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Hospital reprimanded for advertising surgery for female genital mutilation


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6 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:

the ignorance about male circumcision and how much it deadens the male's (and their female partner's) sensation is quite amazing.


It is removing the most sexually sensitive part of the genitals (the innerbands on the inside of the foreskin) and deadens the second most sexually sensitive part, the head.


It provides stimulation and natural lube to the female.

You Sir, are a paperback scientist.
I do not believe for one second that you have spoken about this subject ever in your life with a person who was circumcised.

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3 hours ago, atyclb said:



interesting about pleasure.  chicks have told me it often repulses them to perform oral sex on an uncircumcised male because of the odour.  i guess the technical reasons behind it is there being a moist space where bacteria proliferate.

Your chick is not representative of all girls in the world.


The girls in China, Japan, some countries in Europe didn't complain about their husbands not being circumcised. And which country has the most population in the world?


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25 minutes ago, KKr said:

I do not believe for one second that you have spoken about this subject ever in your life with a person who was circumcised.


Actually I have spoken about it with men that were circumcised as adults. 1 friend and one ex-colleague were.


Their consensus: It ruined their sex life as the most pleasurable part of their penis was completely gone, and the second most sensitive part was deadened.



But don't listen to them, educate yourself about it, and whatever you do, don't do it to your son, give the guy and his future partners the opportunity for full and proper sex.  

Edited by Happy Grumpy
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28 minutes ago, EricTh said:

Your chick is not representative of all girls in the world.


The girls in China, Japan, some countries in Europe didn't complain about their husbands not being circumcised. And which country has the most population in the world?


Hong Kong - The parents of 1479 pupils answered the questionnaire, giving a response rate of 95.8%. In all, 10.7% of schoolboys had undergone circumcision, and 11.8% of the fathers were circumcised. Regarding non-circumcised boys, 28.9% of their parents believed that their sons had phimosis and 15.6% believed they would require circumcision later. Among these parents, 57.9% would consider circumcision for their boys in public hospitals, 96.9% thought that public institutions should provide such service, and 82.6% thought that doctors' opinions were most important when deciding about circumcision. Most parents believed that circumcision could prevent balanitis (82.8%) and improve hygiene (81.8%). Significantly more parents from Mainland China and of lower social class believed that circumcision could improve cosmesis, growth of the penis, sexual potency and fertility, and prevent sexually transmitted diseases and penile cancer.



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32 minutes ago, EricTh said:

Your chick is not representative of all girls in the world.


The girls in China, Japan, some countries in Europe didn't complain about their husbands not being circumcised. And which country has the most population in the world?


Japanese men are largely circumcised at beauty and aesthetic clinics.


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9 hours ago, KKr said:

There is a distinct difference though between the first example, what is a medical condition, and the second example what can be a medical condition or a desired cosmetic correction.

Post Natal Removal of certain body parts, as someone explained to me :"otherwise the girls get naughty" is neither of the above, and has more similarities with parental abuse, and Doctors' (if not a Quak that is) malpractice.


you don't seem to realise that you haven't actually made a relevant point.

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5 minutes ago, amvet said:

 the fathers


these parents,


Most parents believed


more parents from Mainland China and of lower social class believed that 


That's quite convincing.


Time for the World to wake up, and mutilate their children's genitals in the name of the parents of lower-social class China. 

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14 hours ago, greenchair said:


Let's see. 

Male - the parents take the baby to the doctor, who pulls the most sensual part of the penis out that is actually attached to the penis.. He then takes a scalpel and slices in a circle the skin off that is attached. The baby feels every slice of the scalpel and screams and screams to his parents and doctor that are looking down and smiling. 


Female-  the parents take the baby to the doctor, who pulls the most sensual part of the virgina out that is actually attached to the virgina. 

He then takes a scalpel and slices the tissue off that is attached. The baby feels every slice of the scalpel and screams and screams to her parents and doctor that are looking down on her. 


The male is scarred for life, the female is scarred for life. 

Both sexes will go on to have children naturally. 


What is the difference? ??

Grow up. It's an archaic practise to both sexes and considered inhumane by the UN.

I gather you are either 1) trolling 2) seriously naïve or 3) a nasty piece of work.


FGM is carried out on baby girls to suppress female sexual urges in later life, to keep women 'in their place'.  Please do some research, or quit the trolling.

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1 hour ago, Happy Grumpy said:


Actually I have spoken about it with men that were circumcised as adults. 1 friend and one ex-colleague were.


Their consensus: It ruined their sex life as the most pleasurable part of their penis was completely gone, and the second most sensitive part was deadened.



But don't listen to them, educate yourself about it, and whatever you do, don't do it to your son, give the guy and his future partners the opportunity for full and proper sex.  

it seems I am the only one who went to a professional doctor in a professional clinic.

no problems whatsoever, actually sensation increased for a while and than that wore off to normal. But, most importantly, no more fungi .

but then again, I am not the complaining kind.
life is too short to make it miserable by thinking up complaints, about purely subjective things that could have been...

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3 hours ago, Happy Grumpy said:


Actually I have spoken about it with men that were circumcised as adults. 1 friend and one ex-colleague were.


Their consensus: It ruined their sex life as the most pleasurable part of their penis was completely gone, and the second most sensitive part was deadened.



But don't listen to them, educate yourself about it, and whatever you do, don't do it to your son, give the guy and his future partners the opportunity for full and proper sex.  



being circumcised seems to have not hurt in the least the vast majority of porn stars..  doubt rocco siffredi's female counterparts leave the set yearning for foreskins.

Edited by atyclb
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13 hours ago, greenchair said:


That's very sad that somebody did that to you when you were 4 years old. I can't imagine how traumatic a young boy would be watching some doctor take to his penis with a pair of scissors. I do believe you would have been in pain for several weeks after. 

Your post body language, does not match what you are saying. 


  I don't recall any pain, but I do recall pain from a severely cut foot about that time, so I can only deduce that there was little to no pain, and of short term if there was any.


My 'post body language'???   Are you serious?



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20 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

funny, my girlfriend showed me this on Facebook yesterday.


the "photo" was a simple line diagram of female sex organs.




Does that mean you agree with it? Hey your posts say you play the field down in Hua Hin, so a new girlfriend has mad you turn over  a new leaf then? Well Done Her.

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7 hours ago, amvet said:

Japanese men are largely circumcised at beauty and aesthetic clinics.




That's understandable, because a circumcised schlonger, standing to attention, is a thing of great beauty, and aesthetically very pleasing!!


Compare that with uncircumcised.....it looks like a spear gone wrong, with mould under and around the foreskin......ugh!!

Edited by F4UCorsair
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8 hours ago, KKr said:

no more fungi .



2 hours ago, F4UCorsair said:

with mould under and around the foreskin......ugh!!


Jeez lads, all you do is keep a hammer and chisel in yer back pack to crack and scrape it off once a week.



Or wash lol.


Seems like some posters are allergic to soap and water, just a squirt of deodorant under their t-shirt and out they go. :biggrin:

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This sure has been a vibrant topic. We've read many opinions on "clean cut" versus " not too clean when uncut", loss of sensitivity when cut (555) and increased sensitivity when uncut (can't comment on that one).

But I wish to "cut" to the chase and thank my late parents and late doctor for giving me what they did, when they did. IMO, you can't beat a clean cut rocket for health, pleasure or aesthetics. 


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57 minutes ago, neeray said:

This sure has been a vibrant topic. We've read many opinions on "clean cut" versus " not too clean when uncut", loss of sensitivity when cut (555) and increased sensitivity when uncut (can't comment on that one).

But I wish to "cut" to the chase and thank my late parents and late doctor for giving me what they did, when they did. IMO, you can't beat a clean cut rocket for health, pleasure or aesthetics. 



And the bonus is you can have a 'rocket polish'   Who does spear polishes???

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On 09/10/2017 at 9:45 AM, Boon Mee said:

No, FGM is done for 'cultural' reasons.

Male circumcision is done for health reasons and doesn't interfere with the pleasure sensation as removal of the clitoris does with FGM

Naturally I have heard and understand both those points but there are glaring holes in both your arguments.  In a western nation with showers in every home why does a boy need his prepuce removed as if he still lives in a desert with no water, 2,000 years or 1,400 years ago?  Why is it (mostly) done by a member of "the clergy" and frequently without anaesthetic?  Also see  Wikipedia:  Frenulum of prepuce of penis for what sometimes happens during this unnecessary and brutal "health procedure."  FMG is for cultural reasons not religious?  MY FOOT!!!  It is done with an intention to minimize or remove female pleasure and to the best of my knowledge is almost exclusively performed in extreme conservative Islamic communities where additional anti female behaviours are also enforced.  Don't make excuses for this barbaric procedure.

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21 minutes ago, Jonah Tenner said:

Labiaplasty came into the discussion afterwards...

And that is what the topic was mostly about,besides puffing things up with own body fat.The title was totally misleading but a lot of people jumped on the band wagon.

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On 10/9/2017 at 5:48 AM, canuckamuck said:

Huh? The surgery, which is a painful mutilation of a child that will handicap her ability to enjoy sex for life, is legal. But the ad is too graphic so that's what the news story is?  What is wrong with people? Another case of artificial morality, while the real crime is overlooked.

circumcision is legal and practiced without the individuals consent in even modern western cultures, which also hinders sexual enjoyment and is disfiguring although much more widely accepted. I am circumcised myself and quite upset about it. Both are barbaric and should require consent before you chop off body parts we are born with.

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36 minutes ago, jvs said:

And that is what the topic was mostly about,besides puffing things up with own body fat.The title was totally misleading but a lot of people jumped on the band wagon.


But the new article said this:


The Health Support Service Department is taking action against the Lelux Hospital for advertising surgery for female genital mutilation.


Do they not carry out this procedure at that hospital then?


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3 pages in and I've seen plenty of reasons why the west is just as batshit crazy insane as any other batshit insane crazy country.


Demanding FGM to be illiegal (which it is at least far as the west is concerned), at all 4 stages, whilst at the same time arguing that male circumsision is just fine should result in you people getting a bullet too. Citing health reasons, which were established for that practice hundreds of years ago with shit access to clean water or sanitation in the first place, isn't valid anymore, especially since

A) you mutilate a human without their consent (stop arguing this thought, rape can be argued with the same reason then and I'm not letting you have this be an orange vs apple thing) 

B) more babies die due to circumsision now than those "ancient" established "health reasons" safe.

C) it increases the rate of suicide.

D) upholding them as traditions while at the same time chanting "everybody/every culture is equal" is sheer bigotry.


Your anecdotal evidence doesn't hold water either. Neither does/can your "I last longer in bed" because you have no comparision with "the real thing" and can't tell if you can or must longer, nevermind there being enough people out there who cant attain an orgasm being circumcised wearing a condom.


It's either time for you certain special high moral people to realise you dont want equality or got no idea whatsoever what equality is. Just don't understand how you can face your bigoted self every morning you look into the mirror.


With that said, many thanks to my parents for not having me go through that BS.

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26 minutes ago, Ceruhe said:



Demanding FGM to be illiegal (which it is at least far as the west is concerned), at all 4 stages, whilst at the same time arguing that male circumsision is just fine should result in you people getting a bullet too.


C) it increases the rate of suicide.




FMG has no comparison with circumcision.


I was circumcised and I'm glad I don't have that revolting thing growing mould on me.


C) BS.

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