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Video: When will Thai drivers learn their lesson?


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And as always with these videos: the driver pointing out that the other driver is doing something "antarai maak" (he's correct btw) fails to see the irony of tailgating (antarai duai krap) and then changing lanes without indicating (antarai duai iklaaew krap) :saai:

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My lady's former Thai friend when she had to take a Thai driver's license. She would only learn to drive a car with automatic gear, she could not figure out manual gear.
There is only one thing to do. And it is that all school cars that teach to learn Thai and others are authorized. All school car teacher working for the police. In addition, all school cars will only have manual gear, so you will learn from the start. In addition, everyone must pass a theoretical test when passed, then a time for a driving test will be agreed upon with this authorized person from the police.
If everyone shows respect for each other in traffic, the day would have been saved.
To everyone sat a bell hour before normal. Then you do not have to drive too strongly to achieve what you should achieve now.

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4 hours ago, beowolf2012 said:

My lady's former Thai friend when she had to take a Thai driver's license. She would only learn to drive a car with automatic gear, she could not figure out manual gear.
There is only one thing to do. And it is that all school cars that teach to learn Thai and others are authorized. All school car teacher working for the police. In addition, all school cars will only have manual gear, so you will learn from the start. In addition, everyone must pass a theoretical test when passed, then a time for a driving test will be agreed upon with this authorized person from the police.
If everyone shows respect for each other in traffic, the day would have been saved.
To everyone
sat a bell hour before normal. Then you do not have to drive too strongly to achieve what you should achieve now.:sleepy::sleepy::shock1::shock1:

What's wrong with learning to drive an automatic from the start?

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7 hours ago, Jonmarleesco said:

This has to be a trick question. One look at the video and the answer is plain for all to see - except the moron driving the vehicle, and the police who should be on his case.

They would be collecting Tea money or watching Thai kick boxing Dont worry the the traffic it will take care of itself

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14 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Road safety and driving need to be taught in School, more use than marching about and singing songs

Not as much fun though, so that rules out a voluntary change on the part of school directors or education authorities. Such a change would have to come from the very 'Gods' of education and, like other government departments that we've encountered recently, they will consider it too much trouble or maybe a dangerous case of pampering to common sense. I like the idea of initial Road Safety training being done in schools . . . not sure about the driving, though, unless you mean stuff that could be taught in the classroom. I guess, if teachers and kids all had a copy of The Highway Code, they could have some excellent driving training, there.

You're not the Cumbrian OR, by any chance?

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14 hours ago, retarius said:

Why don't other drivers alert him to his dangerous load by honking or flashing their lights at him?

because they don't want to confront or get involved not my business ,and probably they are complaining and moaning just like us here but in the car.  :smile:  

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14 hours ago, Orton Rd said:

Road safety and driving need to be taught in School, more use than marching about and singing songs

Not as much fun though, so that rules out a voluntary change on the part of school directors or education authorities. Such a change would have to come from the very 'Gods' of education and, like other government departments that we've encountered recently, they will consider it too much trouble or maybe a dangerous case of pampering to common sense. I like the idea of initial Road Safety training being done in schools . . . not sure about the driving, though, unless you mean stuff that could be taught in the classroom. I guess, if teachers and kids all had a copy of The Highway Code, they could have some excellent driving training, there.

You're not the Cumbrian OR, by any chance?

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20 hours ago, AhFarangJa said:

Meanwhile....Somewhere in Europe..........


Yes stupid is every where,  a few years ago a sad story about a man just retired from the US Navy who lay on top of some sheets of plywood to hold them down while his friend drove the car. Needless to say his retirement was cut short when he went air borne along with the sheets of plywood.

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20 hours ago, 727Sky said:

Living and driving in Thailand is one of the biggest frustrations .. Narrow two lane roads where if the shoulder is not cracked and full of deep holes the the jungle is hanging over the road making it a one lane. at the best of times two on coming vehicles of the same make might have 6 inches clearance between the side view mirrors.. This time of year is the pot hole growing season which does not help..


No parking place and in many cases no shoulder to park on so many just stop driving.. That really is a problem on a two lane street and a delivery truck decides to stop and off load.


One thing told to me back in 1973 was expect everyone on the road to try to do something seriously stupid to kill you.. It is not quite all that bad except for the occasional idiot that might surprise you when you least expect it..

True, and to make it more dangerous are the slow moving home-made trikes, farm buggies, and the also slow moving motor bikes. The speed posted for both here is 90 kph, but they're lucky if they go 30 kph.  The 1 cylinder farm buggies only go a/b 15 kph. I don't even think they are "legal" but lol TIT soooooooooooo everything's legal. "-( 

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19 hours ago, smudger1951 said:

I have allways found it difficult to understand the huge contradictions in this Buddist country where the great Budda gave away all material things to reflect on the true meaning and perhaps meaningless of life. Yet people demonstrate greed for the material things to improve their lives and then show no regard whatsoever for themselves safety or others or others. I can only try to understand this beautiful addictive country. 

If you ever understand Thailand please let me/us know. The place has confused me over for over a decade. Maybe I'm just "slow." lol 

Not unusual in Asia.jpg

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19 hours ago, off road pat said:

You could extrapolate this thoughts to Christian country's too !!! in fact to every religious country !!!

True IMO it's because their "religion" is only in their heads and not their hearts. Personally I think the world would be a better place is there was NO religions. 

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11 minutes ago, selftaopath said:

True IMO it's because their "religion" is only in their heads and not their hearts. Personally I think the world would be a better place is there was NO religions. 

Probably be the case in a couple of centuries time when folk use their new found access to how this world actually was created and how it can continue to exist whilst the Sun stays where it is...:smile:

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what do you expect,

strait off an iron buffalow into a truck, get there licence in 10 mins, dont have a clue you only have to look at them at a roundabout its who dares wins, and whats that all about, put the hazards on if going strait over  lol

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This racially loaded headline is deeply concerning  - it shows how little people understand about the problem.


There are idiots like this in EVERY country - it is NOT a Thai thing - there is no propensity in Thailand for stupidity like this - it is the same world wide.

so why does it seem to happen her more.


well firstly it is confirmation bias - so the real picture is distorted

secondly in most other countries the traffic cops and other regulations are enforced in such a way that if somrething like this happens it is immediatley picked up on.


Te fault is not just the drivers - how many police did this vehicle pass?

Why is there no strict training and enforcement of securing loads

In most countries other drivers would have stopped the man straight away.


The thing is that road safety is not part  of Thai transport culture - yet.


The fault here is not the idiots so much as the authorities that persistently permit idiots to behave like this.



There are no more idiots in Thailand than in the US or Europe - it is just that in most other countries measures are in place to stop idiots doing what they like



...so don't shrug your shoulders and wave you hands in the air and say "Thais are stupid" - they aren't.

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8 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

This racially loaded headline is deeply concerning  - it shows how little people understand about the problem.


There are idiots like this in EVERY country - it is NOT a Thai thing - there is no propensity in Thailand for stupidity like this - it is the same world wide.

so why does it seem to happen her more.


well firstly it is confirmation bias - so the real picture is distorted

secondly in most other countries the traffic cops and other regulations are enforced in such a way that if somrething like this happens it is immediatley picked up on.


Te fault is not just the drivers - how many police did this vehicle pass?

Why is there no strict training and enforcement of securing loads

In most countries other drivers would have stopped the man straight away.


The thing is that road safety is not part  of Thai transport culture - yet.


The fault here is not the idiots so much as the authorities that persistently permit idiots to behave like this.



There are no more idiots in Thailand than in the US or Europe - it is just that in most other countries measures are in place to stop idiots doing what they like



...so don't shrug your shoulders and wave you hands in the air and say "Thais are stupid" - they aren't.

Wow, that headline hit a raw nerve, and as usual our resident Thai apologists cries racist, and shouts "happens in every country.  Now compare the road traffic death stats. to every other country .

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9 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

This racially loaded headline is deeply concerning  - it shows how little people understand about the problem.


There are idiots like this in EVERY country - it is NOT a Thai thing - there is no propensity in Thailand for stupidity like this - it is the same world wide.

so why does it seem to happen her more.


well firstly it is confirmation bias - so the real picture is distorted

secondly in most other countries the traffic cops and other regulations are enforced in such a way that if somrething like this happens it is immediatley picked up on.


Te fault is not just the drivers - how many police did this vehicle pass?

Why is there no strict training and enforcement of securing loads

In most countries other drivers would have stopped the man straight away.


The thing is that road safety is not part  of Thai transport culture - yet.


The fault here is not the idiots so much as the authorities that persistently permit idiots to behave like this.



There are no more idiots in Thailand than in the US or Europe - it is just that in most other countries measures are in place to stop idiots doing what they like



...so don't shrug your shoulders and wave you hands in the air and say "Thais are stupid" - they aren't.

You give a good impression of a drowning person, as in grasping at straws

So to sum up in Thailand you have the normal quota of idiots, plus the rest of the idiots who cant see the wood for the trees, who just happen to be in a position of authority / guidance 

Is that correct or WOT

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An off topic trolling post has been removed as well as a well pointed out reply. 


A post containing content from Bangkok Post has been removed:


26) The Bangkok Post and Phuketwan do not allow quotes from their news articles or other material to appear on Thaivisa.com. Neither do they allow links to their publications. Posts from members containing quotes from or links to Bangkok Post or Phuketwan publications will be deleted from the forum.

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They will not learn anything as long as the laws go unenforced. If traffic laws were enforced in the UK, or USA, or Germany the same as they are enforced here in Thailand you would see exactly the same types of behavior in those countries. There is no enforcement of basic traffic laws, so why should anyone care?

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18 hours ago, Airbagwill said:

This racially loaded headline is deeply concerning  - it shows how little people understand about the problem.


There are idiots like this in EVERY country - it is NOT a Thai thing - there is no propensity in Thailand for stupidity like this - it is the same world wide.

so why does it seem to happen her more.


well firstly it is confirmation bias - so the real picture is distorted

secondly in most other countries the traffic cops and other regulations are enforced in such a way that if somrething like this happens it is immediatley picked up on.


Te fault is not just the drivers - how many police did this vehicle pass?

Why is there no strict training and enforcement of securing loads

In most countries other drivers would have stopped the man straight away.


The thing is that road safety is not part  of Thai transport culture - yet.


The fault here is not the idiots so much as the authorities that persistently permit idiots to behave like this.



There are no more idiots in Thailand than in the US or Europe - it is just that in most other countries measures are in place to stop idiots doing what they like



...so don't shrug your shoulders and wave you hands in the air and say "Thais are stupid" - they aren't.

Exactly, spot on!

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