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I want/need to stop smoking.


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When you REALLY want to stop, you don't need patches, gum, hypnosis, acupuncture. I quit after smoking 3 packs a day for 10 years, and 2 packs a day for the 30 years before that, and it was so easy: because I REALLY wanted to stop this time (oh, yes, and that was 3 years ago and I never looked back!)

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Smoked Cigarettes then a pipe for 50 years, Stopped for health.

Only thing I did was when the craving hit I had a small round stone (Found on the beach) & I would suck it for a short time BUT

Mostly will power & a desire to be more health.

Now over 2 years smoke free & can not stand the smell of cigarette smoke.:shock1:

Worked out that I had "Saved" over 2.000 pounds in less than 18 months :-) 


Wish you good luck 

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12 hours ago, giddyup said:

Stopped 5 years ago after a packet a day for nearly 50 years. I tried patches, gum, cutting back etc, but there was only one successful way for me and that's cold turkey. Just made up my mind to quit and never had another smoke.

Hypnotherapy helped me go cold turkey. That was 10 years ago.

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4 hours ago, hobobo said:

When you REALLY want to stop, you don't need patches, gum, hypnosis, acupuncture. I quit after smoking 3 packs a day for 10 years, and 2 packs a day for the 30 years before that, and it was so easy: because I REALLY wanted to stop this time (oh, yes, and that was 3 years ago and I never looked back!)

Everybody is different.

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hello ,,, I quit 3 months ago,,, champix did it for me

the drug store on the ground floor of the BIG C building at pattaya rd north and shukumvit rd has it

I do believe it is a boots 

when I went they did not have the starter kip but got it for me in 2 days

if you can wait,,  I live in Panya resort by Bang Saen and I believe I have a ton of the gum and patches there

you can have for nothing,,, problem is I will not be there until October 27th 

problem now cancer will not kill me but diabetes and high blood pressure from the 15 pounds I put on probably will,,,lol


have a good one



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12 hours ago, torrzent said:

Best way is too start a hard core exercise routine (ease into it at first)...soon enough the wretched stench of tobacco and even other smokers will overwhelm you, and you will wonder what caused you to ever adopt this filthy habit


Other people smoking near me doesn't bother me, unless  room is really full of smoke. It's not stench, it's a smell of cigarette smoke.

I quit 5 years ago, after smoking 2 packs every day, still like that smell, shows how differently cigarette smoke affects people.

And I envy smokers, smoking used to be one of my pleasure in life,  but not any more.

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12 hours ago, hobobo said:

When you REALLY want to stop, you don't need patches, gum, hypnosis, acupuncture. I quit after smoking 3 packs a day for 10 years, and 2 packs a day for the 30 years before that, and it was so easy: because I REALLY wanted to stop this time (oh, yes, and that was 3 years ago and I never looked back!)


Weird! Never before have I heard quitting smoking is easy. People are so different.  To me it was the hardest addiction to break, I've been addicted to other stuff. 

Quitting smoking was by far the hardest thing I've ever done in my life

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Whatever approach you take to quitting smoking strongly advise keeping your environment smoke free. If you are breathing other people's smoke then you are smoking. Be ruthless about banning smoking in your home as first priority. Avoid bars and social events where many people smoke. For the rest of your life.

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The absolute best way to stop smoking, or drinking is to fly to Boston and be treated by THE MAD RUSSIAN. 


I'm not kidding. He rid me of my powerful addictions to tobacco and alcohol in ONE SESSION each!


Worth the trip. He charges next to nothing. You'll make the money back in less than a year, and save on cancer treatment. 


Boston is a lovely city.


Don't believe me? Just Google "Mad Russian Boston".

Edited by prospero
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13 hours ago, PeterA said:

I also changed my habits of when I smoked. After a meal, I would take a walk instead of sitting and smoking. Change all your routines of when you smoke. 

Very sound advice. Try and coordinate the stop-smoking adventure with some degree of lifestyle change that eliminates the 'triggers' of smoking. It doesn't have to be a radical change, just something different.


Also, most smokers have a psychological condition handily labeled 'oral fixation' which is why some put on weight when they stop (they eat more) and even chewing regular non-nicotine gum can work for the less dependent to ease through the post-prandial urges. I found that toothpicks work to keep my mouth 'busy'. I am no longer a cigarette smoker but I have packets of thin Vietnamese bamboo toothpicks everywhere. Much more discreet than the ones available here.


Cold turkey worked for breaking my (almost) 60/day habit when I was in my mid-30's. However, it was helped greatly by the (then) 18 year-old Yahima Gandol Gonzalez who between working incredibly hard in housekeeping on the work accommodation barge offshore Cuba, was equally ardent in my bed. She would roll out of bed around 5 AM and go fire up the kitchen stoves for the cook and then come back up with my first pot of fresh coffee and the first bread. At this point, I would have rolled to the side of the bed, lit up my first 'gasper' of the day and would be hacking my lungs up. Noting the tears beading on her long, lustrous eyelashes as she kneeled by the bed pouring my coffee one morning, I asked what was wrong. "Nothing," she replied "... but if you die, I will be all alone."


I stubbed that Camel out right there and then. Never touched one since.


I hear she's in Miami now if anyone's interested.


Now, about my one-a-week Cuban cigar habit...

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4 hours ago, Kiwi1 said:

Whatever approach you take to quitting smoking strongly advise keeping your environment smoke free. If you are breathing other people's smoke then you are smoking. Be ruthless about banning smoking in your home as first priority. Avoid bars and social events where many people smoke. For the rest of your life.

Bit of a bugger trying to stay in a smoke-free environment when one lives in Bahn Nork. These buggers are burning everything, everyday.


Buddy of mine had a real challenge when his wife had moved her ailing dad into their home because nobody back home could take care of him. My mate is a smoker but only ever smoked on his front patio and never in the house. While he was away at work, the father-in-law who had a bed set up in the lounge, would smoke while watching telly and whenever else he wanted, in the house. My buddy saw this and smelled the funked up air when he got back and asked his wife why he was allowed to smoke inside. The obvious filial piety and patriarchal obeisance answer was forthcoming as Thai dad's can do what they want, and especially old and feeble ones who forget things. Led to a total stand-off and not sure if it has been resolved to this day... but he's gone back to work again.

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I am currently in the process of quitting, I smoked a pack plus a day for over 30 years. I came to NZ and got a high quality e-cig and started vaping. You can start with the strong nicotine juice and then cut down. I found out two helpful things about vaping vs patches/gum:


1. You have something to do with your hands and mouth, so you end up playing with your e-cig and forgetting about not having a smoke in your hand.


2. You can "relapse" and have a cigarette without it making you need a whole pack of them and "fail". The first month I did this I smoked about 13 cigarettes, so far this month I have had 3. I find they are worse tasting than e-cigs, so it is easy to stop after 1.


Won't bring up their legality in Thailand and I won't say that I bring my e-cig back every time I return to Thailand...

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The best thing I did was found a support group online for quitters.  It sure kept me quit.  Quitting was without a doubt the hardest thing I ever did.  I had thought I was going to have a few bad days until the nicotine cleared but instead continued to have cravings well into the first year.   My advice would be to find you some great new quit buddies.


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I'm another person who successfully quit smoking with the help of Chantix.  This medicine helps you to not think about smoking, more so than just loosing the urge.  I had smoked for many years and was able to stop cold turkey with taking Chantix for two weeks.  I have now stopped more than 10 years, feel great and never have the urge for a cigaret.  I would swear by Chantix and highly recommend it to anyone wanting to stop smoking.  

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On ‎20‎/‎09‎/‎2017 at 10:55 AM, LoZth said:

I wonder if you guys in Pattaya could help me out,  //

How did you start smoking? By buying cigarettes.

How do you stop? Just stop buying them...

If you *really* want stop, I don't see the problem.

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Cold Turkey. I smoked 25 years and was almost a chain smoker. One day, after they banned smoking on airplanes (yes I am that old), I flew from L.A. to NY. Five hours without a smoke. I figured if I could go that long without a smoke that I could quit. So I did. What helped was to be constantly moving. I took up walking, then running, spent every free minute exploring, never sat still. Most importantly I had to eliminate all the triggers -- alcohol, coffee, spicy food -- anything that required a cigarette before or after (except sex of course). Just stopped it all. The good news: after I beat it, I could go back to having all those things I love without the need for a smoke. And yes I messed around with gum and such. But really you just have to be determined to do it.

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On 9/20/2017 at 1:24 PM, giddyup said:

Stopped 5 years ago after a packet a day for nearly 50 years. I tried patches, gum, cutting back etc, but there was only one successful way for me and that's cold turkey. Just made up my mind to quit and never had another smoke.

Same here but I was strongly motivated in the end by my gasping for breath one time having only just made it up two flights of stairs 16 years ago.

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18 minutes ago, bkk6060 said:

Nothing more then support for all of you trying to quit.

It must be the hardest thing ever to break this addiction.

Good luck be strong...


fully agree


many years ago i tried to help a GF quit smoking.

there was a frightening moment,

right after she bought a new pack

and she was about to open them

i crushed the whole pack in my hand


well................ i saw the tobacco demon appear in her eyes, and I'm not joking it looked nasty, evil and very very angry, something i had never ever seen before

it was then I realized the strength this drug has on people..


(there's a warner bros cartoon about the gambling bug from 60 yrs ago and its astonishingly relevant in any fight with addictions.



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