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why many people are hooked to facebook despite the spying, censorship and its unethical behavior

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On 9/30/2017 at 2:08 AM, cyberfarang said:

Facebook is for people that have no confidence in themselves and have lost the ability to interact and compete in the real world. They are on there seeking attention and an audience whereas otherwise no one would be interested or want to listen for reasons that they have serious character flaws and have great difficulties socialising and making real friends. They prefer to sit behind a keyboard and stay within their comfort zones where they can set the terms on their own profiles.


It should be medically acknowledged that those who make facebook a mainstream of their lives have serious addiction issues and are in need of psychiatric help. There should be rehab centres setup to wean people off the social media and get them back on track in the real world.


Facebook can be useful for advertising businesses, groups, basic communications with acquaintances, friends and family across the globe but those who need to take facebook to much higher levels should admit they have a social problem.


Everyone knows FB is a dangerous media in many ways, including a risk to mental health. You should treat it with caution. Tone it down on there and you`ll feel better for it.

I think you are sadly misinformed because you are missing out on so much.  Facebook is a modern method of communication in the real world in real time with real people. real conveniently and real cheap.  Messenger is not invasive and it is fast and effective much better than any of the standard included aps on Samsung or Iphone.  Everyone does not know FB is dangerous except the paranoid types who are fodder for every new conspiracy theory.    Trump's lawyers are attempting to invade Facebook now to spy on some suspected anti Trump people much like the Nixon era.  I don't think it will fly because of the popularity of the program.  Any media that certain unmentioned countries are afraid of is A+ in my book.

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43 minutes ago, sanemax said:


    Facebook isnt getting away from the "Real World" though , it is the "Real World" , its a place where you can communicate with real life friends , friends who you would stop and talk too if you met them on the street .


Facebook is a virtual world, and the street in the real world. Just don´t know how you could have missed that pert of essential knowledge.

Virtual means made up: not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so.
Other words that can be used instead of virtual when it comes to a computer environment in the digitalized world:


simulated, artificial, imitation, make-believe, computer generated

I've always wanted to know how long "forever" was, and by looking at some people's Facebook relationships...... it appears to be around 4 to 6 weeks..........:coffee1:

4 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Facebook is a virtual world, and the street in the real world. Just don´t know how you could have missed that pert of essential knowledge.

Virtual means made up: not physically existing as such but made by software to appear to do so.
Other words that can be used instead of virtual when it comes to a computer environment in the digitalized world:


simulated, artificial, imitation, make-believe, computer generated


   Facebook is an extension of real life .

Real people who are not made up people and they do physically exist.

I can talk to people on video calls , send them massages or just read what they write. Real people who I know in real life .

   I have just made a Facebook video call to a friend , I asked whether she as hungry and wanted to go out to eat , she was and did and I now going around there to meet her

17 minutes ago, amvet said:

   Trump's lawyers are attempting to invade Facebook now to spy on some suspected anti Trump people much like the Nixon era.  I don't think it will fly because of the popularity of the program.  Any media that certain unmentioned countries are afraid of is A+ in my book.


   Please, could we have a thread without Trump getting a mention ?


I got rid of my Facebook account about a year ago.  Best thing I ever did!


Spent too much time posting photos and commenting, reacting to posts etc.  


Facebook kept trying to trick me to get back on it... sending me 'fake' messages on my phone that appeared to by from my friends, but when opened up where a link to Facebook page they commented on.  Also in my phone photo gallery, the Facebook symbol kept showing up.. even after I kept deleting it.


It would send me e mail to tempt me back too, until I finally actually deleted it and not just deactivated it.


The thing I worried about what that I would loose all my photos from over the years.  But they all went up to the one drive cloud thing... so still got them.


My real friends actually call me on the phone, send real e mails, or meet up in REAL life.  The other people who were my 'friends' on Facebook.. lost all contact with them...... so they were not really friends.


People create a fantasy life on Facebook... a waste of their time and waist of they life.  Get out into the real world and socialise with people face to face, have real hobbies and activities, and see the outdoors... plus help people out really, not just by sending them a 'like' and 'sharing' their post.


It's a much more fulfilling life.  

3 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:

Get out into the real world and socialise with people face to face, have real hobbies and activities, and see the outdoors... plus help people out really, not just by sending them a 'like' and 'sharing' their post.




   That is quite ironic, posting that on internet forums


46 minutes ago, sanemax said:


   That is quite ironic, posting that on internet forums


You think anyone who uses a computer for a small percentage of time per day / week is the same as someone ADDICTED to looking at Facebook for most of their waking day, wherever they are?  Constantly looking at their phone, taking selfies and posting them on Facebook, never being away from Facebook on their phone day and night?


Last 2 days I have been out most of the day, cycling, went our for a meal with different Farang  friends last night and night before, went to a local village bar / moo chom restaurant,  and socialised with my Thai friends.  Spend time gardening, shopping, went to couple coffee shops with friends, been to the market for food,  and been out on a motor bike ride with another friend into the city.  Also been to the pet shop to buy cat food for the old woman's cats across the road as she does not have enough money to feed them all.  Spend several hours at the site where we are having out new house built to talk to the workers and builder.  Talked to my neighbour for a bit before coming inside to cook our evening meal.. now its cooking I looked on Thai Visa and posted on here.


I was not ADDICTED to social media sites, or the internet.  I have not got any social media apps on my phone.  


Your comment seems to not have any relevance to this thread, and seem only to have been made as a flippant pathetic way to try to be clever, and / or annoy me.  













2 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I got rid of my Facebook account about a year ago.  Best thing I ever did!


Spent too much time posting photos and commenting, reacting to posts etc.  


Facebook kept trying to trick me to get back on it... sending me 'fake' messages on my phone that appeared to by from my friends, but when opened up where a link to Facebook page they commented on.  Also in my phone photo gallery, the Facebook symbol kept showing up.. even after I kept deleting it.


It would send me e mail to tempt me back too, until I finally actually deleted it and not just deactivated it.


The thing I worried about what that I would loose all my photos from over the years.  But they all went up to the one drive cloud thing... so still got them.


My real friends actually call me on the phone, send real e mails, or meet up in REAL life.  The other people who were my 'friends' on Facebook.. lost all contact with them...... so they were not really friends.


People create a fantasy life on Facebook... a waste of their time and waist of they life.  Get out into the real world and socialise with people face to face, have real hobbies and activities, and see the outdoors... plus help people out really, not just by sending them a 'like' and 'sharing' their post.


It's a much more fulfilling life.  

I can concur with a lot of what you say. I deleted my account about 18 months ago. I admit I spent far too much time on it and got sick of the sight of attention seeking saddos. I was continually deleting people and upsetting them by doing so as I was always honest with them as to why. It got to the point where I was thinking why the hell am I on here, it was a negative influence on my life not a positive one. 

As you say I lost touch with loads of people but I don't feel as I lost lots of friends as I don't consider thy were friends in the first place. 

I don't miss it one iota. 


Ah but Jak, problem is if they can't see photos of all those activities they won't believe you did any of them! Such is the world of Facebook zombies. In fact if you are not on Facebook you may as well not exist.


Not being on Facebook is a good way to find out who your real friends are.


You want to run an online buisness then FB and Twitter and line ect ect ect are a must nowadays probably 75%of our on line buisnrss comes from social media sites. So love it or hate ite it use it correctly and its a great tool.

As for all this horse manure about shadow teams and data collectors, i just love the consproicy theorists. Yes i know some are activly spied on thats good if i stops one act of terrorism or one death. Nothing to hide nothing to worry about. They really dont care about grumpy old expats whinning in Thailland that its to "hot" or the beers gone up by a baht. Or your wife has run off with a donkey.


not 'liberals and communists'  dittohead,  neoliberals are you enemy and corporations  ; and mexicans aren't rapists either :P


since your using the internet  to access thaivisa.com  , guess what you ARE using facebook ,  and google even if you don't have accounts , maybe if you moved to china,    you might escape it a bit.    there are 4000 data brokers in the US,  once your in the system  its already game over .....  though you can try  risk mitigation,  e.g    Tor-ify  everything   , but as soon as you login   if the account wasn't created on Tor  ,  those who might want to know  can and do ,  I'd like to know if you create an account say for TV on VPN, then only use Tor to login,   and  are careful with stylography ........like I'm not being here enough. https://www.schneier.com/crypto-gram/archives/2017/0915.html#1

19 hours ago, jak2002003 said:

I got rid of my Facebook account about a year ago.  Best thing I ever did!



   Have you really not done anything better than that ?

  • 4 weeks later...
On 9/27/2017 at 9:39 AM, heroKK said:

I uses VK.com because I can use it through VPN

fwiw I have no problem using FB through my vpn.  However I do agree with much of your complaint and only use it because all the Thai family use it.... we particularly enjoy the facetime feature via messenger on Android phones, much easier than skype. 


What I hate most about FB is the nagging about 'People you may know'.  If you accept a friend request you get hammered with references to all their idiot 'friends'.  For that reason I do not accept friend requests outside of immediate family.  


What are the downsides to vk.com other than the availability of porn to children?

On 10/1/2017 at 5:52 AM, Get Real said:

I guess you always need to have a problem. 

"If an expert does not have some problem to vex him he is unhappy!

If a philosophers teaching is never attacked he pines away!

If critics have no one on whom to exercise their spite they are unhappy.

All such men are prisoners in the world of objects."

-Chuang Tsu, 300BC


There you have it. FB is simply a prison for many people.

On 2017-10-02 at 9:15 AM, sanemax said:


   Have you really not done anything better than that ?

It´s actually quite an achievement, in this modern and made up world.


People are hooked because they are brain washed.

Internet is brain washing people . Terrorist organizations like ISIS could not exist without internet . 


I suggest we just cut the line and get rid of all the satellites.  Lets get back to 1980 , all of us. 



1 minute ago, Get Real said:

No, I live in the real world. I´m not a Facebook user.

You are posting anonymously to strangers  on Thai Visa , as opposed to FB users , who post using their real names to real life friends or acquaintances

8 minutes ago, sanemax said:

You are posting anonymously to strangers  on Thai Visa , as opposed to FB users , who post using their real names to real life friends or acquaintances

Are you aware of how many people on Facebook that are using fake namnes in the name of anonymity? 

18 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Are you aware of how many people on Facebook that are using fake namnes in the name of anonymity? 

Not really no, I do not accept friend requests from people who I do not know .

Many people tend to post photos of themselves , if you do not post anything and dont use your real name, then theres really no point in being on FB

39 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Not really no, I do not accept friend requests from people who I do not know .

Many people tend to post photos of themselves , if you do not post anything and dont use your real name, then theres really no point in being on FB

For one thing it´s one of the worlds biggest scam centers. You think they use their real namnes?
Illegal information is changing hands in this forum, you think they use their own identities?
Yes, it´s why people post photos of themselfs, and also of other people, I just don´t like this shitty place. Here you can sit in a restaurant or a café, and suddenly people just hand out their mobiles and photographing everywhere. At the end you find yourself posted on photos in many places you just don´t what to be. However, that´s my opinion.

You do right in not accepting any requests from people you don´t know. Hacking om and with Facebook is today very popular. You can get hacked anyway through this unsercure channel, without even knowing that someone have access to the information in your computer. Call that social if you like. I don´t.

2 minutes ago, Get Real said:

For one thing it´s one of the worlds biggest scam centers. You think they use their real namnes?

Considering that I went to School with quite alot of them and some are Family members , yes, I do think that they are using their real names

5 minutes ago, Get Real said:

Yes, it´s why people post photos of themselfs, and also of other people, I just don´t like this shitty place. Here you can sit in a restaurant or a café, and suddenly people just hand out their mobiles and photographing everywhere. At the end you find yourself posted on photos in many places you just don´t what to be. However, that´s my opinion.

You do right in not accepting any requests from people you don´t know. Hacking om and with Facebook is today very popular. You can get hacked anyway through this unsercure channel, without even knowing that someone have access to the information in your computer. Call that social if you like. I don´t.

As long as you are not tagged on the photo , the photo will not show up on your FB page and you just be an irrelevant person in the back ground .

   Computer hacking can be done in various ways

4 minutes ago, sanemax said:

Considering that I went to School with quite alot of them and some are Family members , yes, I do think that they are using their real names

Oh, dear! Why do you sort one thing out of context? Do you understand that it stands people that scam not use their own names?
As well as it stand about other things too. Please read all before comment. If not understand. Refrain from comment.

1 minute ago, sanemax said:

As long as you are not tagged on the photo , the photo will not show up on your FB page and you just be an irrelevant person in the back ground .

   Computer hacking can be done in various ways

I remember the days when people was polite and asking before shooting photos, and I am not that old.
Yes, hacking can be done in various ways. Especially good in places where a lot of people share a lot of information. Sounds like Facebook to me.

Just now, Get Real said:

Oh, dear! Why do you sort one thing out of context? Do you understand that it stands people that scam not use their own names?
As well as it stand about other things too. Please read all before comment. If not understand. Refrain from comment.

I do understand .

You stated that many people on FB do not use their real names .

And I stated that I know most people on my FB page and they are using their real names

And from any of the others, who may not be using their real names, none of them have ever tried to scam me .

   I have had some friend requests , that seemed from fake profiles and I just delete the request and do not accept

5 minutes ago, Get Real said:

I remember the days when people was polite and asking before shooting photos, and I am not that old.

I have no recollection of that situation ever happening to me

If someone is taking a photo and I happened to be in the background , I dont ever recall anyone asking for my permission .  

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