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If looking for inexpensive you might take a look here at the offering in country for Chuwi computers from China which include legal operating systems.  Had next day delivery of a 15.6 inch model for grandchildren last week - the newest model is only slightly more expensive and is 14 inch and higher specs.  Either under 10k.  Seems to be well built and reviews are quite positive.  Not SSD fast but Windows 10 boot time is 18 seconds.




1 hour ago, lopburi3 said:

If looking for inexpensive you might take a look here at the offering in country for Chuwi computers from China which include legal operating systems.  Had next day delivery of a 15.6 inch model for grandchildren last week - the newest model is only slightly more expensive and is 14 inch and higher specs.  Either under 10k.  Seems to be well built and reviews are quite positive.  Not SSD fast but Windows 10 boot time is 18 seconds.




Many thanks



Registered on 26th September this year.


This shows the registered address:  https://www.google.co.th/maps/@51.5202032,-0.100692,3a,75y,306.58h,124.84t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sOCcmSox9Y0H0BGN89hpA1Q!2e0!7i13312!8i6656



The registered owner (Dan Thurston) and associated address (107 Charterhouse Street, London EC1M 6HW) have been associated with a number of scam websites, including Ugg boots, Oakley sunglasses.  He also owns at least one porn site.  He appears to scam not only in English, but in Korean and Chinese, too.


OP, I think you have your answer.


On reflection, Chan Neill Solicitors is probably simply providing an accommodation address.  They describe themselves on their website as a Sino-English firm.  I suspect this may be Chinese scammers working through the London address.

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