and a non-smoker. She doesn't speak English but, does live in and we pay her a good salary. I'm not positive his requirements are all that evil...

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Amazing he can include all that in an ad there.

In the west, the ad would be: Wanted: non-physically challenged and non-plastic surgeon candidate with forty years of service still available before retirement, who can communicate in native language, fit perfectly into a size four custom-fit bustierre uniform and perform thrice daily shower rituals. Ability to swish feather duster and turn on Hoover is preferred.

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A Filipino friend pointed out the following advert. in Friday's Bangkok Post classifieds front page and then we had a chuckle about it together. She said it was obvious the Yank wanted his maid to do a lot more than just mop the floors and cook pad pak gai!

"American businessman needs MAID Must be single, attractive, clean, between 20-30 years old and non smoker. Must speak English. Can live in. Good salary. Call 084 078 5798."

So, why does a maid have to be single, attractive and between 20-30? Why can't some old lady clean his house, like our cleaner? Requiring English means she has to be well educated too. So he wants a young, pretty, live-in, educated English speaker just to be a maid? Come on...

I suppose if some young woman makes a conscious and informed decision that this is a good deal, sex and housework for shelter and a salary, well that's her business and who am I to play the Moral Police? But, frankly, this advert. sounds like cultural arrogance to me. "I'm wealthy and I can dictate the terms of our relationship", sort of thing. What do you think?

well, i sort of think the yank is on the right track,

if you are going to have some one living with you one must aim high. :o

the dude is paying wages so he might want to have a chat with the said girl and it also helps if she is easy on the eye and not 70 years old.

sounds perfectly resonable to me.

i might just give it a crack when i move to los but she must make a cracking bowl of noodle soup. :D

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A Filipino friend pointed out the following advert. in Friday's Bangkok Post classifieds front page and then we had a chuckle about it together. She said it was obvious the Yank wanted his maid to do a lot more than just mop the floors and cook pad pak gai!

"American businessman needs MAID Must be single, attractive, clean, between 20-30 years old and non smoker. Must speak English. Can live in. Good salary. Call 084 078 5798."

So, why does a maid have to be single, attractive and between 20-30? Why can't some old lady clean his house, like our cleaner? Requiring English means she has to be well educated too. So he wants a young, pretty, live-in, educated English speaker just to be a maid? Come on...

I suppose if some young woman makes a conscious and informed decision that this is a good deal, sex and housework for shelter and a salary, well that's her business and who am I to play the Moral Police? But, frankly, this advert. sounds like cultural arrogance to me. "I'm wealthy and I can dictate the terms of our relationship", sort of thing. What do you think?

well, i sort of think the yank is on the right track,

if you are going to have some one living with you one must aim high. :D

the dude is paying wages so he might want to have a chat with the said girl and it also helps if she is easy on the eye and not 70 years old.

sounds perfectly resonable to me.

i might just give it a crack when i move to los but she must make a cracking bowl of noodle soup. :D

Clean the House, Roll Up the Big Hose after use, Clean the Nozzle..

Hmnnn,,,I see absolutely nothing wrong with that Fire Chief.. :o

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A Filipino friend pointed out the following advert. in Friday's Bangkok Post classifieds front page and then we had a chuckle about it together. She said it was obvious the Yank wanted his maid to do a lot more than just mop the floors and cook pad pak gai!

"American businessman needs MAID Must be single, attractive, clean, between 20-30 years old and non smoker. Must speak English. Can live in. Good salary. Call 084 078 5798."

So, why does a maid have to be single, attractive and between 20-30? Why can't some old lady clean his house, like our cleaner? Requiring English means she has to be well educated too. So he wants a young, pretty, live-in, educated English speaker just to be a maid? Come on...

I suppose if some young woman makes a conscious and informed decision that this is a good deal, sex and housework for shelter and a salary, well that's her business and who am I to play the Moral Police? But, frankly, this advert. sounds like cultural arrogance to me. "I'm wealthy and I can dictate the terms of our relationship", sort of thing. What do you think?

well, i sort of think the yank is on the right track,

if you are going to have some one living with you one must aim high. :o

the dude is paying wages so he might want to have a chat with the said girl and it also helps if she is easy on the eye and not 70 years old.

sounds perfectly resonable to me.

i might just give it a crack when i move to los but she must make a cracking bowl of noodle soup. ;)

Clean the House, Roll Up the Big Hose after use, Clean the Nozzle..

Hmnnn,,,I see absolutely nothing wrong with that Fire Chief.. :o

your on the right track duck and she can ever wear my fire helmet when she is vacuming the carpet after she has put the washing on. :D

after all is said and done, a maid needs to be ampedextorious . :D:bah::D


love it. :D

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A Filipino friend pointed out the following advert. in Friday's Bangkok Post classifieds front page and then we had a chuckle about it together. She said it was obvious the Yank wanted his maid to do a lot more than just mop the floors and cook pad pak gai!

"American businessman needs MAID Must be single, attractive, clean, between 20-30 years old and non smoker. Must speak English. Can live in. Good salary. Call 084 078 5798."

So, why does a maid have to be single, attractive and between 20-30? Why can't some old lady clean his house, like our cleaner? Requiring English means she has to be well educated too. So he wants a young, pretty, live-in, educated English speaker just to be a maid? Come on...

I suppose if some young woman makes a conscious and informed decision that this is a good deal, sex and housework for shelter and a salary, well that's her business and who am I to play the Moral Police? But, frankly, this advert. sounds like cultural arrogance to me. "I'm wealthy and I can dictate the terms of our relationship", sort of thing. What do you think?

well, i sort of think the yank is on the right track,

if you are going to have some one living with you one must aim high. ;)

the dude is paying wages so he might want to have a chat with the said girl and it also helps if she is easy on the eye and not 70 years old.

sounds perfectly resonable to me.

i might just give it a crack when i move to los but she must make a cracking bowl of noodle soup. :D

Clean the House, Roll Up the Big Hose after use, Clean the Nozzle..

Hmnnn,,,I see absolutely nothing wrong with that Fire Chief.. :o

your on the right track duck and she can ever wear my fire helmet when she is vacuming the carpet after she has put the washing on. :D

after all is said and done, a maid needs to be ampedextorious . :D:bah::D


love it. :D

Bloody ell Terry I think I might just fit the bill ... when do you want me to start ....? :o

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If you're lucky enough to get a maid who also has thoswe attributes, that's a bonus, but my question was about the morality of making that a condition of employment

well, what is immoral about asking for those attributes.

he could of said,

MAID WANTED, must be ugly, 80 years old, illiterate, and unable to cook. :o

mate, this is free world and when an employer is paying the coin he can ask for what ever he wants.

theres thousands of girls out there looking for a job and i'll tell you that they will be knocking down his door to work for him.

as long as he does not abuse the girls its ok.

remember that they are free to leave when ever they want. if he abuses the girls he will have a big problem with the men in brown so whats the problem ?

you are the one accusing the guy of being immoral and all he has done is run an advert.

jumping to conclusions i would say. :D

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Hi Guys

Just as a general enquiry how easy is it still to get a maid in BKK now?

Its just that the ex was saying to me last year young girl not want to do it like she did for 6000THB a month now - she may have been talking about from her own village - surroundings

On the other hand I now need a maid in Singapore but do not want a live-in - its not the cost (800SGD a month ??) but there just is nothing to take up full time in a 2 bedroom condo and a single guy.

The question is if anybody can answer it - I see only Indo, Sri Lankan and PI maids here - anyone know why no Thai's?

I might have to ask the guys at the pub this afternoon.

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your on the right track duck and she can ever wear my fire helmet when she is vacuming the carpet after she has put the washing on.

after all is said and done, a maid needs to be ampedextorious .


love it.

Bloody ell Terry I think I might just fit the bill ... when do you want me to start ....?

ok dave, i'll give you an online interview.

do you have long hair ? YES

can you cook cow moo dang ? yes

can you wear a fire helmet when vacuming the carpet ? yes

can you drink 16 towers of brown frothy ale.? yes

do you have a penis? yes. :D

sorry dave,

you were doing real good up till the last question but ive got enough katoeys on the go mate so you cant have the top job. :D :D :D

cheers mate. :o

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your on the right track duck and she can ever wear my fire helmet when she is vacuming the carpet after she has put the washing on.

after all is said and done, a maid needs to be ampedextorious .


love it.

Bloody ell Terry I think I might just fit the bill ... when do you want me to start ....?

ok dave, i'll give you an online interview.

do you have long hair ? YES

can you cook cow moo dang ? yes

can you wear a fire helmet when vacuming the carpet ? yes

can you drink 16 towers of brown frothy ale.? yes

do you have a penis? yes. :D

sorry dave,

you were doing real good up till the last question but ive got enough katoeys on the go mate so you cant have the top job. :D :D :D

cheers mate. :o

Well do you need a gimp then ...? :bah:

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I never seased to be amazed bt the content of some of the Recrutment Positions avialable that I see in the BK Post...stuff that would NEVER be allowed in an Advert is commonplace here.

My favouite is the Thai Airways advert asking for Female Flight Atendents.

I have just listed below the things that they would NOT be able to say back in the UK

Must be a minimum height

Must be a certain weight

Must be considered attractive

Must be FEMALE

If you are lucky enough to be granted an interview then you must present yourself in a blouse with sleeves that go to your wrists

A skirt no longer than knee high

Minimum three and half inch heeled Court Shoes

Talk about "Equal Opportunities"

They do not exsit here ..the good jobs are reserved for "The Bold and Beautiful" it would appear

I can just see the guys that are ivolved in the interview process starting to drool at the thought

Jealous :o What Me?

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My favouite is the Thai Airways advert asking for Female Flight Atendents.

I have just listed below the things that they would NOT be able to say back in the UK

Must be a minimum height

Must be a certain weight

Must be considered attractive

Must be FEMALE

If you are lucky enough to be granted an interview then you must present yourself in a blouse with sleeves that go to your wrists

A skirt no longer than knee high

Minimum three and half inch heeled Court Shoes

That is why traveling with Asian orginated airlines usually is that much better an experience :o

To the original maid ad , sounds ok to me. The advertaiser might be after something "extra" but then again he might just prefer someone aesthetically pleasing around the house. :D

Edited by Fun2Fun
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I never seased to be amazed bt the content of some of the Recrutment Positions avialable that I see in the BK Post...stuff that would NEVER be allowed in an Advert is commonplace here.

My favouite is the Thai Airways advert asking for Female Flight Atendents.

I have just listed below the things that they would NOT be able to say back in the UK

Must be a minimum height

Must be a certain weight

Must be considered attractive

Must be FEMALE

If you are lucky enough to be granted an interview then you must present yourself in a blouse with sleeves that go to your wrists

A skirt no longer than knee high

Minimum three and half inch heeled Court Shoes

Talk about "Equal Opportunities"

They do not exsit here ..the good jobs are reserved for "The Bold and Beautiful" it would appear

I can just see the guys that are ivolved in the interview process starting to drool at the thought

Jealous :o What Me?

Speaking of thai Airways

A few years ago in the Bangkok Postr they were advertising for stewardesses, all the requirements as ThaiPauly mentioned with the additional requirement "Must know how to swim!".

<deleted>?.............. Expecting a bad day?

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I never seased to be amazed bt the content of some of the Recrutment Positions avialable that I see in the BK Post...stuff that would NEVER be allowed in an Advert is commonplace here.

My favouite is the Thai Airways advert asking for Female Flight Atendents.

I have just listed below the things that they would NOT be able to say back in the UK

Must be a minimum height

Must be a certain weight

Must be considered attractive

Must be FEMALE

If you are lucky enough to be granted an interview then you must present yourself in a blouse with sleeves that go to your wrists

A skirt no longer than knee high

Minimum three and half inch heeled Court Shoes

Talk about "Equal Opportunities"

They do not exsit here ..the good jobs are reserved for "The Bold and Beautiful" it would appear

I can just see the guys that are ivolved in the interview process starting to drool at the thought

Jealous :o What Me?

I hired an assistant for me at work.

I just picked the youngest and most attractive one.

I thought thats what everyone did??

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when my gf started work at carrefour a few years ago it was also a requirement to be an "attractive female under 30" alas, gradually as the girls get sick of being ripped off by the rich farang company ,they leave and start to struggle for applicants. so know they staff the tills with ladyboys and schoolkids to bolster the ranks. what a shame :o

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I never seased to be amazed bt the content of some of the Recrutment Positions avialable that I see in the BK Post...stuff that would NEVER be allowed in an Advert is commonplace here.

My favouite is the Thai Airways advert asking for Female Flight Atendents.

I have just listed below the things that they would NOT be able to say back in the UK

Must be a minimum height

Must be a certain weight

Must be considered attractive

Must be FEMALE

If you are lucky enough to be granted an interview then you must present yourself in a blouse with sleeves that go to your wrists

A skirt no longer than knee high

Minimum three and half inch heeled Court Shoes

Talk about "Equal Opportunities"

They do not exsit here ..the good jobs are reserved for "The Bold and Beautiful" it would appear

I can just see the guys that are ivolved in the interview process starting to drool at the thought

Jealous :D What Me?

In Thailand your f##cked if you've got an ugly daughter! You'll be looking after her not the other way round.

Can I say that? Well it's bl##dy true hahahahaha. :o

Edited by Robski
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I never seased to be amazed bt the content of some of the Recrutment Positions avialable that I see in the BK Post...stuff that would NEVER be allowed in an Advert is commonplace here.

My favouite is the Thai Airways advert asking for Female Flight Atendents.

I have just listed below the things that they would NOT be able to say back in the UK

Must be a minimum height

Must be a certain weight

Must be considered attractive

Must be FEMALE

These are the same requirements needed to be a female flight attendant as well in much of the west as well I think you will find. The height is because of being able to function in the job properly (ie. reaching the hand luggage section), the weight is to be directly proportioned with the height (for apparently health reasons), considered attractive will down to the interviewers discretion I would have thought, whether they can advertise that or not though I am not sure. Well 'must be FEMALE' is because the job is looking for Female Flight attendants.

So not so different in respects to this job really.

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