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US man in Chiang Mai arrested after indecent images of children found on computer


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He may told the true. If his computer was used by other people, or if he bought second hand and didn't cleaned hidden files. There are hundreds of free porno sites in Asia with explicit images and videos of underage girls, where it is possible to unload free files and without membership. How I know? Two years ago a 15 years old student proudly shows me his computer loaded with hundred of professional and amateur desgusting porno pictures and videos, and the online sites where he was taking it for free. Hundreds. I asked him  if his parents knows about. His said that his parents don't know to use computers. I commented with my Thai wife,  a Government school principal. By my surprise she said that sometimes they find porno loaded in the school computers....and years ago they fired an employer with porno in his office computer, and suspended students with porno on its tablets. 

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14 hours ago, webfact said:

Police found indecent images of children on an ASUS notebook.

SO thankful for informative and relevant reporting! ASUS must have had something to do with it! Best stay away from that brand

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13 hours ago, Thaiwrath said:

When convicted, I surely hope the Thai inmates are aware of the nature of his crime, and his sick preferences. 

And his nationality. I remember not so long ago when some Yank posted a particularly nasty slur about most Brits being 'pedos' and suchlike in Asia.

This type of filth comes from every country in the world.  Castration and a very long prison sentence sends a very powerful message to these creatures. A red-hot iron would be an added deterrent. How many others are there in SE Asia. Sick <deleted>!


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12 hours ago, Bung said:

Not defending this guy but how easy is it for someone to pop some files on your computer then try to extort money from you to make the charges go away? Maybe an angry girlfriend getting revenge? How do these officials know to go knock on this guys door in the first place? 

My first question also was how did they get wind of this.  Seems like all too often reporting lacks the basic who, what, when, where, and how, generally making the story nothing but a sensational headline with little information.

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4 hours ago, Maggusoil said:

oiling their whips, waiting for a guilty verdict

knotting their ropes

Trotting down to the village glen to watch them hang. Remember what fun that was?


There is nothing like crime and punishment for a bit of voyeuristic pleasure. . . 


So in fact it would seem "most" of these wretched pedophiles go about their business without doing too much damage, whacking off with their notebooks. While kids in abusive relationships in families cop the really bad stuff every day. If there was a hanging for every family abuse case out there, we'd be kept glued to the trap door spectacle every day of the week.


Sorry but that old argument is totally false. If there were no customers, there would be no one forcing children to make kiddie porn.

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Too many posts with many different guess. Sounds like a horse thief is in custody and some want to "hang him high" right at the spot.

You all judging a man with only one paragraph news. ?

Anybody could have an skeleton in his closet. 


Edited by Foozool
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4 hours ago, sawadee1947 said:

It's easy to get that as spam.....so, keep your PC up to gate a run a scan more often.

Well I've been using computers since they were steam-powered and I have looked at lots of porn too but I have never been spammed with kiddie porn before. However, the spam you receive says a lot about what your on-line interests are.

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14 hours ago, cliveshep said:

Nobody seems to be querying the obvious - and while I am in agreement with all of you about the treatment of paedophiles how did the Thai police find out about this unless they are snooping on people on their internet use?


I mean - how private are my emails to my bank or accountants, or children, or anyone? Are my internet movements tracked secretly?


Am I paranoiac? 


Well, I use geo-location block and a VPN habitually as I value my privacy. Not that I do anything wrong but it's like the feeling of being violated when you come home after a burglary to find the thieves have gone through your underwear drawer and your wife's underwear.

I could not agree with you more!!

they follow my every move also. and they are taunting me with it.


I go to the elevator and they leave signs with a map that says "you are here"  at the mall  by the escalator the same  " you are here

How do they know where I am all the time? what's this interest with my location?


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3 hours ago, Petchou said:

Just wondering.  Why pedophile are exclusively white men?

Having lived in the "sticks" for almost 5 years: The broad spectrum of "Sexual Irregularities" are settled by "financial compensation".  Classified as "domestic internal happenings" by the local Police.

If the "financial-compensation" is satisfactory = case closed! Discusting, but this is part of Thai-Rural Life, even today.

Of course, once a Farang is involved it's a different thing, instead of a "financial compensation", real money can be extracted.

It may come as a shock to Farangs, but most "sexual irregularities" in Thailand are not performed by Farangs, but by Thais. Let's face it: This too is part of Thailand and a good time for some Farangs to take off their rose-coloured glasses.

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Many reasons why the dirtbag had these files but the idiot forgot to own a lucky amulet! Oh well, no brain no pain.


Lock him up for a long time then deport him. :post-4641-1156693976: Hopefully his country will apply for extradition and the Thai Government can hand him over (after the term in a Thai jail).

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21 hours ago, Bung said:

Not defending this guy but how easy is it for someone to pop some files on your computer then try to extort money from you to make the charges go away? Maybe an angry girlfriend getting revenge? How do these officials know to go knock on this guys door in the first place? 

yes you got a good point ! and if it is false then how awful for him. 

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so much hostility by TV members who's lack of education is once again promulgated by their hateful and ignorant post. really rather a working class knee jerk reaction to what is a psychological illness. this man if guilty needs treatment, but not the kind suggested by most of the TV gang. doubt many have been to University.  have not meet too many in Thailand that have.

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8 hours ago, whaleboneman said:

Sorry but that old argument is totally false. If there were no customers, there would be no one forcing children to make kiddie porn.

You are a little out of date. In the UK last year police investigated 10000 cases of underage sexting. These are sexually explicit photos or movies made by kids and uploaded by them, or streamed live to 'teen' chat sites. Cases which came to light are just the tip of the iceberg. The internet must be 'awash' with this material, as, as we know, once uploaded it never goes away. The same is popular in the US, and all over Europe, so we are talking millions of photos and vids.  No one is forcing the majority of these kids to do anything. Most are not prosecuted, as they are under 16, and increasingly the phenomenon is seen as a normal part of growing up.  

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22 hours ago, Bung said:

Not defending this guy but how easy is it for someone to pop some files on your computer then try to extort money from you to make the charges go away? Maybe an angry girlfriend getting revenge? How do these officials know to go knock on this guys door in the first place? 

It is possible that he was staying at a friends house and the computer equipment did not belong to him. 

So it will be a case of. 

Did the owner do it or did he do it on the owners equipment. 

Once again police jumping in with their accusations before a thorough investigation. 

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There are too many of these kiddie fiddlers operating in these parts. The world is a better place now that he's been caught but as I have seen before there may be a monetary price for his freedom paid to the right people. Hopefully the publicity this case has attracted will make this less probable. Although, he will have to battle US authorities if he can buy his way out of this one. Hopefully it is goodbye and good riddance.

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8 hours ago, Petchou said:

Just wondering.  Why pedophile are exclusively white men?

think you'll find it's a bigger problem with the locals in SEA. also take a look at the middle east and the many grooming gangs all over europe.. yeah, exclusively white men. go put your head back in your sand bucket

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apologies if this has been mentioned before but to many comments to read them all. this is in chiang mai. wasn't it just last year a guy was caught there for actually filming abuse of local children and selling the material online through the dark web or something. and didn't he avoid both jail and deportation despite being found guilty???

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9 hours ago, sirineou said:

Are my internet movements tracked secretly?

of course they do. As in any dictator ruled country. (e.g. North Korea, or China).

And if they would be able to understand English much better, this forum would be scrutinized and watched as nineteen hundred eighty four.

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