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Questions about getting old in Thailand.... personal things

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When I am at home in the UK I struggle to sleep sometimes!

Often worried about bills/work/family/expectations/etc all take a toll on my sleep and general wellbeing which results in me taking more medicine to help me cope so to speak!

When I get to Thailand its a different story.

I sleep like a log!

I am totally relaxed and stress free.

I don't tend to take any meds while in Thailand.

The sunshine and smiley faces and freedom of the country just makes me feel alive and younger!

I am not a bar person/bar girls etc(each to their own) I like to jump on a motor bike and travel wherever the wind takes me.

The food in Thailand also makes me feel good!

People I have met have always been great with me too!

I just love the country but oddly enough can't see myself living there year In year out.

Still some things I love about the UK!

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18 hours ago, clashpie said:

I just love the country but oddly enough can't see myself living there year In year out.

Still some things I love about the UK!



Miss those reading rooms at the Bodleian, eh.

On 10/2/2017 at 4:14 PM, simon43 said:

I tend to wake up in the middle of the night - this stems from many years of work at a 24/7 hotel, where I would often get up 3 or 4 times throughout the night. I'm 58 years old.


Rather than fight this insomnia, I embrace it.  If I wake up in the wee small hours, I read a book, think about how good my life is, think through any problems, watch TV and then doze for a few hours.  (I find dozing just as good as deep sleep).


I used to get stressed and angry when living with my wives (well, one at a time!).  I stressed over things that I couldn't change.  Now I stress over nothing!  If I can't change it, then why worry about it?  Accept every day as it comes and enjoy your life. What's the point in getting angry and raising your blood pressure?


As to libido, my libido has always been rather low. I don't get stressed over it, (especially since women have been the source of many of my previous problems LoL).


I see that you live at Myanmar ? Is it bad for libido ? Just wondering if I could be pleased there ?






On 10/4/2017 at 8:02 AM, elgenon said:

I used to have difficulty. Exercise and meditation help tremendously. MIndfulness is very good. Yoga. Consciously keep yourself in a "happy" frame of mind. No one can make you unhappy but yourself. Don't give others that power.


Exercise (walking is good) before you go to bed. Meditation can get you to a relaxed state.


Exercise before going to bed is one of the worst thing to do.





I see that you live at Myanmar ? Is it bad for libido ? Just wondering if I could be pleased there ?



Is it bad for libido?  Do you mean along the lines of "'is there no easy outlet for satisfying one's libido?"


If that's your question, then my answer is 'compared to Bangkok or Pattaya or city XZY in Thailand, it is definitely bad for your libido to live in Myanmar!'


Besides, there is (as yet), no such thing as a retirement visa or long-term tourist visa.  You can only 'live' here if you're working.


I am wondering if some people are HAPPY to have a low libido when older 


Think about this.  Libido is 'sex-drive'.  If you have a low libido, then you don't get sexually-frustrated or dissatisified, because you don't have a great interest in sex.


If you have a high libido, with no sexual outlet, that must be very frustrating.


So why should you not be happy with a low libido?  It's like asking someone who feels full after eating a small meal if they get frustrated because they can't eat a big meal :)


Egad, I would love to have five or six hours of uninterrupted sleep!
In an active life I have broken, bent, over extended an awful lot of stuff, and it is all getting revenge. Also the having to get up to pee three times or more.
I think my libido is okay, but the tools are no longer up to the job. No blue pills due to heart meds, and alprostadil, etc., is apparently no longer available in Thailand. My GF says no problem, but I still want to! I think. :smile:

18 minutes ago, Bill Miller said:

Egad, I would love to have five or six hours of uninterrupted sleep!
In an active life I have broken, bent, over extended an awful lot of stuff, and it is all getting revenge. Also the having to get up to pee three times or more.
I think my libido is okay, but the tools are no longer up to the job. No blue pills due to heart meds, and alprostadil, etc., is apparently no longer available in Thailand. My GF says no problem, but I still want to! I think. :smile:

What heart meds prevent taking blue pill?  My heart specialist told me no problem and I'm on 3 heart meds

19 minutes ago, amvet said:

What heart meds prevent taking blue pill?  My heart specialist told me no problem and I'm on 3 heart meds

same same, not different!

10 hours ago, Naam said:

says who Bill?

My doctors, for one.
"The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned against the use of the impotence drug Viagra by persons taking medications that contain nitrates."
The combination can cause a possibly dangerous drop in blood pressure, AKA syncope.
Being a stubborn old goat I tried them anyway. No boners, and had to take unscheduled naps. Felt bloody awful, too. Your mileage may vary, but if you take Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) or use sublingual nitro tabs for angina, it is not a good idea.

20 hours ago, EcigAmateur said:


Exercise before going to bed is one of the worst thing to do.



Sorry, but I disagree. Doctors and therapists have recommended it to me and it works for me. Maybe you are different. When I return from the gym I have a great sleep. Not hypothetical.


getting old in Thailand is a worry because what does one do ...

I am really worried what is the best idea as to when I get really old and cannot get around properly.

Do I die in Thailand and have my body shipped back home to bury in my hometown in Australia ?

Do I buy a small place in Australia & reside in Thailand and my hometown 60/40 and when I get really old I can end up staying in my hometown in Australia  ?

The problem is I really like where I am in Thailand and the family but in years to come reality is I will be very old and I think I want to be buried at my hometown where my father / granddad are.


On 10/16/2017 at 5:32 PM, clashpie said:

When I get to Thailand its a different story.

I sleep like a log!

I am totally relaxed and stress free.

I don't tend to take any meds while in Thailand.

The sunshine and smiley faces and freedom of the country just makes me feel alive and younger!


I go back to Australia every six months for medical checks. One of them is a cystoscopy, which is somewhat stressful. Then having to wait for blood tests which will indicate whether my B-cell count has doubled too quickly, my blood sugar level has tipped over into diabetic, or my PSA count has increased. Etc. etc.

So when my flight descends into Chiang Mai, I can feel myself relaxing. Every time.

1 hour ago, Bill Miller said:

My doctors, for one.
"The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned against the use of the impotence drug Viagra by persons taking medications that contain nitrates."
The combination can cause a possibly dangerous drop in blood pressure, AKA syncope.
Being a stubborn old goat I tried them anyway. No boners, and had to take unscheduled naps. Felt bloody awful, too. Your mileage may vary, but if you take Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) or use sublingual nitro tabs for angina, it is not a good idea.

i stand corrected. i took Imdur for a short period till i had open heart surgery (4 coronary and 1 aorta bypass). didn't know that this drug can be taken over long periods. but the usual heart medications, such as beta blockers, tolerate Sildenafil and Tadalafil without any problems.

1 hour ago, Bill Miller said:

My doctors, for one.
"The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has warned against the use of the impotence drug Viagra by persons taking medications that contain nitrates."
The combination can cause a possibly dangerous drop in blood pressure, AKA syncope.
Being a stubborn old goat I tried them anyway. No boners, and had to take unscheduled naps. Felt bloody awful, too. Your mileage may vary, but if you take Imdur (isosorbide mononitrate) or use sublingual nitro tabs for angina, it is not a good idea.

I've only tried Viagra once, out of curiosity. Gave me a boner alright, but I get those anyway. Not as often as I used to.

I doubt if I'll try it again. The boner I got was matched by a reasonably severe headache, so for me it wasn't worth it.

14 hours ago, amvet said:

What heart meds prevent taking blue pill?  My heart specialist told me no problem and I'm on 3 heart meds

Any type of nitrate (nitrogklycerine, etc).

2 hours ago, elgenon said:

Sorry, but I disagree. Doctors and therapists have recommended it to me and it works for me. Maybe you are different. When I return from the gym I have a great sleep. Not hypothetical.


No, I think it's you who is different from the rest of the world. Just check google and you will know.






When knowing what kind of ridiculous problems (cannot sleep on hard bed, do not sleep well outside home, etc..) some 40 years old already have, I am not scare to get old and have these problems that some people had even when they were still young...




Everyone is different dealing with stuff, especially when the years creep on. Suppose I am lucky and take after my dad, so laid back we should fall over unless we are crossed...But even if crossed others will not be affected...

I still think a bit like a teen though know l ain't, but that doesn't stop me having a giggle..

Over the years I have met blokes that are most definitely miserable but l deal with or dismiss their crap..Well these folk don't know they are miserable, just the way they ended up..

Remember a smile a day helps you work, rest and play..

Oh, as for the sex thingy, well l think your body just moves on with your age, yeh you can buy fixes but your body moves on with the years and some things are hard to take if your gray cells don't agree.....






7 minutes ago, transam said:

Oh, as for the sex thingy, well l think your body just moves on with your age, yeh you can buy fixes but your body moves on with the years and some things are hard to take if your gray cells don't agree.....






I suppose those that rent can console themselves with the thought their costs are going down along with their willies - just saying.

7 minutes ago, bazza73 said:

I suppose those that rent can console themselves with the thought their costs are going down along with their willies - just saying.

Well my willie has gone down and Mrs.Trans is....sarcastic-applause-smiley-emoticon.gif.6e8e47ffc569e9bfe7a5da0344e65bfa.gif......But then she ain't a young bird anymore.....But to be honest it has really worked out well....singing-in-the-rain-smiley-emoticon.gif.8cf4a6e5e8d99d6c066a527272bc3756.gif

3 hours ago, Sheryl said:

Any type of nitrate (nitrogklycerine, etc).

If you started having chest pains after sex with viagra should you take a Hartsorb or not?  If not what to do?


I live on and off in Thailand but always find it a relaxing place to be and don't have much problems sleeping. I am English, 64 and live in Japan. Here is different. Many Foreigners here who are middle aged do have sleep problems and do wake up in the early hours in a cold sweat worried and with lots of preoccupations on minds. This is partly due to living in an alien and weird culture where outsiders are not welcome.I digress. Living in Thailand and SEA also presents many similar problems. Of course most men who choose to live in Thailand have very little family support which is critical for well being or maybe not!!! Language and cultural barriers also present a huge problem. Loneliness can be a killer and like stress, no alarms or bells go off in the brain!! Joining groups of like minded people can help and of course going out drinking. I have met so many kind and supportive people in Thailand. I would say the best approach is to form friendships with like minded people and those who are going to hang around for a while. A big error for ex pats is that turn over is high and emotional investment in friends often vanishes when people leave. As for libido I still get a woody on most mornings. I do sleep with a younger wife and have a teenage daughter around. I also teach teenagers and young adults and do find being around young people a great help. Could be a smell related hormonal trigger? I do take Sildenafil though when in Thailand and with younger ladies. Anger management is a tough one to crack. Its often frustration from the system and wanting everything too quick and on a plate.Loss of control in ones life can also bring it on. Keep Calm and carry on is a good one. Anger can burn you up from the inside.

Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is a mystery.Today is a gift. Enjoy it. Thats why its called the Present.


I will be 70 next year. I am very happy and in surprising good health.  I am slim, keep active and look a lot younger than my age despite two packs of cigarettes a day but no alcohol. I live in the country in a village so no night life, We go to bed at 8 pm and get up at 4:30 although my 10 year old son and my 16 year old step daughter sleep longer. I have a lot of intellectual interests, physics, history,languages etc. and since 6 months I have become interested in Vedanta and the Upanishads (basis concepts of Hinduism and very similar to Buddhism) I meditate a lot (kriya) very good for tranquility and standing back from drama when it happens and silently observing. Libido is so so, could be a lot better but it neither bothers me or the wife.  I keep waiting for the aches and pains but that only seems to happen to others thank God.


hi i am 50 i have been coming  to thailand for 12 years  been living  here for 6 years i only stay here for 6 weeks at a time.

i love thailand but after 6 weeks can,t wait to get away from thai drivers but then i go to work in saudi for 6 weeks they are worse than here but i am not allow to drive there so i just sit back and relax i sleep 8 hours a night never get up my libido is still high but i go away from my wife for 6 weeks so a lot fun  when i come home my wife is 16 year younger than me we live in a village allways feel weclome no stress


for those of you looking at old age with fear and negativity here a sentence I came across the other day :-


In each and every one of us is a small, wide eyed animal that can't understand why we keep kicking it.


Never lose the wonder and fascination of the creation, nature,not the bar, is the best show on earth.

On 10/18/2017 at 1:03 PM, EcigAmateur said:


No, I think it's you who is different from the rest of the world. Just check google and you will know.





Good to see people still think google is god. Enjoy!

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