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Bring On The Branston!


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I don't use it very often but every now and then I have a hankering for a cheese and pickle sandwich.

Even rarer, I might buy a fresh, crusty bagguette, and get some cold cuts: ham, salami, roast chicken etc, along with some cheddar, brie and Danish blue, and make a glutton of myself with a nice bottle of red to wash it alll down. But all this is completely useless without my precious Branston Pickle.

I used to get my supply in Villa in Bangkok, and as my visiting family just used up my last jar, I drove to BKK and rushed into Villa yesterday afternoon to stock up, only to find no sight nor smell of my beloved Branston.

Piccalli - yes; HP sauce - yes; mango chuntney - yes; pickled beetroot - yes; pickled gerkins - yes; ..... almost every sauce and pickle you could dream of - but no Branston. :D

There's none in Foodland, Carrefour or anywhere else I have searched. :o

Anyone know a source? (not sauce), coz I'm starting to get withdrawal symptoms. :D

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Friendship will have it in 230 baht a jar.............3rd aisle from the right........top shelf on the left, middle of the aisle.

Thank you Thaiflyer.

I'll get down there tomorrow before they run out. Might make a large purchase to be on the safe side. :o

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Nice when someone gets you out of a Pickle :D

Or into a Pickle. :D I suppose it is how you look at it. :D

Anyway you look at it - it's a very pretty pickle


Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Ha-ha..........................a customer bought me a pack of 12 520 gm size last week.

I get the 740gm ones from Singapore when on a visa run..........only 125 baht each.

Mobi.......if by chance Friendship have ran out i have a spare jar from my last run you can have..........check Friendship first though.

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Ha-ha..........................a customer bought me a pack of 12 520 gm size last week.

I get the 740gm ones from Singapore when on a visa run..........only 125 baht each.

Mobi.......if by chance Friendship have ran out i have a spare jar from my last run you can have..........check Friendship first though.

Where in Singapore?

I rarely eat it but it would be nice to have some in for birthday drinks next week.

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Ha-ha..........................a customer bought me a pack of 12 520 gm size last week.

I get the 740gm ones from Singapore when on a visa run..........only 125 baht each.

Mobi.......if by chance Friendship have ran out i have a spare jar from my last run you can have..........check Friendship first though.

Where in Singapore?

I rarely eat it but it would be nice to have some in for birthday drinks next week.

The "Cold Storage" supermarkets stock it...........the Cold Storage branches i use are located on Orchard Road, there is one in the basement of the big shopping mall "Takashimaya" (opposite the Marriott) and the other one is in the basement of one of the other shopping malls on Orchard road the same side of the road as the Marriott but heading towards city hall..........i cant remember the name of the mall its in though.

Something else Cold Storage stock is Cadburys Rum And Raisin(sp?) chocolate as well as the Fruit and Nut etc.............i know you can get it in Thailand but these bars are 340gm ones and only 100 baht.

They also stock corned beef Hormel brand at 100 baht a tin compared to 170 baht here.

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Thanks for the quick reply

There is a cold Storage opposite my condo in Bukit Timah - I will have a look in there although I do have to go to "Takashimaya" to spend some vouchers soon as well.

Corned beef too -- may make some Corned Beef Hash but it seems too hot to eat it ;-)

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Most Americans miss sour dill pickles.

Which are better Branston or dill?

Both are absolutely wonderful. :D

Please, let's not start this yank/limey bashing about food again.

We had enough of it a while back about who makes the best sandwiches.

Who bloody cares? :D

I had a nice little thread here about my Branston pickle and you want to start another transatlantic war - I can feel it in my bones. :o

Go ahead - I for one won't respond, and if it starts, I respectfully request that this thread is closed.

Thanks for all the help guys. I'm now fully stocked.

Mobi :D

Edited by Mobi D'Ark
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Most Americans miss sour dill pickles.

Which are better Branston or dill?

Both are absolutely wonderful. :D

Please, let's not start this yank/limey bashing about food again.

We had enough of it a while back about who makes the best sandwiches.

Who bloody cares? :D

I had a nice little thread here about my Branston pickle and you want to start another transatlantic war - I can feel it in my bones. :o

Actually, you are wrong.

I am just curious about Branston pickles because I see you chaps talking about them so often.

Now, on the other hand, when it comes to sandwiches, I can't imagine anyone defending the British

ones! :D


Edited by Ulysses G.
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Actually, you are wrong.

I am just curious about Branston pickles because I see you chaps talking about them so often.

Now, on the other hand, when it comes to sandwiches, I can't imagine anyone defending the British

ones! :D


You just want to turn this thread into the great transatlantic pickle war of 2007. :D

And you've succeeded. :D

So - here we go then; which tastes better?

This pickle?

Or this pickle?

Vote with your mouth folks :bah:

Or.. if you have your own favourite pickle - feel free to add to the list.

If we're lucky, we'll succeed in making this the most pointless thread of the year so far... :o

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If we're lucky, we'll succeed in making this the most pointless thread of the year so far... :o

I don't know about that Mobi. This thread was not exactly timeless. :D

I thought that was great thread from the Donz, Knife edge sort of stuff.

Did he make the call or?

did he get out of bed or not?

Dill or BP? Not even in the same league. :D

Glad to hear it was mission acclomplished, now who was the last person to say that?

Good Luck


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Went to Frendship this morning to replace my jar but there was NONE LEFT.

Was in there 5pm last night they had 7 jars left.............obviously an influx of T.V members. :o

Try again in a week they will get it in again.

Come on Thai flyer what you doing counting

Jars of branston pickle on a shelf in a supper market. :D

If you need a few pointers of what to do in pattya

let me know, I can point you in the right direction :D

But 10 out of ten for effort

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