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Thaivisa exclusive: “Attempted murder" as "Australian" man punched by Thai in school says he is really British


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5 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


It depends on the country, in England and Wales it would be very hard to get a conviction for attempted murder for this as it has to be proven beyond all doubt that his intention was to kill, but in Scotland it would just have to be shown that he acted with a wicked recklessness and disregard for whether he lived or died, quite different, and possibly this would meet that definition, not sure about Thailand, attempted murder doesn't even appear to be in the criminal code to be honest.

Yes, I see your point.  I don't know either.


But surely, in order to be convicted we have to be sure that the actual event can lead to death, and I don't by way of some statistical freak chance.  I am contending that death was never going to be the outcome, it shouldn't even be considered as so.  What happened is what would happen at least a thousand, perhaps 10,000 times or even a million times again if repeated.  I just had a ciggie break on the street outside my house, and stood in front of a parked car, about 2.5 metres away.  Just supposing the car had been occupied and someone had driven away routinely, then I would say there is no way except by freakish accident that I could have been killed.  Let's be reasonable here.

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1 hour ago, sambum said:

I wouldn't say that it is common, but it does happen, and certainly more frequently here than most other countries that I have frequented.


As for your question, it all depends which video you are talking about - yours or the "attempted murder" under discussion on this thread.


I haven't seen yours, but I would say that the reason for it being cut is rather obvious!

Yes I'm talking about his video when the guy gets the knife from the trunk. Why is they preceding video cut. Usually they show from the time the car comes to view of the video. It's not there. 

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2 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Yes, I see your point.  I don't know either.


But surely, in order to be convicted we have to be sure that the actual event can lead to death, and I don't by way of some statistical freak chance.  I am contending that death was never going to be the outcome, it shouldn't even be considered as so.  What happened is what would happen at least a thousand, perhaps 10,000 times or even a million times again if repeated.  I just had a ciggie break on the street outside my house, and stood in front of a parked car, about 2.5 metres away.  Just supposing the car had been occupied and someone had driven away routinely, then I would say there is no way except by freakish accident that I could have been killed.  Let's be reasonable here.

Yes, reckless driving would be reasonable in my mind, but attempted murder ???that's just taking the micky. 

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9 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


A leap onto a car does not project you though the air as he was, he was clearly hit at some speed and he clearly only jumps at the last second to avoid the car hitting his legs, it is you who feels the need to exaggerate and it is you who is the die hard, a die hard Thai basher. 

He was hit at a low speed, which is enough to lift him a foot or so, throw him in to the windscreen, and then roll off the side.  If he was hit at high speed, then he would not have reacted, would likely be thrown on to the top of the windscreen and then he would most likely be thrown high up in to the air a couple of metres or more. 


We witnessed a low speed incident.  You too are over-egging!

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39 minutes ago, tropo said:

I haven't changed my opinion after watching the new video. It clearly shows that many die-hard Thai supporters exaggerated the severity of the "run over" incident. It was a low-speed nudge followed by a theatrical leap back onto the hood, with probable intentions to smash the windscreen. The car moved a few meters at most before coming to a complete standstill. "very serious injuries, broken legs" if he hadn't have jumped LOL. He wouldn't have been hurt even if he didn't jump. "Attempted murder"? That's absurd.

To me, the foreigner drove slowly behind the Thai in an effort to leave the scene. The Thai knew he was trying to leave and deliberately walked in its path. I see the Thai turn his head slightly, then the leap. A very common scam. 

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21 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


A leap onto a car does not project you though the air as he was, he was clearly hit at some speed and he clearly only jumps at the last second to avoid the car hitting his legs, it is you who feels the need to exaggerate and it is you who is the die hard, a die hard Thai basher. 

Once again the biggest die-hard Thai supporter of all comes to the rescue.


It is you who is exaggerating. You continue to use the words "attempted murder" and "run-over" to exaggerate a minor incident.


"Some speed" you say. Are you suggesting high speed? LOL. The car moved at the most one car length, around 4m, before it came to a complete standstill. It was moving at walking pace, so less than 6km/h. There was no intent to kill.


And stop being an *ss. Now you're suggesting I'm a "Thai-basher" just because I'm trying to temper some of the non-sensical embellishment of the truth by people like you. I'm on no ones side here. They both behaved in a crazy manner. All this stupid back and forth with you came about because I suggested, in my opinion, that the young Thai guy was the more dangerous of the two people. He certainly was the closest to killing anyone in this drama as one-punch blows like that do kill people. You took exception to that and started all this totally ridiculous banter. If I was a basher of anyone, I'd be a Kieran0000000000001-basher not a Thai-basher. Living in Thailand I meet good ones and bad ones. That guy is a bad one. Calling out bad Thai people does not make one a Thai-basher.


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8 minutes ago, tropo said:

Once again the biggest die-hard Thai supporter of all comes to the rescue.


It is you who is exaggerating. You continue to use the words "attempted murder" and "run-over" to exaggerate a minor incident.


"Some speed" you say. Are you suggesting high speed? LOL. The car moved at the most one car length, around 4m. It was moving at walking pace, so less than 6km/h. 


And stop being an *ss. Now you're suggesting I'm a "Thai-basher" just because I'm trying to temper some of the non-sensical embellishment of the truth by people like you. I'm on no ones side here. They both behaved in a crazy manner. All this stupid back and forth with you came about because I suggested, in my opinion, that the young Thai guy was the more dangerous of the two people. He certainly was the closest to killing anyone in this drama as one-punch blows like that do kill people. You took exception to that and started all this totally ridiculous banter. If I was a basher of anyone, I'd be a Kieran0000000000001-basher not a Thai-basher. Living in Thailand I meet good ones and bad ones. That guy is a bad one. Calling out bad Thai people does not make one a Thai-basher.


I'm sorry Kieran, while Tropo has also said some things that are not true at times, I find your stance on the attempted murder quite ludicrous, and do wonder why you insist differently.


I'd also say there is much more of a statistical chance of death being the outcome from the punch than there ever is from a low speed motoring incident (though this was no mere incident granted).


I know that from previous threads you can argue reasonably and are clearly erudite, which is why I find your attitude so puzzling.

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39 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

Someone doesn't see what you see, therefore, they are demented!!


Care to elaborate?



It speaks for itself surely .Sorry to all for not taking the old Aussie/Brit goats side and automatically not condemning the Thai .A bit unusual for this Forum i agree. 

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Anyhoo as usual Thailand does seem to attract some very strange people. Who, through drink, drugs or mental instability do strange things. Be glad you are not one of em and move on. After all who really cares? You can debate it to the need of the earth and the powers that be will do as they see fit. There are good and bad and damnright crazy in every creed culture and country.... let's close this b*******t.

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7 minutes ago, anto said:

It speaks for itself surely .Sorry to all for not taking the old Aussie/Brit goats side and automatically not condemning the Thai .A bit unusual for this Forum i agree. 

No, you were taking your own side and suggesting that anyone who didn't agree with you is demented.


That's a bit unusual for the Forum, but you wouldn't be the first member to flame another who doesn't agree.


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28 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

He was hit at a low speed, which is enough to lift him a foot or so, throw him in to the windscreen, and then roll off the side.  If he was hit at high speed, then he would not have reacted, would likely be thrown on to the top of the windscreen and then he would most likely be thrown high up in to the air a couple of metres or more. 


We witnessed a low speed incident.  You too are over-egging!


Buy he isn't rolled off the side, he is thrown through the air, obviously it is not very high speed as the car only moves a few meters, but the point is that he could have been seriously injured, even killed if he hadn't jumped and instead was dragged down, or indeed if he hadn't landed on his feet but instead his head, either of those scenarios are not particularly unlikely in this case.

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22 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I'm sorry Kieran, while Tropo has also said some things that are not true at times, I find your stance on the attempted murder quite ludicrous, and do wonder why you insist differently.


I'd also say there is much more of a statistical chance of death being the outcome from the punch than there ever is from a low speed motoring incident (though this was no mere incident granted).


I know that from previous threads you can argue reasonably and are clearly erudite, which is why I find your attitude so puzzling.


A death from the punch would be most likely from hitting his head on the ground, an outcome as likely from being hit by the car, the man happened to be young and agile and landed on his feet.  We would no doubt have seen a completely different outcome had it been the Thai who was punched and the Brit ran over, the Thai would not have fallen from the Brits weak punch whereas the Brit would be in hospital or dead following being run over, but the intention would have been exactly the same from each, see where I'm coming from now?

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6 hours ago, elnet1 said:

@Tropo, you missed what I was replying to:



Which is why I suggested that if what AGareth2 posted is correct, then the Aussie/Brit should self-deport himself

He won't be deported his married and the charges have been exaggerated by the incompetent RTP. There was no assault against the Thai.  Other than the dumb Thai trapeze act via a bonnet

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10 minutes ago, Grauwulf said:

Anyhoo as usual Thailand does seem to attract some very strange people. Who, through drink, drugs or mental instability do strange things. Be glad you are not one of em and move on. After all who really cares? You can debate it to the need of the earth and the powers that be will do as they see fit. There are good and bad and damnright crazy in every creed culture and country.... let's close this b*******t.


Why would you join in on a forum post to try to end it?  Simply move on yourself.

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2 minutes ago, Media1 said:

He won't be deported his married and the charges have been exaggerated by the incompetent RTP. There was no assault against the Thai.  Other than the dumb Thai trapeze act via a bonnet

The family will not be taken into consideration. Many expats with family and kids have been deported.

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Just now, tropo said:



The family will not be taken into consideration. Many expats with family and kids have been deported.

Yes but the evidence is not there. The Thai is on the chopper. Blocking roads being a gangster. Intimidation  tactics..All exposed at the end. Even came back to kick in a second time.  Thai judges are 50 50. Depends which rat lands the case

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41 minutes ago, greenchair said:

To me, the foreigner drove slowly behind the Thai in an effort to leave the scene. The Thai knew he was trying to leave and deliberately walked in its path. I see the Thai turn his head slightly, then the leap. A very common scam. 


Was that the scam you were trying to pull when your neighbor was innocently trying to drive away?

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7 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


Buy he isn't rolled off the side, he is thrown through the air, obviously it is not very high speed as the car only moves a few meters, but the point is that he could have been seriously injured, even killed if he hadn't jumped and instead was dragged down, or indeed if he hadn't landed on his feet but instead his head, either of those scenarios are not particularly unlikely in this case.


He could not have been killed by any reasonable standard.  I don't think he could have been dragged under.  I guess he could have landed straight down on his head but this would take a few 'ifs'.  By the same token there a number of 'ifs' that could occur when someone is punched hard, yet you do not consider this to be attempted murder.


If someone did die it would be more by way of freak happening, in the same way that we could stumble over and hit our head on a kerbstone.  It really can't be factored in imo, or just about anything might be considered attempted murder, eg, you could just lightly push someone causing them to stumble and then incur a mortal injury.


Next time you have the opportiunity stand 2-3 metres away from a parked car, not in the road.  Now imagine someone pulling away.  It will likely dawn on you immediately what a miscalculation you are making. You could not be dragged under, and there is no chance of being flung in to the air high at that speed.

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3 minutes ago, Media1 said:

Yes but the evidence is not there. The Thai is on the chopper. Blocking roads being a gangster. Intimidation  tactics..All exposed at the end. Even came back to kick in a second time.  Thai judges are 50 50. Depends which rat lands the case


When he was blocking the road "being a gangster" he had already had his car chopped with a machete with his kid inside, I wonder if it wère the Thai man chopping cars with a machete who you would be calling the gangster, would it really be the man trying to stop the machete wielding lunatic from escaping and getting knocked down in the process?

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Just now, mommysboy said:


He could not have been killed by any reasonable standard.  I don't think he could have been dragged under.  I guess he could have landed straight down on his head but this would take a few 'ifs'.  By the same token there a number of 'ifs' that could occur when someone is punched hard, yet you do not consider this to be attempted murder.


If someone did die it would be more by way of freak happening, in the same way that we could stumble over and hit our head on a kerbstone.  It really can't be factored in imo, or just about anything might be considered attempted murder, eg, you could just lightly push someone causing them to stumble and then incur a mortal injury.


Next time you have the opportiunity stand 2-3 metres away from a parked car, not in the road.  Now imagine someone pulling away.  It will likely dawn on you immediately what a miscalculation you are making. You could not be dragged under, and there is no chance of being flung in to the air high at that speed.


Who said I did not consider the punch to be attempted murder?


Anyway, as I posted a few posts ago, there doesn't appear to be a crime of attempted murder in Thailands legal code anyway.

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18 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:
45 minutes ago, mommysboy said:

I'm sorry Kieran, while Tropo has also said some things that are not true at times, I find your stance on the attempted murder quite ludicrous, and do wonder why you insist differently.


I'd also say there is much more of a statistical chance of death being the outcome from the punch than there ever is from a low speed motoring incident (though this was no mere incident granted).


I know that from previous threads you can argue reasonably and are clearly erudite, which is why I find your attitude so puzzling.


A death from the punch would be most likely from hitting his head on the ground, an outcome as likely from being hit by the car, the man happened to be young and agile and landed on his feet.  We would no doubt have seen a completely different outcome had it been the Thai who was punched and the Brit ran over, the Thai would not have fallen from the Brits weak punch whereas the Brit would be in hospital or dead following being run over, but the intention would have been exactly the same from each, see where I'm coming from now?

Yes, we know where you're coming from.


You think:


1. The punch was weak and there was no chance of him dying, despite the known fact that many people much younger than 77 die from one-punch attacks. It's so common in Australia that they introduced special "one-punch" laws to try to prevent these deaths. I was recently following a case in Brisbane where a young guy in Fortitude Valley died from such an attack.


2. The Thai was run over at high speed and was very lucky to escape death or serious injuries.


3. The Thai was nearly hacked to death by machete.


What did I miss?


Oh, yeah... if anyone says anything negative about the Thai man or tries to defend the foreigner, that person is a Thai-basher.

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2 minutes ago, tropo said:

Yes, we know where you're coming from.


You think:


1. The punch was weak and there was no chance of him dying, despite the known fact that many people much younger than 77 die from one-punch attacks. It's so common in Australia that they introduced special "one-punch" laws to try to prevent these deaths. I was recently following a case in Brisbane where a young guy in Fortitude Valley died from such an attack.


2. The Thai was run over at high speed and was very lucky to escape death or serious injuries.


3. The Thai was nearly hacked to death by machete.


What did I miss?


Oh, yeah... if anyone says anything negative about the Thai man or tries to defend the foreigners, that person is a Thai-basher.

Then I are a Thai basher. Send a few OK.  Preferably the gold shop gongster his not worthy of Gangster. Also there was not a mark on the dopey Thai. But he deserves plenty and one day he will run into a well skilled machine and get eaten. :)

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Just now, tropo said:

Yes, we know where you're coming from.


You think:


1. The punch was weak and there was no chance of him dying, despite the known fact that many people much younger than 77 die from one-punch attacks. It's so common in Australia that they introduced special "one-punch" laws to try to prevent these deaths. I was recently following a case in Brisbane where a young guy in Fortitude Valley died from such an attack.


2. The Thai was run over at high speed and was very lucky to escape death or serious injuries.


3. The Thai was nearly hacked to death by machete.


What did I miss?


Oh, yeah... if anyone says anything negative about the Thai man or tries to defend the foreigners, that person is a Thai-basher.


That was not what I was saying at all, I have never claimed that the punch was weak, I have never claimed that the car was moving at high speed, and I have said nothing about the Thai nearly being hacked, you made all that up all by yourself, any particular reason other than having no actual comeback?

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1 minute ago, Media1 said:

Then I are a Thai basher. Send a few OK.  Preferably the gold shop gongster his not worthy of Gangster. Also there was not a mark on the dopey Thai. But he deserves plenty and one day he will run into a well skilled machine and get eaten. :)

If you watch the original video you'll notice the Thai man had some scratches or cuts on his forearms. They could have been a result of fending off the deadly machete attack, or from the windscreen. I don't know.

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5 minutes ago, Kieran00001 said:


That was not what I was saying at all, I have never claimed that the punch was weak, I have never claimed that the car was moving at high speed, and I have said nothing about the Thai nearly being hacked, you made all that up all by yourself, any particular reason other than having no actual comeback?

LOL> I have plenty, mate. I deleted a few good comebacks just to slow it down a bit, but you make it easy.


When you start labelling members as "Thai bashers" for no reason at all, standard debating methods no longer apply.


I'm going to retire and leave you to it. I'll catch up with you again tomorrow.



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5 minutes ago, tropo said:

LOL> I have plenty, mate. I deleted a few good comebacks just to slow it down a bit, but you make it easy.


When you start labelling members as "Thai bashers" for no reason at all, standard debating methods no longer apply.


I'm going to retire and leave you to it. I'll catch up with you again tomorrow.




Perhaps you are not a Thai basher, sometimes it is difficult to remember who has said what, we have one here who most definately is, I could have mistaken some of his comments for your own, if that is the case then my apologies for that, but you are now trying to say I have said things that I have not, so if you want standard debating methods then at least try to follow your own rules and not make things up.

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