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Smoke on Thai beaches this high season and face jail or 100,000 baht fine


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1 hour ago, Destiny1990 said:

The fine amount is outrageous.Then it should be 500,000 bht if u drive true a red light instead of the current 500 bht! 

I didn't say anything about the fine amount in my statement but I agree it's out of whack with the fines for other more serious offenses.  They should all be re-examined and all the fines for traffic offenses should be steeply raised--and enforced.  And, to save everyone the trouble, I know...Dream on!

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2 hours ago, wealthychef said:

I surmised that because you are ignoring the actual topic and going off on a tangent.  Not drunk this morning, no. How about you Einstein? 



Makes no sense at all, you surmised that I am a smoker because I understood the topic beyond the title, never mind, I see you are also doing the same to others.

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3 minutes ago, newnative said:

I didn't say anything about the fine amount in my statement but I agree it's out of whack with the fines for other more serious offenses.  They should all be re-examined and all the fines for traffic offenses should be steeply raised--and enforced.  And, to save everyone the trouble, I know...Dream on!

This is an ongoing problem with the reporting. As can be seen in this graphic, the pertinent info is "...up to ...".  Everybody is jumping on the 100,000 baht thing.
I think it is more likely that a 5,000 baht fine would be levied... maybe requiring public service of beach cleaning for a period of a few days would address the problem in several regards.

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12 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Makes no sense at all, you surmised that I am a smoker because I understood the topic beyond the title, never mind, I see you are also doing the same to others.


You can pretend the article is actually about fixing all trash on all beaches in Thailand, I'll go ahead and go by what the article actually says, which is that cigarettes are banned on beaches, and for good reason, period.  There is absolutely nothing in the article that says anything about this being the most important way to clean up trash on the beach or that other ways should not be pursued or whatever you are claiming is more important etc etc.  It says what it says.  If you are unable to make sense of it, fine.  But don't blame me for your myopia.  


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23 minutes ago, wealthychef said:


You can pretend the article is actually about fixing all trash on all beaches in Thailand, I'll go ahead and go by what the article actually says, which is that cigarettes are banned on beaches, and for good reason, period.  There is absolutely nothing in the article that says anything about this being the most important way to clean up trash on the beach or that other ways should not be pursued or whatever you are claiming is more important etc etc.  It says what it says.  If you are unable to make sense of it, fine.  But don't blame me for your myopia.  




I have said nothing that would lead a rational thinking person into making the replies you have, I suggest you get your head examined.

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Having a quick read, the problem isn't doing something about littering-great, go for it. The problem is having such a ludicrous penalty, which is only an invitation for corruption and will do nothing to solve the rubbish on beaches problem which is mainly rubbish carried down in drains and garbage washed in from out at sea.

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22 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Having a quick read, the problem isn't doing something about littering-great, go for it. The problem is having such a ludicrous penalty, which is only an invitation for corruption and will do nothing to solve the rubbish on beaches problem which is mainly rubbish carried down in drains and garbage washed in from out at sea.


I thought it might have crossed their minds to employ people in need of work to clear the rubbish up as in done in Malaysia.  The result being clean beaches.


As you say, this way leaves the door wide open to corruption and the filthy beaches to remain. 

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26 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

Having a quick read, the problem isn't doing something about littering-great, go for it. The problem is having such a ludicrous penalty, which is only an invitation for corruption and will do nothing to solve the rubbish on beaches problem which is mainly rubbish carried down in drains and garbage washed in from out at sea.

most of the stuff on the beaches here comes from the sea. hardly anyone litters. mainly crap from the fishing boats. i pick it up on my walks and theres an old bloke down the road that does too. perhaps they could charge the burmese fishing lads 100,000 baht for throwing shit out of the boat 5555. not gonna happen

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1 hour ago, newnative said:

I didn't say anything about the fine amount in my statement but I agree it's out of whack with the fines for other more serious offenses.  They should all be re-examined and all the fines for traffic offenses should be steeply raised--and enforced.  And, to save everyone the trouble, I know...Dream on!

I don't smoke but in Huahin its 2,000 fine and now why in Pattaya it costs 98,000 more??

Jet skies and untreated  sewage water are the real polluters of the beaches i think.

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Interesting; how is this punishable by 2000 Baht for repeatable offenses....Perspective for a 2000 baht fine for littering by the dump truck into waterways...






PHUKET:-- Chalong Mayor Samran Jindapol has urged local residents to stop dumping garbage in the small estuaries that feed into the well-known Klong Mudong canal on Phuket’s east coast, fouling the water and blocking the streams from emptying into Chalong Bay.


Further infringements could be punished with fines of up to B2,000, Mayor Samran warned.


The alarm was raised after people posted complaints of the dumping through the “Pineapple Eyes” environmental community mobile-phone reporting app, developed and launched through the Natural Resources and Environment (NRE) Phuket office with support from Phuket Governor Norraphat Plodthon, Mayor Samran explained.


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This country is seriously Pixxing me off, their standards are unbelievable, wherever I go in the three plus years living here, I see Thai individuals throwing their trash on the ground wherever they may be, at home, on the road or in the city. How about educating their own dirty individuals who for sure don't give a flying F about their environment. As for the fine and or jail time, well yet another case of overkill and double standards, three months ago I was knocked off my motorbike into the air suffering multiple injuries as a consequence and a cripple hand for life, and the Thai guy in his Pick-up who decided to fly through a Red light at over 160kph causing said accident, gets what, Nothing! He walks and I live with the pain and inability to even open a ring pull can anymore. Well done  yet again Thai authorities, priorities bang on once more, Long live the King BTW.

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1 minute ago, Kiteboy57 said:

This country is seriously Pixxing me off, their standards are unbelievable, wherever I go in the three plus years living here, I see Thai individuals throwing their trash on the ground wherever they may be, at home, on the road or in the city. How about educating their own dirty individuals who for sure don't give a flying F about their environment. As for the fine and or jail time, well yet another case of overkill and double standards, three months ago I was knocked off my motorbike into the air suffering multiple injuries as a consequence and a cripple hand for life, and the Thai guy in his Pick-up who decided to fly through a Red light at over 160kph causing said accident, gets what, Nothing! He walks and I live with the pain and inability to even open a ring pull can anymore. Well done  yet again Thai authorities, priorities bang on once more, Long live the King BTW.

actually most thais don't throw their shit on the floor and i'm in no way a protectionist. i'm sorry for what happened to your hand.. if it's pissing you off then their are airports. the thais are nice people. sure theirs issues but perhaps a different country might suit you better. good luck

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2 hours ago, Kieran00001 said:



I have said nothing that would lead a rational thinking person into making the replies you have, I suggest you get your head examined.

Turning to personal attacks is generally a sign that you have nothing sensible to say further on the matter.  I'll consider my point well made by your turning to the ad hominem.  

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It will certainly attract the 90 % of people who do not smoke..the silent suffering majority. 
Oh come on mate do you really believe there is non smokers out there right now saying let's go to Thailand smoking has been banned on the beaches. What utter nonsense.

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What are you basing that on?  You think you can tell which pollutant it was that killed the marine life?  Cigarette butts leach out heavy metals, they kill marine life, and they are made of plastic anyway so they are "the real issue here".

I only saw a video of a whale the other day what was beached in a river in Norway. They had no choice to shoot it. They cut it open for some reason and they pulled out what looked liked about 10 kilos of plastic.



I am not sure if this is the same one



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5 hours ago, wealthychef said:


If you've already said it, then why repeat it now in all caps?  

I'm surprised that someone with such a great sense of humor would not find my amazing joke funny.  

You wish for an incinerator and an efficient Thai government.  I wish I get a pony for my birthday.  I wonder which wish is more likely to come true?  

Why tell me to deal with it when I don't need to - the caps were to emphasise the point as it obviously went over your head? Amazing joke? Yeah - right - haha!


I wish for an incinerator that works, an efficient Thai government = "The Impossible Dream", and a pony for your birthday might be achieved with the correct Lottery numbers - have a word with the monk that just won 18 million baht- he might be able to help!!!

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11 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

actually most thais don't throw their shit on the floor and i'm in no way a protectionist. i'm sorry for what happened to your hand.. if it's pissing you off then their are airports. the thais are nice people. sure theirs issues but perhaps a different country might suit you better. good luck


Really ???... the "if you don't like it go home" response... please please please (some) members of ThaiVisa, I deplore you to come up with something which shows you have a least smattering of intelligence....


Kiteboys comments are highly valid - He clearly cares for this country, but it is often the case that many here don't care for their own country or each other, this is clearly evident each and every day which ever area of Thailand you are in... People driving carelessly and aggressively, and back on Topic: if you walk around with your eyes open the rampant littering is plain to see. Take a look at any vacant piece of land, take a look at any Khlong which backs on to housing....   It clearly shows that a lot of Thai's do indeed throw their sh!t on the floor... perhaps not most, but a significantly large enough majority to make such issues readily visible to anyone passing.



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17 minutes ago, wealthychef said:

Turning to personal attacks is generally a sign that you have nothing sensible to say further on the matter.  I'll consider my point well made by your turning to the ad hominem.  


You reached a multitude of conclusions about me based on nothing more than me saying that this is about the pollution caused by the cigarette butts not just smoking on the beach as you had claimed.  You decided that I was bitter, a smoker, liked pollution, all sorts of wacky and totally false stuff.  Telling you to get your head examined is not an insult, it is helpful advice, I am not the only one who you have attacked with your nonsense assumptions and it is not normal behavior, sort it out.

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9 minutes ago, juice777 said:

I only saw a video of a whale the other day what was beached in a river in Norway. They had no choice to shoot it. They cut it open for some reason and they pulled out what looked liked about 10 kilos of plastic.



I am not sure if this is the same one




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Yes, there is the odd large animal that will eat and be killed by plastic pollution, then there is every single fish that exposed to enough of it will die due to the toxic soup that emerges from a cigarette butt, just because you cant see it as easily as you can the plastic cut out of a whale does not mean it is not real pollution.

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5 minutes ago, Happy enough said:

actually most thais don't throw their shit on the floor and i'm in no way a protectionist. i'm sorry for what happened to your hand.. if it's pissing you off then their are airports. the thais are nice people. sure theirs issues but perhaps a different country might suit you better. good luck

Appreciate your comment, but you miss the point mate, it's about the "time fitting the crime", and surely as was mentioned in a previous post, re. Not stopping at a Red Light (500BHT) and other low fines relating to road users, causes not only pain and misery to the innocent sufferers, and from a fiscal perspective, a fortune to the poeple as a whole, in medical care when Thai's are the injured parties, way and above paying someone getting 300BHT a day to clean the beach in the morning.

Oh and just as a footnote, in the 3 plus months since the accident where I have pretty much had to go and have treatment on a daily basis to my local hospital once I had the tube taken out of my lung, I have to say that the daily occurrence of  seeing Thai locals in A&E balling their eyeballs out at the loss or injury cause to loved ones due to yet another road accident, that they would entirely agree this law on topic, it is in no way on a par, and instead of coming up with new rules of what you can and can't do, I feel the government should concentrate more on how to reduce what has become a serious issue in the country and causes a whole lot more sorrow in the country you love.

As for leaving the country, thanks for the advice, I didn't know the airport I arrived here from Spain back in 2014, still existed, always good to get expert a heads up buddy.

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Just now, richard_smith237 said:


Really ???... the "if you don't like it go home" response... please please please (some) members of ThaiVisa, I deplore you to come up with something which shows you have a least smattering of intelligence....


Kiteboys comments are highly valid - He clearly cares for this country, but it is often the case that many here don't care for their own country or each other, this is clearly evident each and every day which ever area of Thailand you are in... People driving carelessly and aggressively, and back on Topic: if you walk around with your eyes open the rampant littering is plain to see. Take a look at any vacant piece of land, take a look at any Khlong which backs on to housing....   It clearly shows that a lot of Thai's do indeed throw their sh!t on the floor... perhaps not most, but a significantly large enough majority to make such issues readily visible to anyone passing.



yes really. most don't and some do. same as most of the world. humans mate. sure i don't use the go home comments lightly but when you are basically putting those you chose as your neighbours and have nothing but bad to say about them then perhaps you'd be happier elsewhere. actually good advice. i stand by my post ; )

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    I'm happy to see the beach smoking ban and I hope to see it spread to other places.  It can't happen too soon in my opinion.   I'm seeing a few encouraging signs.  The last condo I lived at, which was brand new,  had a smoking ban almost everywhere.  That included condo rooms, condo balconies,  hallways, the swimming pools, outside lounge areas, gardens, and the pathways.  Smoking was only allowed at two or three outside designated areas.  
    Now that I am living at a different condo I appreciate the no smoking rules the last condo had.  At my new place I often smell offensive cigarette smoke in the hallways.  There is a chain smoker living above me and I smell the cigarette smoke when I sit on the balcony and his cigarette ashes land on my balcony.  There are smoking areas allowed at the 2 swimming pools so you are having to breathe in cigarette smoke and stink while you're trying to enjoy your pool time.  It's amazing how one or two smokers can smell up the whole area and spoil things for everyone else.   I'd love to see more places be smoke-free for the benefit of the large majority who don't smoke.   And, by making it more difficult to smoke, it might help smokers cut down on the number of dangerous cigarettes they smoke. 
Wow you can't smoke in your own condo now. Looks like denis leary was right

"what's the rule now you have to smoke in your own apartment with a blanket over your head" and that was 30 years ago

Glad I don't smoke now

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1 minute ago, Kiteboy57 said:

Appreciate your comment, but you miss the point mate, it's about the "time fitting the crime", and surely as was mentioned in a previous post, re. Not stopping at a Red Light (500BHT) and other low fines relating to road users, causes not only pain and misery to the innocent sufferers, and from a fiscal perspective, a fortune to the poeple as a whole, in medical care when Thai's are the injured parties, way and above paying someone getting 300BHT a day to clean the beach in the morning.

Oh and just as a footnote, in the 3 plus months since the accident where I have pretty much had to go and have treatment on a daily basis to my local hospital once I had the tube taken out of my lung, I have to say that the daily occurrence of  seeing Thai locals in A&E balling their eyeballs out at the loss or injury cause to loved ones due to yet another road accident, that they would entirely agree this law on topic, it is in no way on a par, and instead of coming up with new rules of what you can and can't do, I feel the government should concentrate more on how to reduce what has become a serious issue in the country and causes a whole lot more sorrow in the country you love.

As for leaving the country, thanks for the advice, I didn't know the airport I arrived here from Spain back in 2014, still existed, always good to get expert a heads up buddy.

hope your hand heals mate. it's not perfect mate. far from it. won't change anytime soon.

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3 hours ago, wealthychef said:


You can pretend the article is actually about fixing all trash on all beaches in Thailand, I'll go ahead and go by what the article actually says, which is that cigarettes are banned on beaches, and for good reason, period.  There is absolutely nothing in the article that says anything about this being the most important way to clean up trash on the beach or that other ways should not be pursued or whatever you are claiming is more important etc etc.  It says what it says.  If you are unable to make sense of it, fine.  But don't blame me for your myopia.  



I never claimed anything to be more important than anything else or that other ways should not be pursued, it was all your weird little fantasy, or was it myopia you hilariously ironic soul.

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6 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


You reached a multitude of conclusions about me based on nothing more than me saying that this is about the pollution caused by the cigarette butts not just smoking on the beach as you had claimed.  You decided that I was bitter, a smoker, liked pollution, all sorts of wacky and totally false stuff.  Telling you to get your head examined is not an insult, it is helpful advice, I am not the only one who you have attacked with your nonsense assumptions and it is not normal behavior, sort it out.


Again, you are drifting into quite the long personal discussion of side issues of who said what, actually drew me in there, nice job.  I refuse to wallow in the stinky mud with you.  The fact is that the article is entirely about removing the right to smoke cigarettes from the beach, not about any of your other noises.  We can save a hell of a lot of time right now if you will just agree that this is a sensible rule, or disagree and give a reason why.  Anything else is truly off topic, which is my only point from the beginning, as much as you have swerved around without addressing it.  


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