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Assaulted by Thai visa run worker inside Thai immigration.

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I'm on a visa run now. Inside the Thai immigration hall in a neighboring country this morning, a worker from a visa run company assaulted me. He was trying to pull people not on his company's visa run out of line. He grabbed at me, and I pulled away. Then he yelled at me and grabbed me harder. I said he had no right to touch me, and he didn't work for immigration. He came up behind me while I was in line, not looking, and pulled me back very hard by my backpack, causing me neck, back pain, and a headache later.

I just took it, and did nothing.

Hours later, I am sore, and I feel bad about being assaulted in a government building. But there is really nothing I could do, or can do, about it. I feel Thais can hurt farang with impunity. 

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6 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

"I just took it, and did nothing.",was he bigger than you,

are you a pacifist,that's the only two excuses not to

knock him on his arse.

regards worgeordie

Just a bad advise....... I think you did god actually, except that you should have screamed or something, to make the situation known amongst everybody in the room.


If falang use violence, you are completely screwed in this country. And the minute you use violence, you make the thai guy innocent, and you will just be deported probably...


So keep your cool as much as possible...



Edited by glegolo
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24 minutes ago, soistalker said:

Thais can hurt farang with impunity

This is really nothing to do with where people come from , nothing to do with "Thais" or "Ferangs .

    This is about one person pushing another person , nothing to do with anyones Nationality

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So what do you call violence, obvious not what the Guide did first

So he should have the right to defend himself as he mentioned he warned him to stop (or tried to ) but he came back again giving him total right to defend himself 

Police or no police there were no doubt plenty of witnesses 

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37 minutes ago, soistalker said:

I'm on a visa run now. Inside the Thai immigration hall in a neighboring country this morning, a worker from a visa run company assaulted me


That is not immigration. That is either a Thai Embassy or Thai Consulate. They are both owned and operated  by the MFA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, not immigration. Just saying.


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13 minutes ago, worgeordie said:

" screamed", is this a man or woman we are talking about.

regards Worgeordie

Dont know, but it is definitely NOT the wild west in the USA... Your advise of using violence seems to me to be extremely stupid.. Much smarter to make the room aware of the problem going on.....

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7 minutes ago, BEVUP said:

So what do you call violence, obvious not what the Guide did first

So he should have the right to defend himself as he mentioned he warned him to stop (or tried to ) but he came back again giving him total right to defend himself 

Police or no police there were no doubt plenty of witnesses 


The western concept of right and wrong means very little when the guy's in government office in a 3rd country (not home, not Thailand), requesting permission to enter Thailand.  It could go real bad for him, real quickly- no matter who's at fault, or how many witnesses there are.


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1 minute ago, khwaibah said:


That is not immigration. That is either a Thai Embassy or Thai Consulate. They are both owned and operated  by the MFA, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, not immigration. Just saying.


Leaving Thailand, you go through immigration. This was immigration.

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In a another country, this guy would have been punched in the face. I'm a man, and not a timid man. But Thailand is Thailand. 

I just feel like such a walking potential victim everywhere that is not allow to defend himself. Thais will always back up other Thais. In civilized countries, this isn't a problem. The person instigating the violence in wrong. Thailand is different.

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3 minutes ago, soistalker said:

Leaving Thailand, you go through immigration. This was immigration.


That is not what you said in your op.


"I'm on a visa run now. Inside the Thai immigration hall in a neighboring country this morning, a worker from a visa run company assaulted me"

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11 minutes ago, soistalker said:

What could I have done?

-Fight back?

-Complain to immigration straight away?

-Complain to his company when I get home?

-TRY to file a police report when I get back?


Each choice is more absurd than the last.

1) you don't react , don't do nothing and don't complain at all nowhere , certainly not here on tv 


2) if you feel strong enough , YES , you punch one time and let him sleep as a baby for half hour...

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11 minutes ago, soistalker said:

Leaving Thailand, you go through immigration. This was immigration.

Honestly ,I dont know why you posted your story,for sympathy ?, ok it happened,

you did nothing ,so that was it,why the need to report it here,if you know which

visa run co. take it up with them,there is a slight to no chance the would do something

about it,in the West especially the US you could have sued,but here..........

Hope you feel better soon.

regards Worgeordie

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1 hour ago, soistalker said:

Inside the Thai immigration hall in a neighboring country this morning,

This is what is confusing people Thai Immigration hall in a neighbouring country?.

You perhaps mean immigration at the border on the Thai side?

What border x ing was this?


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well, i think the OP did the right thing, no reason to react.

did you get your visa ? are you injured , not. so everything is fine.

there are a few crazy people around, i noticed... you escaped unhurt, good on you, cheer up.


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1 hour ago, sanemax said:

This is really nothing to do with where people come from , nothing to do with "Thais" or "Ferangs .

    This is about one person pushing another person , nothing to do with anyones Nationality

Of course it is Thais are angry, rude and ignorant generally 

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47 minutes ago, DLang said:

Why were you on a Visa Run? What are you doing here?


Get yourself an Extension of Stay for a valid reason. 

DLang why are you married to a Thai ? I feel sorry for her with your piss poor attitude ?

Get back to your home country ,you don't need a valid reason for that .Just buy a plane ticket if you can afford it.

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I think the OP did the correct thing.

If he'd have reacted there's a good chance that any adverse reaction would have done him no favours in getting his visa renewed.

A lot of lads would go down the pub later that night & complain to his mates about the wan**r he had to deal with & someone would buy him a pint & for a lot of ex-pats then this is the local boozer.

Visa obtained so job done & the little bully is probably getting bashed up at home by his missus who's shagging half the soi

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