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"Soi of Sex" life revealed: Why arresting Thai sex workers is not the answer


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5 hours ago, thaigirlwatcher said:

Raise the minimum wage to a "living wage" and some of that problem could disappear . The current minimum wage is a little over $1/hour. That's why in most Western countries the hookers are often drug addicts who can't hold a job. Women with average skills can earn enough to live on. Why can't the government see that? Because they are afraid that the businesses will move to other SE Asia countries with lower wages than the new rate. It's all of SE Asia that has this mentality and why hookers are so commonly found in this area. It's economics that lead women to be sex workers. 

Not so, hookers can be found in abundance in practically ever country of the world, only in Thailand it`s simply more publicised, mainly because of it`s past reputation that makes those in western countries still believe Thailand is the sex capital of the world. Thailand is there in the high number of prostitutes rankings but it`s no longer at the top of the list.


Do you really believe that just by providing a living wage (how would you describe a living wage?) that it would persuade a substantial amount of women not to enter prostitution? I very much doubt it. It`s not just economics that is the problem. This is now a highly competitive world, the competition for decent paying jobs is enormous and many who come from poor and under privileged backgrounds are simply not able to compete with what skills and qualifications many companies expect from their employees these days. So these women see prostitution as a means of fast tracking the system whereas they can earn reasonable incomes without having to go through higher education and achieve qualifications and degrees, with less pressure and what they consider is making easy money just by laying on their backs.

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I think selling sex should be legal and regulated and licensed. It's a business between consenting adults and nothing wrong with it. 

Forced prostitution, slavery, trafficking, these things should be illegal.



Prostitution at the scale seen in Thailand is a symptom of something else being broken. To try to attack the symptom is not going to work. It's possible it will just make things worse for everyone and society at whole.


You need to go after root cause (poverty? education system? social wellfare system? classism in society? elitism? not sure.. but it's there somewhere..) and even then, it will never go away fully.




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17 hours ago, Chiang Mai Bill said:
  • Most Thais are lazy and would rather sell themselves than work.
  • Thai women have a low sense of morality and think nothing of selling themselves.
  • Thailand's education system is poor and do not provide young people with Life's requirements.
  • Thailand offers no social 'assistance'.
  • Too many people make money from the sex industry in Thailand.


Prostitution is the world's oldest profession -- and it will continue to thrive in Thailand for generations to come!



And it doesn’t exist in other countries?

So your comments would have equal application to every country where prostitution exists?

Any comment on the customers?

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8 hours ago, whaleboneman said:
14 hours ago, cyberfarang said:

Prostitution is a filthy business, there are no doubts about that and can assure you that no prostitutes will ever be nominated for awards for their outstanding services to humanity.

I have to disagree. Prostitutes shower much more frequently than the rest of the population.


They have to.  It's a filthy business.


They get paid money to let guys do things that would get the guy fired (or jailed) in just about any other job.


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I think selling sex should be legal and regulated and licensed. It's a business between consenting adults and nothing wrong with it. 
Forced prostitution, slavery, trafficking, these things should be illegal.
Prostitution at the scale seen in Thailand is a symptom of something else being broken. To try to attack the symptom is not going to work. It's possible it will just make things worse for everyone and society at whole.
You need to go after root cause (poverty? education system? social wellfare system? classism in society? elitism? not sure.. but it's there somewhere..) and even then, it will never go away fully.

That's how it is in Thailand. There have been several pieces of legislation that regulate prostitution. Paying for sex (or getting paid for sex) is not illegal itself. Aspects surrounding it are illegal, like underage (below 18), soliciting and brothels.

Sent from my SM-G930F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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Don't see what the problem is.

They got to be good at something. :cheesy:


why take it away,  everyone has to earn money, 

Not just the finger pointers who drive home every night in the brand new Benz

looking down there nose at there poor fellow citizens of Thailand.

Some even find a new husband and new life 

good luck to them  :jap:

Edited by stanleycoin
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6 minutes ago, StevieAus said:

Very moralistic it takes two to tango


Still, I don't think too many customers want to tango with a hooker that hasn't cleaned up since her last 5 customers.  Making it a filthy business, even with no moral judgment attached.

I mean, I've never seen a Starbucks lady or a waitress showering between serving customers.


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19 hours ago, car720 said:

Prostitution has many forms.

Think on this one.  I cannot remember one mother anywhere in the world, that I have met, that has not at one time said to her daughter,  " be sure to marry a rich man".


Spot on! the oldest profession in the world, where would the filthy rich be without a harem.

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I remember my experience in a beer bar in soi 8 in Patthaya a couple of years ago. Actually 9 years ago.


I liked this little bar for just sitting there, having my drinks, relax and watch the parade passing by...

I enjoyed to chat with the cashier, who speaks excellent English, always polite and typing the calculator BLIND while making the bills!

Telling her that I was impressed about her skills on the calculator, she nonchalantly told me that she was working in a bank before...

Surprised I asked why she was working as a girlie beer bar cashier?

Nonchalantly and with a smile she told me that she was making 3 times more money per month and so she could support her family and even build a house.

And, with a bigger smile, she also told me that it was more fun to be with people and having some good times when she wanted, picking a "handsome" on the streets and to sleep in a nice hotel...


IMHO: This phenomenon is the response to the education & system of this Country


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Where has the "sanook" gone?

All that they are trying to eliminate has gone on for decades, and LOS was indeed the land of smiles in the past. Now it's just ruining itself in a frenzy of self imposed destruction.

Becoming a rather badly built country with nothing to be happy about, and the smile has long departed.

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4 hours ago, impulse said:


Still, I don't think too many customers want to tango with a hooker that hasn't cleaned up since her last 5 customers.  Making it a filthy business, even with no moral judgment attached.

I mean, I've never seen a Starbucks lady or a waitress showering between serving customers.


since her last 5 customers



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On 10/9/2017 at 5:32 PM, Kerryd said:

What did u say the name of the soi in north pattaya was ...:)  


On 10/9/2017 at 5:32 PM, Kerryd said:

Ban Chang ? The "Secret Sex Town" just south of Pattaya (according to the advert at the bottom of this page) !  :w00t:

It hasn't been a secret for many, many years. Ban Chang is pretty relaxed. Used to be an almost weekly thing for a bunch of us to meet up on the weekend and ride over there, have a bite to eat and ride back a couple hours later.

There are other places (like a certain soi in North Pattaya) that are not so well known and (usually) cater to the "local" crowd (as opposed to the "tourist" crowd). Buddy told me that most of those girls were Uni or "office" girls from Bangkok, down for the weekend to try and make some extra cash.


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9 hours ago, hobz said:

I think selling sex should be legal and regulated and licensed. It's a business between consenting adults and nothing wrong with it. 

Forced prostitution, slavery, trafficking, these things should be illegal.



Prostitution at the scale seen in Thailand is a symptom of something else being broken. To try to attack the symptom is not going to work. It's possible it will just make things worse for everyone and society at whole.


You need to go after root cause (poverty? education system? social wellfare system? classism in society? elitism? not sure.. but it's there somewhere..) and even then, it will never go away fully.




Your post got me thinking hobz, this along with many other good posts about the subject, the majority of them thought-provoking.


It's quite probable that even if one fixed the "poverty, education, social welfare" and any other contributing system that prostitution would still be around. And that's probably because some of it one could atribute to human nature..........and by that I suggest that for many it is an easy way to get money without having to work in a full-time job; no qualifications are necessary; the hours are flexible and usually on an "as and when" type basis; in some cases the woman can pick and choose her clients, and I'm sure there are others that could be listed.


I would suggest that it takes a certain mindset to be able to do this, and once the woman has come to terms with this and turned off the moral downsides switch (if indeed there are any) then continuing in that profession doesn't become a worry for them.


I know several girls who have been in the profession for a while now and one lovely lady in particular insists on showing me the photographs of the house she is having built up North, and indeed it is a very nice house, and she states that once it is finished she will go back home and find some work locally and live out her life far away from the bar scene.


What I probably didn't make clear here, is that where there is easy money to be had, then folks will always migrate towards that source, so no amount of legislation, clamping down, education or anything else you care to mention will make a difference. 

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On 10/9/2017 at 12:45 PM, darksidedog said:

Prostitution is the oldest profession out there, so you are not going to make it go away. All the time a normal job nets 9,000 a month on minimum wage, girls who can earn way more than that selling themselves are obviously going to do so and it is naive to expect anything else.

there is loads of people that get 6.000 on the hand each month.

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On 09/10/2017 at 6:40 AM, oxo1947 said:

I was having a causal relationship with a working Rayon Girl back in the  early 90s……she came home after one nights work  with 3,200 baht…  I asked her who gave the 200 Baht-- They all did she said.




Seriously though—try to keep away from Rayon girls…. The word --Map-Ta-Put -- would send shivers down anyone’s spine who knows that area.......:coffee1:



The first time I heard this joke it was sixpence and the Household Cavalry!

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 10/9/2017 at 1:44 AM, oxo1947 said:

Then my Grammar after a few red wines is lacking ThaiWai.... but no I am not blind about Ban Chang unless the world property market magazine which all investors read is blind... There latest Headline this month is


The Thai city of tomorrow isn't Bangkok


Now where do you think they are talking about---they have just discovered what you apparently can not see.....they rate the best property buys all around the world.....not just Thailand...as I said what little town comes number 7 in the world for the best place to buy...but then again...I'm blind

It's "their" latest headline ...

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  • 1 month later...

Want to get rid of prostitution?


Here's how.


  1. Teach Thai men some respect for women, and tell Thai women they don't have to put up with certain behaviour.
  2. Persecute deadbeat dads
  3. Replace capitalism with a real social market economy that doesn't exploit the weak (as in especially women with low/medium qualification)
  4. Have strictly controlled maximum working hours and low interest student loans


Now.. with beeing able to afford an advanced degree, earn fair wages, and having the (albeit forced) support of the kids dad, but lacking the abusive husband that gambles their wages away, without, in short, all kinds of economical pressure, prostitution should decrease dramatically.


And yes, I know what you all are thinking... please don't do that before I'm 85!

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On 09.10.2017 at 10:41 AM, Coconut007 said:

They would change job if the new one offer some basic benefits


- can sleep until 2pm

- not think about anything more difficult than what is the next meal

- play with phone most of the time

- get drunk for free and dance whenever they want

- rack up 30,000 - 100,000 a month doing that

Come on, man. You really think they all earn that much as 'net earning' ?! Some probably do, but I am guessing that the majority of them get under 30,000 baht a month, after having given the rest to the pimp and/or the boyfriend.

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Everyone is looking at the females in this equation when sellers are simply filling a need (pure capitalism) of the buyers. Should every man who cannot attract a female (poor? bashful? honest? - won't lie his way into bed) go his whole life without sex? Should every man with a frigid wife suffer with it? Men of all ages appreciate beauty. Do old men only buy old cars? There are even buyers who will fly half way around the world to meet such a seller!

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12 hours ago, JemJem said:

Some probably do, but I am guessing that the majority of them get under 30,000 baht a month

Probably right there, and some a lot less.........but then again if you look at the "benefits/pluses" of the job, as listed by Coconut007 and add a few more like gifts of gold and clothes (yes I see many a night-time acquisition accompanying her farang around the shops the next day/s) and perhaps the occasional monetary gift sent across the miles, then the big picture comes into focus.


And where better to look for a new and perhaps wealthier long-time partner and supporter of the kids, than in a place where farangs gather.

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Not arguing with most of your points but the second one is at best highly speculative and at worst downright insulting to the large majority of Thai women.
Even if your statements were true , and that is highly debateable , who are you to judge what is morally right or wrong in respect of sex.

Who are you to judge?First of all we all have a right to 'judge', and do it anyway ,openly or secretly.
Secondly, it can be seen as what is called an immanent critique:The majority of Thai women fall short of their own,or Thai society's, moral standards.He's not , so to speak, judging from outside but deconstructing Thai hypocrisy from the inside.If I have ever seen a society that is in need of moral deconstruction it is Thailand:They consider themselves so superior and tend to get infuriated at the slightest criticism of their 'Thainess'.

Sent from my ASUS_Z00UD using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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