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Trump clashes with sports world over player protests, invitation


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2 hours ago, sanemax said:


   Just to clarify .

We are referring to a protest about the removal of statues and some Neo-Nazis attended .

   Trump condemned the Neo-Nazis and stated that were some other "fine people" at the protests .

   He didnt say that the Neo-Nazis were "fine people"

He condemned them and said that there were some "fine people" at the protest and they were not all Neo-Nazis , like the media were trying to portray them as being

Your potrayal of the demonstration is a bit dishonest.  It was extensively publicized on many white supremacist "alt-right" websites as a demonstration for white supremacy,  it was not a demonstration that "some neo-Nazis attended ". The neo-Nazis organized it.

I will even give you a fox news link that makes this plain.




images (1).jpg

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19 minutes ago, rijb said:

I'm always inspired when self-serving,

overpaid 'entertainers' take a stand kneel against racism and bigotry and injustice.

At least, until the next beer commercial.


I'm always amazed at the arm-chair quarterback's ignorance displayed while just making stuff up...



Why there are no jocks in beer commercials anymore

"NFL policy prohibits current players from endorsing alcohol and tobacco."



And I defy you to confront any one of the NFL and dismiss them as 'entertainers' to their face.

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5 minutes ago, iReason said:


I'm always amazed at the arm-chair quarterback's ignorance displayed while just making stuff up...



Why there are no jocks in beer commercials anymore

"NFL policy prohibits current players from endorsing alcohol and tobacco."



And I defy you to confront any one of the NFL and dismiss them as 'entertainers' to their face.

WTH are you blathering about?  You spent too much time in the Trump thread.  Are you on Twitter too?

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

What did Obama do about it in his 8 years as POTUS ?

Where were the protests when Obama was POTUS ?

Americans do seem to like guns and to like shooting people .

Its not just a racial and Police issue , its U.S. society as a whole


Yes absolutely on cue!  It's always Obama or Clinton with you guys isn't it.  You people really need to move on.

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3 hours ago, Lokie said:

To not stand for your national anthem is disrespectful, to your country, your flag and those who have fought for your freedom - Period.


I'd sure like to know how it's possible to be disrespectful to an inanimate or nonliving object.  I suspect there are third party personal feelings at play.  It's not an issue of respect between me and the object, it's between me, the object and you.  That means it's your minor neurosis, not mine.

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4 minutes ago, attrayant said:


I'd sure like to know how it's possible to be disrespectful to an inanimate or nonliving object.  I suspect there are third party personal feelings at play.  It's not an issue of respect between me and the object, it's between me, the object and you.  That means it's your minor neurosis, not mine.

Neurosis? lol... Im not even american pal, I'm British and proud of my heritage. Where I come from we  are raised to respect our flag and national anthem.


As an outsider looking in, it is disrespectful to me but big respect to the NFL player (x  US forces, Bronze Star, three tours of Afghanistan) who stood alone at the tunnel while his whole team stayed back in the dressing room - that gets my respect (he was even discredit for it by the team coach, well out of order) 


Third party personal feelings at play?? ha ha ha.... I think it's you who have neurosis mate


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3 hours ago, Lokie said:

To not stand for your national anthem is disrespectful, to your country, your flag and those who have fought for your freedom - Period.

Voting for a moron like Trump is disrespectful to your country and your flag and most definitely for those who have fought for your freedom.  Trump has single-handedly  brought disgrace to the USA and severely damaged it's credibility on the world stage.

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3 hours ago, sanemax said:

In the post that you were replying too, you quite clearly stated that Trump said that Nazis were "very fine people" .

   I have not misquoted anyone .

I just cannot understand :

You say something, then denying saying it , then accuse me of not being able to read and also of misquoting !!!!!!!

   You seem to be contradicting yourself .

"Trump said Nazis were fine people"

"I didnt say Trump said that"

"Trump did actually say that , you are misquoting him "

I am finding it difficult to follow your logic , 

Give up trying to find logic, there's none. I have read all the posts so far up to page 7 and haven't found any and there are still three page to go.  Thank god for Micardis 40.:wai:

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26 minutes ago, Lokie said:

Severely damaged USAs credibility, really? Obama's team had a bit to do with US's credibility, drawing lines that should not be crossed then when they was he done nothing... As your poor Ambassador in Benghazi 2012 and his small team left with thier dic k$ in the breeze to be overaran and murdered.... Bush and Trump, do you think they would have allowed that? Slightly off track, but facts speak for themselves. The american people voted this guy in, the least they should do is support him and give him a chance, the land of the free ehh??

By taking a knee the players are showing their disgust for their so called President and not their country or flag.  As for giving Trump a chance, they did and look what they have now...

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1 hour ago, Lokie said:

Neurosis? lol... Im not even american pal, I'm British and proud of my heritage.


I'm not sure how draping yourself in your flag is any kind of defense.  One can suffer from a neurosis no matter where they come from.


1 hour ago, Lokie said:

Where I come from we  are raised to respect our flag and national anthem.


That's called indoctrination.  You were told to do something without knowing why, and being a minor you yielded to adult authorities.  You needn't feel too badly about that; it's how religion happens too, and explains why its many flavors conform so perfectly to national boundaries.


Going further down this rabbit hole will take us off topic, so I won't attempt to tease out the details.  Suffice it to say that a song or a flag doesn't care whether I stand for it or not.

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NFL chief, team owners, NBA stars slam Trump

"The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture," 

Goodell said in the statement."


"There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month."


"Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities."





Once again, the great divider's bombast infests American culture like a disease.

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5 minutes ago, iReason said:

NFL chief, team owners, NBA stars slam Trump

"The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture," 

Goodell said in the statement."


"There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month."


"Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities."





Once again, the great divider's bombast infests American culture like a disease.

I must say I don't give a rats arse about NFL and only Americans are remotely concerned but, as usual, they think the whole world revolves around them!  now we have the threads packed out with this PC crying. Didn't we come here to get away from all this?

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4 hours ago, thaihome said:

Your potrayal of the demonstration is a bit dishonest.  It was extensively publicized on many white supremacist "alt-right" websites as a demonstration for white supremacy,  it was not a demonstration that "some neo-Nazis attended ". The neo-Nazis organized it.

I will even give you a fox news link that makes this plain.




images (1).jpg

The person you responded to said 'some neo-nazis attended' and you correctly called him out on that.   For anyone who is interested in seeing just what these people are attempting to justify and apologise for see the following link.  Warning it will distress decent thinking people.  (But not all posters here apparently).


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NFL players, owners come together to denounce Trump's anti-protest rant

"Stadiums across the US -- and even further afield -- became the focus of an unprecedented show of defiance against US President Donald Trump Sunday, as some NFL players locked arms or refused to stand for the national anthem, saying that they are protesting racial and social injustice."


"Players from all 28 teams in the league that played Sunday participated in some form of protest." 


"Players have been protesting during the anthem since last August,

when then-San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick started protesting the shootings of unarmed black men by police."


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3 hours ago, Lokie said:

Neurosis? lol... Im not even american pal, I'm British and proud of my heritage. Where I come from we  are raised to respect our flag and national anthem.


As an outsider looking in, it is disrespectful to me but big respect to the NFL player (x  US forces, Bronze Star, three tours of Afghanistan) who stood alone at the tunnel while his whole team stayed back in the dressing room - that gets my respect (he was even discredit for it by the team coach, well out of order) 


Third party personal feelings at play?? ha ha ha.... I think it's you who have neurosis mate


"Where I come from we  are raised to respect our flag and national anthem"


We are also taught that our citizens are our citizens regardless of the colour of their skin, that institutionalised racism is wrong, and that fascists have no place in our society.  In fact, despite some problems in the 70s and 80s, we have done such a good job of it that they are now marginalised, ridiculed and despised.  Our leaders (for all their faults) understand that and embrace that or they would never get into power.


If any prime-minister behaved as Trump has decided to they would face a short walk to the dole queue, or pariah status at least. Despite a few bad apples, we are not a nation of white supremacists, and our leaders NEVER encourage that sort of behaviour.  I find it sad that the same can't be said for our American cousins.

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7 minutes ago, attrayant said:




That's called indoctrination.  You were told to do something without knowing why, and being a minor you yielded to adult authorities.  

Well, yes, I was taught to be respectful of things , not to steal , not to hit other people , not to be abusive etc .

  I did learn from adults and that is why I am not now a disrespectful, abusive ,lying thug .

  Some people were never taught those lessons as minors and they ended up differently to me .

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8 hours ago, LannaGuy said:


Ok but if you were sitting and your friends coffin was going past would you stand out of respect?  (assuming you were not wheelchair bound). Standing for the anthem is not about a particular POTUS it's about respecting your country.

A personal friends coffin and "rally round the flag", "I am more patriotic than though" thing are totally different.  It is ridiculous of you to try and associate the two.  One person's version of being respectful does not necessarily make it another's

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5 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Well, yes, I was taught to be respectful of things , not to steal , not to hit other people , not to be abusive etc .

  I did learn from adults and that is why I am not now a disrespectful, abusive ,lying thug .

  Some people were never taught those lessons as minors and they ended up differently to me .

So you are the exact opposite of Trump.  That must mean you respect and admire these sportsmen who are standing (or in this case kneeling) against such despicable behaviour. I can and do get behind that. I applaud you as I applaud them.

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Monday Morning QB: Response to President Trump Made Roger Goodell ‘Proud of Our League’

"NFL commissioner Roger Goodell sat monitoring the second half of the late-window games in the NFL’s officiating

command center."


“The way we reacted today, and this weekend, made me proud,” Goodell said. “I’m proud of our league.”


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NFL, Roger Goodell respond to Donald Trump's 'divisive' comments

"The NFL and our players are at our best when we help create a sense of unity in our country and our culture."


"There is no better example than the amazing response from our clubs and players to the terrible natural disasters we've experienced over the last month," Goodell said in the statement."


"Divisive comments like these demonstrate an unfortunate lack of respect for the NFL, our great game and all of our players, and a failure to understand the overwhelming force for good our clubs and players represent in our communities."


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1 hour ago, Slip said:

So you are the exact opposite of Trump.  That must mean you respect and admire these sportsmen who are standing (or in this case kneeling) against such despicable behaviour. I can and do get behind that. I applaud you as I applaud them.

I do feel that sportsmen shouldnt use their sports arenas to make Political statements.    Sportsmen should get on with playing their game.  If Sportsmen want to get into Politics, then they should make speeches at Political rallies .

   BTW, this kneeling was a show of disrespect to the USA and not specifically to Trump.   Even if people disagree with Trump, they should still respect the democratic process.    OK, if a Donald Trump anthem had been played, they would not have to join in with the song

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