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Cure for a weak bladder??


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My friend needed to get his prostrate checked.

He knew what was involved and decided that if anyone was going to do the job it would be a beautiful asian nurse ...not a rough old aussies girl.

Off he goes to Bangkok and visits the clinic.

A lovely girl shows him into the examination room and tells him to lay on his side and drop his pants.

This he does.

He hears the door open again and turns to see an absolute Thai goddess. 6 foot tall,magnificent breasts and a fantastic figure. He is convinced has made the right decision.

He hears the latex gloves snap on, the KY jelly squeezing from the tube. The nurse leans over him and whispers in his ear in a deep husky voice " its not unusual to get an erection at this point in the procedure'. My mate say "what...you've got to be kidding...no way I'm getting an erection. The nurse replies...'Not you silly boy....me!"

Edited by tryasimight
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58 minutes ago, stevymac said:

Just weird i asked a simple question, I’ve done research on this and now I want to try it but thanks for your totally useless reply.

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Prostate check will be needed when there is difficulties for emptying your bladder. But this is not your problem. 

If there is infection you may feel that you need to pee, but there is not much. I guess this is not your problem either. 

if you pee so much because there must be lots of extra liquid in your body and body needs to dump it and it happens more if you use AC while you are asleep. Body temperature drops down and no more sweat by skin, all goes to bladder. I'm not sure if this is your case, but it could be this. 


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17 minutes ago, stevymac said:

Foo zool that’s true if the ac is on I feel like I need to pee more or if it’s cold. What could be the cause of this and is there any treatment?

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Image result for ball warmers

Not to worry they have smaller  and irregular sizes :tongue:

Edited by sirineou
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3 hours ago, stevymac said:

Where can I buy saw palletto??

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It is Saw Palmetto.  A powder extract of a leaf from a particular palm tree.  It is a natural prostate treatment, not specifically a bladder treatment. I have not had to buy it here but it will be available somewhere. It is not cheap and may be the wrong thing for your condition.  3.2 grams a day (3200mg) is recommended for BPE, Benign Prostate Enlargement. Excessive urination during the night is an indication of additional problems different from daytime.  Do not muck around with self medicating till you have had a professional diagnosis. Go to any good private hospital and ask to see a Urologist.  Phaiathai or Samitivej etc.  Don't bother with local small town hospitals.  You need a proper specialist diagnosis and then decide what to do.  

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I am 77 year old and can sleep all night without a bathroom visit........... When I was 50 I woke up once or twice to pee.......... Then a doctor did the 'roto-rooter' job up the end of my penis and since I have had good nights sleep........... I am ever so thankful that I got professional help rather than asking for help on TV..........

Save your dollars...... and 'suffer'............. spend those dollars and get relief........... "It is simple as that"..........

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2 hours ago, stevymac said:

Foo zool that’s true if the ac is on I feel like I need to pee more or if it’s cold. What could be the cause of this and is there any treatment?

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Too much beer at night ?

Your body lose lots of water for filtering "beer" out. You need to drink water. 

What AC cause is pretty normal. More cooler, less losing liquid by skin. More liquid to bladder. 

You may like to eat some "date". 2 or 3 per day. For couple of days. It has a warm nature. It might help. 



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Get your blood sugar checked. 


Unless you're drinking massive amounts all day, I would guess you're diabetic. Do you have a dry mouth or white in the corners of your mouth?


The test is cheap and you'll know in minutes. 

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13 hours ago, OmarZaid said:

Cranberry juice helps .... but you're a bit young for this ... better see a urologist

Try  a cement smoothie or go see a doctor. Urinary tract infection or ...PC! Guys big on BBQ rare steaks are perfect for PC.

Edited by jgarbo
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12 hours ago, thecyclist said:

I disagree with those that advise a doctor's visit.I am a few days shy of my 60 th, and have had this problem for as far as I can think back, probably since my childhood.It seems to run in families, as my brother has the same problem.


I agree. I have had the same problem since I was in my late 20s. I went to a doctor back then and he said it was better to just live with it. Trying to figure out what the problem was would probably involve surgery and probably would be useless in the end.

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The proper name is Saw Palmetto. Research it on thge www. It is a well tested prostate health herb.


I buy it online from (very inexpensively) puritans.com although the complication is that they no longer ship to Thailand. I get it sent to my Australian address and collect it when I visit.


You can probably buy it through iherb.com although I haven't checked. Correct dosage is about 160mg per day. I buy the 400mg capsules and take one every second day. It really works well.


If I were you though I would firstly get my prostate checked.

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13 hours ago, stevymac said:

Where can I buy saw palletto??

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I would think twice before using Saw Palmetto. Go see a Urologist. 


Some people use saw palmetto for colds and coughssore throatasthma, chronic bronchitischronic pelvic pain syndrome, and migraine headache. It is also used to increase urine flow (as a diuretic), to promote relaxation (as a sedative), and to enhance sexual drive (as an aphrodisiac).

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16 hours ago, stevymac said:

Where can I buy saw palletto??

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Google reckons it is called


Saw palmetto


also see





Although saw palmetto extract has been claimed to be a herbal remedy for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), it is an ineffective treatment.


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16 hours ago, stevymac said:

Thx for advice guys. I’ve always had a weak bladder so has my dad. But recently I’ve noticed I’m urianting even more. Anyone got any good recommendations for a urologist or doctor specialized in this?

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Might be an idea to go see a Doc. But as realenglish1 says, saw palmetto ( I think he meant saw palmetto ) may help. There's a ton of "stuff" that can help a weak bladder, and shrink  an enlarged prostrate. I find "beta-sitosterol" works fine. Been taking it for thirty years. I have also used stinging nettle and a few other herbs. I'm over eighty and haven't had a problem so far. DO YOUR RESEARCH! If you DO go to see a specialist...DON'T LET THEM REMOVE YOUR PROSTRATE! You have many options! First thing most doctors wanna do is take the prostrate...easy, quick ( and more money ) And DON'T FORGET...the PSA  test has too too many false positives. DO NOT rely on that test if the Doc suggests you have it done. That test has been discontinued in most parts of the western world for ages anyway. If you lose your prostrate you will NOT be able to partake in the main pastime/fun time for which many guys I know come to Thailand. You may only have a bladder or kidney infection. Or you may have been doing a bit of "hard living" for the past while. By the way, depending on where you live, you can dig stinging nettle out of the ground. It grows wild everywhere. You can dry it and make tea, or you can eat it raw. It's darn tricky eating it raw though. So better not try this trick unless someone who knows how to can show you. Hunt around, ask questions ( as you have been doing ) I know quite a few fellas who have to go pee every time they hear a tap running. Good luck.

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Frequent Urination can be a early sign of many illnesses, including Diabetes.


Best to go for a check up with your local Doctor and see if this is related to some disease. Glucose (high blood sugar) and a Urine Sample should be enough to provide information if more tests are needed.

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I'll add what a few others have said: See a urologist, you could have a prostate problem. The sooner you catch a problem the better. It will consist of a blood test, an ultrasound and a visit from the Doctors finger. I use Bangkok Pattaya Hospital but there are many to choose from. 

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Sounds like you have a weak prostate or an infection , get checked out prostate cancer is carried by  one in Five guys and they dont even know it, its called the silent killer. it could be , many things cannot stress get a check up very soon ,

Edited by Thongkorn
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