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Putin says tougher North Korea sanctions senseless, warns of global catastrophe


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Putin says tougher North Korea sanctions senseless, warns of global catastrophe

By Denis Pinchuk



Russian President Vladimir Putin listens to a speech during the Dialogue of Emerging Market and Developing Countries in Xiamen in southeastern China's Fujian Province, Sept. 5, 2017. REUTERS/Mark Schiefelbein/Pool


XIAMEN, China (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Tuesday that imposing tougher sanctions on North Korea over its nuclear missile programme would be counter-productive and said threats of military action could trigger "a global catastrophe".


Putin, speaking after a BRICs summit in China, criticised U.S. diplomacy in the crisis and renewed his call for talks, saying Pyongyang would not halt its missile testing programme until it felt secure.


"Russia condemns North Korea's exercises, we consider that they are a provocation ... (But) ramping up military hysteria will lead to nothing good. It could lead to a global catastrophe," he told reporters.


"There's no other path apart from a peaceful one."


Putin was speaking after South Korea said an agreement with the United States to scrap a weight limit on its warheads would help it respond to the North Korea threat after Pyongyang conducted its sixth and largest nuclear test two days ago.


Russia, which shares a border with North Korea, has repeatedly joined China in calling for negotiations with Pyongyang, suggesting that the United States and South Korea halt all major war games in exchange for North Korea halting its testing programme.




While describing additional sanctions as "the road to nowhere", Putin said Russia was prepared to discuss "some details" around the issue, without elaborating.


The Russian leader also lashed out at the United States, saying it was preposterous for Washington to ask for Moscow's help with North Korea after sanctioning Russian companies whom U.S officials accused of violating North Korea sanctions.


"It's ridiculous to put us on the same (sanctions) list as North Korea and then ask for our help in imposing sanctions on North Korea," said Putin.


"This is being done by people who mix up Australia with Austria," he added.


The United States has floated the idea of requiring all countries to cut economic links with North Korea to try to strong-arm Pyongyang into changing its behaviour.


In Moscow's case, that would mean stopping using North Korean labourers, tens of thousands of whom work in Russia, and halting fuel supplies to Pyongyang. Russia has so far refused to contemplate doing either.


(Additional reporting by Polina Devitt and Christian Lowe in Moscow; Writing by Andrew Osborn; Editing by Gareth Jones)

-- © Copyright Reuters 2017-09-05
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33 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

Putin says tougher North Korea sanctions senseless

logic consequence:  only option is an effective military intervention


I would like to know: on whose side is Putin?

Stop with provocations, both sides, and talk to eachother seems a much more sensible consequence.

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45 minutes ago, sweatalot said:

Putin says tougher North Korea sanctions senseless

logic consequence:  only option is an effective military intervention


I would like to know: on whose side is Putin?

Putin is on Putin's side.

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If the US is tied down in a nasty conflict on the Korean peninsula, Russia can finish what they already started in Ukraine and Eastern Europe. China will fortify every single reef they can find in the South China Sea.

Saudi will handle Qatar. Iran will have a go at Israel. There are probably a few unsettled scores in Africa that will flare up.

Venezuela will destroy itself.


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1 hour ago, sweatalot said:

he started without provocation from the US - and he will not stop even if they do

Nonsense, they have been provoking eachother for a long time now. Looks like you have a one-sided point of view.

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Putin the only world leader talking any sense. Yesterday at the UN, the Russians forced Nikki Haley to admit that there were no prospects of additional sanctions working...."the would rather eat grass than give up their nuclear arms."


This crisis is manufactured by the US. If there was no problem with Pakistan, India, Israel having nuclear weapons why not NK....at least they have a stable government unlike India and Pakistan. Nukes are deterrents, Kim knows that if he uses one he will die in the aftermath.....he has at best a few warheads whereas the US has more than 2000. He needs a deterrent to avoid what is becoming very commonplace in the US led world, regime change. He has seen what happens to leaders who won't do the US's bidding and who gave up their nuclear programs....people like Saddam and Gadhaffi.


Talks should recognize their right to have such arms as non signatories to the NNPT, and try to get them into the NNPT fold so they don't sell them to Iran or elsewhere.

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35 minutes ago, retarius said:

Putin the only world leader talking any sense. Yesterday at the UN, the Russians forced Nikki Haley to admit that there were no prospects of additional sanctions working...."the would rather eat grass than give up their nuclear arms."


This crisis is manufactured by the US. If there was no problem with Pakistan, India, Israel having nuclear weapons why not NK....at least they have a stable government unlike India and Pakistan. Nukes are deterrents, Kim knows that if he uses one he will die in the aftermath.....he has at best a few warheads whereas the US has more than 2000. He needs a deterrent to avoid what is becoming very commonplace in the US led world, regime change. He has seen what happens to leaders who won't do the US's bidding and who gave up their nuclear programs....people like Saddam and Gadhaffi.


Talks should recognize their right to have such arms as non signatories to the NNPT, and try to get them into the NNPT fold so they don't sell them to Iran or elsewhere.


So you think the DPRK leader and dictator, who recently had his brother murdered in KL, is more stable than the government of the world's largest democracy? You seriously think Kim is a stable person?


And you'd trust this one man supreme leader with nuclear weapons? Purely as a deterrent?


Right oh.



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14 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Putin says tougher North Korea sanctions senseless

logic consequence:  only option is an effective military intervention


I would like to know: on whose side is Putin?


You didn't read the article. It was quite clear what Putin said.


He said the USA is causing the conflict by being in Southeast Asia. His solution is for the US to take their military and permanently get out of the region, so that Fatboy no longer has any reason to feel threatened.


Clearly, the US is not going to do that, but let's be clear where the major powers are coming down on this issue. North Korea is about a lot more than just North Korea. There will not be any cooperation on this. A war would be insane, and China and Russia are not going to side with the US in this debacle. 


The only hope I can see is to offer China and Russia something else very valuable so that they get rid of Fatboy by themselves and install a new dictator in that state who won't push the nuclear agenda. Of course, Russia and China aren't friends, so how you are going to satisfy both of them is somewhat of a mystery. Getting rid of that guy is going to be very costly no matter who does it.


Short of that, the only other scenario I see is one where at least a few cities wind up being an irradiated disaster. Not a fun predicament.



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19 hours ago, simon43 said:

Yep, he is about the only world leader who is talking sense.  Trump has brought the world to the brink of a nuclear war - not bad for just a few months in office.

He's also the only world leader who's increased trade with North Korea by over 70% this year.

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32 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


So you think the DPRK leader and dictator, who recently had his brother murdered in KL, is more stable than the government of the world's largest democracy? You seriously think Kim is a stable person?


And you'd trust this one man supreme leader with nuclear weapons? Purely as a deterrent?


Right oh.



But what other choice is there? We live 'quite happily' with other unpalatable regimes - Hell, look at the way our leaders kowtow to the Saudis - so what is one more, over there on the edge of the world?

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Just now, baboon said:

But what other choice is there? We live 'quite happily' with other unpalatable regimes - Hell, look at the way our leaders kowtow to the Saudis - so what is one more, over there on the edge of the world?


Unfortunately he has chosen to become a threat. He's making it very clear he isn't just going to quietly get on with everybody. 

Now that threat can be responded to; or the Chamberlain approach of appeasement can be adopted. But that doesn't work out too well with lunatic psychotic sociopaths. 

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14 minutes ago, craigt3365 said:

Talks have been going on for how many years now? Answer:too many. With zero results. 


Absolutely. What next appeasement? That worked well in Munich!


A lunatic psychotic sociopath who has become a supreme leader isn't always the most receptive and reasonable person to speak with.

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4 minutes ago, Baerboxer said:


Absolutely. What next appeasement? That worked well in Munich!


A lunatic psychotic sociopath who has become a supreme leader isn't always the most receptive and reasonable person to speak with.

There is no comparison with the DPRK and Nazi Germany in that respect: The DPRK is an isolationist, not an expansionist state.

Nor is there any reason to assume Kim Jong Un is mad: The actions he is taking are rational. Coldly rational, yes, but rational nevertheless. 


As I said; What choice is there, unless you want to gamble on attacking the country and them standing idly by, because if they don't, millions of innocent people will be wiped out?

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1 minute ago, baboon said:

There is no comparison with the DPRK and Nazi Germany in that respect: The DPRK is an isolationist, not an expansionist state.

Nor is there any reason to assume Kim Jong Un is mad: The actions he is taking are rational. Coldly rational, yes, but rational nevertheless. 


As I said; What choice is there, unless you want to gamble on attacking the country and them standing idly by, because if they don't, millions of innocent people will be wiped out?

When you threaten to nuke another country, you're no longer an isolationist nation. Same goes for the money they counterfeit, weapons they export, and hacking they do.


Nothing rational about it at all. Amazing some actually think this.


But you are right on one thing. No easy answers.

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1 minute ago, ICECOOL said:

China and Russia are the problem. They have undermined and weakened all previous attempts by the international community to bring this lunatic to heel. 

Then China and Russia clearly aren't all that bothered about this, ahem, 'Global Menace', even though they both share a border with the DPRK. Doesn't that indicate something to you?

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18 hours ago, sweatalot said:

Putin says tougher North Korea sanctions senseless

logic consequence:  only option is an effective military intervention


I would like to know: on whose side is Putin?

On the side of a diplomatic solution rather than a world war.  Makes sense to me.

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The Kim regime hates the US because of the results of the Korean War in which the American Air campaign devastated North Korea and dropped more tonnage on the North than ever in History.  Asians have a long memory.  However, Kim is not insane - he knows that America can destroy him but he wants the Americans to struggle over this issue so he is content with building a nuclear arsenal and a missile to deliver it.


Putin is no friend of anyone- he is an opportunistic bastard who would attack his own family if they got in the way of his plans. If Putin has a plan-let him come forward with it and open it up to comment and negotiation.  Putin may be right about the results of a war but he is simply shooting his mouth off at the moment.  


The US has a right to be concerned about a nuclear missile in the hands of a dictator who states he wants to destroy America. America has not invaded North Korea nor have they indicated they would. The advocates who say just look the other way and let Kim have his missiles are wrong. Kim is keeping his people in abject poverty to fund this program. He has slave labor camps where anyone who attempts to defect or criticizes the regime goes to a labor camp. North Korea  sells drugs on the black market; launders money for terrorist regimes; counterfeits currency; and sells its missile technology to the highest bidder.


While I do not advocate a first strike by the US -either conventional or nuclear- the rogue state here is not the US but North Korea. There are ways to stop them short of war but we need a worldwide commitment not the vague commentary of Putin or the rhetoric of China who is doing nothing.

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I am sure that Putin and the Chinese are enjoying watching the steam coming out of Trump's ears over Kim.  More sanctions would just bring more misery to the North Korean people and China are clearly not going to do that.  In the meantime Kim has got Trump jumping up and down and threatening to..... well I guess threatening to jump up and down some more!

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