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There really is no hope!


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Everyday on news sources we are confronted by the stupidity, the incompetence, the corruption, and the worst of the lot THE COMPLACENCY here in Thailand. Despite this most of us who live here try at times to make allowances, adjust to local traits and try to keep a happy balance.


Well, my happy balance keeps getting knocked off centre - I am sick of hearing about filthy old men raping kids, monks in brothels, Yingluck escaping


My patience was tried yet again today, however rightly or wrongly, I bit my tongue as I had a feeling that if I really made some waves, their would be consequences at some later date, possibly not directly to me, but via my son.


I know it may seem a bit petty, but honestly, to me it just sums up the way this place is going - No responsibility, UP TO ME! UP TO YOU!


I took my lads' bike down to our local Honda Service Centre for a simple job, remove the front tyre and replace it with a new Michelin I bought as the tread was getting low and the rains are heavy.


A simple task you might think (never assume things like that - always check before paying and leaving!)


Well, my bad, I didn't check, I trusted in common sense - how badly my trust was betrayed.


Got the bike home, not a bad job on fitting the tyre, not too much paint ripped off the wheel, but.........the damn tyre was fitted the wrong way round! The rotation arrows were clearly wrong.


Yes I was well annoyed but I had to bite my tongue.


The guy fitting the tyre was the "Top Dog" from their Honda service center and going back and rubbing his nose in his own shit ( which is what I would have done in the UK) would get me nowhere, they will be "Busy"when I next visit, maybe never have the parts etc. They have a way at getting back at you.


Anyway, I plan to take the bike to another guy that fits car tyres and get it turned around. (Yes, pay again) - but I guarantee if I go back to the Honda site life will be more difficult in the future.


Is it really so hard for these people to read an arrow that points them in the correct direction? It seems that way these days, they cannot fit a bike wheel in the correct direction, what hope have they of keeping that pickup in the right direction on the right side of the road and not killing people, what arrows do they need to point the country in the right direction.


It is not rocket science, it is the lack of a decent education, presumably designed and administered to make sure that despite stupidity, as long as you tow the line you will get along, but only just. Don't expect to be rich, just expect to keep your nose above the shit in the sewer!


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9 minutes ago, phuketjock said:

front or back wheel?

sorry just re-read front, it would appear he fitted the tyre correctly, he just

fitted the wheel the wrong way round. just turn it round job done 5 minutes.

or am i missing something?

Front wheel, wrong rotation -  You cannot "Flip"the wheel, it has all of the brakes etc. fitted.

He was probably confused as the tyre had two markings, one with a front tyre fitting rotation and one with a rear tyre rotation. Normally the tyres I have had only have the one direction, it probably gave him a 50/50 spread!

The Michelins come with two arrows, one for front fitting one for rear, he hedged his bets and got it wrong!

It is a bit like the way the whole country is going, they seem to flip a coin as to whether they will have success or disaster!....Up To You.

Edited by Formaleins
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11 minutes ago, Formaleins said:

Front wheel, wrong rotation - He was probably confused as the tyre had two markings, one with a fron tyre fitting rotation and one with a rear tyre rotation. Normally the tyres I have had only have the one direction, it probably gave him a 50/50 spread!

Then just turn the wheel around, loosen retaining nuts, remove wheel turn 180 and re-tighten nuts, done.

I must say I find it unusual to have rotation marking on a normal bike road tyre, on a racing bike possible?

Just realised it's a motorbike not a bicycle so front brake complicates matter some. 

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20 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Just go back to the garage and politely ask him to put the wheel on the right way around

Exactly! Don't rub his face in it. In fact, act apologetic, as if somehow it's your fault. "Kho thod, khap" and then diffidently show him the wheel and ask if him if it might be wrongly fitted.


That's the Thai way. And I will wager, as long as you don't cause loss of face, are nice about it, he'll appreciate the space you're giving him and have the job done in no time.


And, I don't mean to preach but have learned from similar aggravation, compartmentalize. If you relate every incident to the country and its people at large you're going to be one pissed gentleman from dawn to dusk.



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To dog may just swear blind or behind your back you messed up  you did mess up though and you should have checked but you know that and yes I'd spare the time and effort going to same place. Stay away from the news for a bit I do that and it's not so bad then.

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3 hours ago, Formaleins said:

Front wheel, wrong rotation -  You cannot "Flip"the wheel, it has all of the brakes etc. fitted.

He was probably confused as the tyre had two markings, one with a front tyre fitting rotation and one with a rear tyre rotation. Normally the tyres I have had only have the one direction, it probably gave him a 50/50 spread!

The Michelins come with two arrows, one for front fitting one for rear, he hedged his bets and got it wrong!

It is a bit like the way the whole country is going, they seem to flip a coin as to whether they will have success or disaster!....Up To You.

You bought the tyre somewhere else and then visited your local Honda Service Centre and asked them to fit it for you. Talk about cheek of the devil.


The cost of labour at these motorbike service centres are minimal, most of the profits they make come from what they sell that includes motorbike parts. Also a service centre cannot be held responsible or liable for work on parts obtained from somewhere else. Many companies will refuse to take on that responsibility.


Maybe by fitting the tyre incorrectly was the guy`s way of giving a hint that he doesn`t like the way you do business.


Try taking a vehicle into a service centre in the UK and bringing your own parts, then see how far you`ll get.



Edited by cyberfarang
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A littel off topic but a similar experiance,  a While ago i got a Thai man to hang some doors in My house, he fitted the three i asked him to do, He then stood back  to admire his work, I walked over and said can you see what you have done wrong, he looked and looked , he said no, I Said two are upside down , The doors where six panels, small ones at the top bigger ones at the bottom, He did not believe me, he went and got the picture out of the bin from the packing to check if i was right. 

Edited by Thongkorn
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6 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

You bought the tyre somewhere else and then visited your local Honda Service Centre and asked them to fit it for you. Talk about cheek of the devil.


The cost of labour at these motorbike service centres are minimal, most of the profits they make come from what they sell that includes motorbike parts. Also a service centre cannot be held responsible or liable for work on parts obtained from somewhere else. Many companies will refuse to take on that responsibility.


Maybe by fitting the tyre incorrectly was the guy`s way of giving a hint that he doesn`t like the way you do business.


Try taking a vehicle into a service centre in the UK and bringing your own parts, then see how far you`ll get.



Your first paragraph - this is done all the time, i take my Ducati's to the Kawasaki dealer to get the chains lubed, no problem at all - it's revenue for them....A lot of profit they make is off labour as staff are paid SFA.


3rd paragraph - seriously, done on purpose, wow! would he do that if asked to repair brakes for example??


4th paragraph - yip, you guessed it - we're not in UK.

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Why did you go to an overpriced dealers in the first place. Local village bike repair shop would have done it a lot quicker and a lot cheaper.

Why the rant about corruption and other matters on a bike tyre  thread eludes me. But there you go. This is Thailand and this is TV

Edited by jeab1980
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+ 1 for Jeab 1980. We have an oldish Yamaha Fino as a local runabout and found the local village man to be excellent. We go here al the time now, he has all the bits and is cheap and thorough. Did a service a while back, checked the back-end, by dismantling it, found the clutch rollers worn flat on one side (he showed us), changed them, and the belt, refilled with oil, changed engine oil, changed front disc pads and all for a couple of thousand all in.


Previously we had him fit new tyres back and front - no problem, and he does our punctures. Well, he did our punctures, but showed me how to remove the wheels back and front and sold me adhesive and patches and tyre levers, now if we get a puncture I fix it at home and pump it up with my own compressor and air-line.


He doesn't mind showing me how to do each job we ask him to do, is becoming a good friend and the wives yak and exchange gifts for the dogs. He is a star - I'd never go back to a main dealer.


Same with our car,. Our Toyota Innova had split rubber boots on the bottom swivels, my wife fell for the bullshit line from Toyota Friendly, we wound up with wholly new top and bottom wishbones because they didn't have a brake press to press out and refit new bushes.  When it came to brakes - I did them myself, and we used a back-street garage to fit a new steering rack - very efficient - and later new wheel bearings. They took the hub to a place with a press who pressed out the old and pressed in the new bearings, they then refitted and checked everything. They also fitted new rear shocks. No fuss, no drama, showed us everything they did, and reasonable charges.

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14 hours ago, sanemax said:

Just go back to the garage and politely ask him to put the wheel on the right way around


14 hours ago, Bang Bang said:

Exactly! Don't rub his face in it. In fact, act apologetic, as if somehow it's your fault. "Kho thod, khap" and then diffidently show him the wheel and ask if him if it might be wrongly fitted.


That's the Thai way. And I will wager, as long as you don't cause loss of face, are nice about it, he'll appreciate the space you're giving him and have the job done in no time.


And, I don't mean to preach but have learned from similar aggravation, compartmentalize. If you relate every incident to the country and its people at large you're going to be one pissed gentleman from dawn to dusk.



Very good advice. 

It's beyond incredible how clueless and tactless some farangs can be.

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Mate what does the General have to do with your Honda dealer?? Without the general thailand would be in a civil war already for many years....never forget that.


And it's your own stupid fault, you should have checked it when they were finished!


I also let them change 2 michelins on my bike yesterday, 200 baht, no waiting time, perfect job....there even was glue in my tires (against punctures) and they made no issues about that.


Oh and i even brought my own tires! and left the old ones there.



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21 hours ago, Formaleins said:

Front wheel, wrong rotation -  You cannot "Flip"the wheel, it has all of the brakes etc. fitted.

He was probably confused as the tyre had two markings, one with a front tyre fitting rotation and one with a rear tyre rotation. Normally the tyres I have had only have the one direction, it probably gave him a 50/50 spread!

The Michelins come with two arrows, one for front fitting one for rear, he hedged his bets and got it wrong!

It is a bit like the way the whole country is going, they seem to flip a coin as to whether they will have success or disaster!....Up To You.

No mate, michelin tires have very tiny arrows...i also had issues finding them yesterday.

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39 minutes ago, MisterTee said:


Very good advice. 

It's beyond incredible how clueless and tactless some farangs can be.

Yes, just go in there , fake smile and say hello and just ask "Does this look right", pointing to the tyre and the arrows and leave it for him to decide .

    Some ferangs seem rather scared to converse with Thai males .

Is there any justification for this ?

Thai guys seem like people from every other Country, to me .

If you treat them reasonably, they are reasonable in return .

If you treat them in a derogatory or abusive way , they get a bit annoyed, just like everyone else in the World .

   The O.P. is concerned that the mechanic will seek retribution in the future

Is that a reasonable concern to have ?

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I am sorry to heat about your  devastating incident  of the misalign tire,  I would say that indeed there is no hope and I would leave the country immediately !!

Run , run like the wind and don't look back .

When back at your country make sure to warn your fellow countryman to avoid Thailand like the plague, and should anyone do you wrong you should threaten to send them here.

Oh the humanities......

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i'd go back and calmly, politely get them to fit the tyre correctly. anyway who cares if they feel foolish as you're surely not planning to give them your custom in future? i mean if they cant fit a tyre correctly would you really trust them with a more complex job?

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