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This has to be seen to be believed: Wish you were here - you could help us pick up the trash on the beach....

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5 minutes ago, nickmondo said:

dont worry, the Farang Trash Heroes will be along soon!

Doing their bit for the kingdom. Thais sitting and saying, 'See just wait for stupid farang to clean up. They like it, feel good.'  And farang  say Thais are stupid? 

13 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

The local ampher has people that clean the beach with equipment etc, You see them at the beach sometimes. The photo is probably taken early morning before they have got to that section of beach. I think they need to do it more often and employ more people. Also, they tend to clean at low tide.

AS "BEVUP" points out, a tractor with sand sieve attached would be up and down the beach in no time.   Yes, it's labour saving, but a clean beach, free of trash, toilet waste, cigarettes left-overs, might even attract some more tourists!!!!


Thais & Chinese are notorious litter bugs everywhere. They just don’t care. They don't seem to understand that plastic does not decompose. I have seen so much plastic trash along road ditches, rail tracks, empty lots & particularily all over these once beautiful, pristine beaches. 

They need to educate “carry out what you carry in” mentality or start handing out heavy fines. (Like that will ever happen).

Lazy, ignorant, oblivious, thoughtless, **** for brains ignoramuses. 

This will get around internationally & tourist will eventually forgo Thailand &  travel elsewhere. I don't blame them. I would too.

4 hours ago, jacko45k said:

Yes, I wondered about that too, or at least a credit card required.

Should be straight forward catching them on islands, particularly if they are using their passports when checking in.


4 hours ago, colinneil said:

The  litter problem is not only on the beaches, but everywhere.

People here do not care, never clear up just throw things on the ground, not enough litter bins is also a problem, but then people will not throw litter in them, but just dump it on the ground.


A few days ago i went to big C, past a small lake just outside our village.

There was a group of people sat at the side of the lake eating/drinking.

On my way home, they were gone, the mess they left behind was disgusting.

Two things foreign to the Thai psyche. 1.  Preventive maintenance, and 2. considerate rubbish disposal.  they just throw stuff everywhere.  False sense of self importance.  Someone else needs to clean up after me.  It is beneath me to considerately dispose of my rubbish at any time.


6 minutes ago, The Deerhunter said:


Two things foreign to the Thai psyche. 1.  Preventive maintenance, and 2. considerate rubbish disposal.  they just throw stuff everywhere.  False sense of self importance.  Someone else needs to clean up after me.  It is beneath me to considerately dispose of my rubbish at any time.


Yes I agree, but it is at odds with 3-4 showers a day, sweeping the floor 5 times a day, shoes off at the door etc. It seems there is a big difference between personal space and public space.

15 minutes ago, Cranky said:

And god help anyone that lights up.

This got me thinking Cranky. What if one disposed his e-cigarette on the beach in the upcoming law in Hua Hin? Or his pipe even!!

15 hours ago, BEVUP said:

& surely it's not that difficult to buy a couple of sand sifting machine (like they have in other countries ) that can be trucked around to different beaches

Picking up trash on the beach is a waste of time and resources.  It's like holding a bucket under my ass and thinking you are done after the first load.  Trust me.  More is on the way.  Beach trash can only be defeated by eliminating the source.


The garbage is a national Thai problem. Thailand is the number one country  concerned to plastic bags, plastig drinking containers, pet bottles etc.

Why no payback on bottles like in most European countries.

About the beach in jomtien between soi 1 (palm Beach hotel) and soi 11 ( where the beach stops). I just walk there daily I live soi 10 luckily atyou condo resort we do have two swimming pools with salted water (no chlorine). Through the years I have seen the beach go from bad to worse. Luckily they did move out already many food stalls near and on the beach. But still they hardly clean it.

I am even considering to give up life in jomtien and move up north but there also garbage everywhere.

Really they need to clean the beach everyday best proposal made here is a sifting machine but as long they have people just picking up the easy and bigger surface pollution it will not help.

Same in here it was claimed Thai leave things behind but what ton think of our Russian (friends????).

They not care a bit on environment. In the building i live in some russian renting a place have been kicked out. Hmm what they must have done to make a Thai that upset that they are kicked out?


All plastic should be banned from Thailand.  If you want to live like cave dwellers than you get the same biodegradable materials they had.  Back to banana leaves and coconuts shells.


Loy Kratong is only two weeks away.   That's the day millions of Thais float little boats made of styrofoam, wire, pins and plastic out into the waterways.   It's a very old tradition where folk request forgiveness from the watergod for fouling her environment.    The irony is breathtaking.


Here's a photo of the morning after the night before.   The watergod would not be happy.


9 minutes ago, mogandave said:

They’re going to regulate the “pipe-smokers” as well?

If you are correct MD; and I don't doubt it for one second. Then I'm going to have big decisions to make. 


Not go on the beach or stop pipe smoking on the beach.


What a dilemma!


I've moved from fags to e's and now the pipe. Well, I can see the importance of all this legislation,,,,,

15 hours ago, Peterw42 said:

The local ampher has people that clean the beach with equipment etc, You see them at the beach sometimes. The photo is probably taken early morning before they have got to that section of beach. I think they need to do it more often and employ more people. Also, they tend to clean at low tide.

Maybe the bodies lying in the middle of the garbage are also trash, brought by the tide during the night, and waiting to be collected by the appropriate equipment, to be dumped in a fish farm.


Obviously, no living human being would voluntarely expose himself in such a degrading situation...or it could also be Walking Deads getting a rest before resuming their march towards Walking Street...



I have chartered my boat to a Chinese company. I went out on the first trip to Coral island. Rubbish?? The Thai's and Chinese, just throw their junk over the side of the boats there. I ask the skipper about this, he just laughed. No excuses, they do not give a S*&t. Look outside any 7/11, the bags they just got their beer in, everywhere.


Well, now only I understand the smoking ban at the beach! 

No chairs, no umbrellas, no beer and no smoking - go figure. This time round you cannot, honestly, blame the tourists or the aliens - it Thai garbage for which Thais are solely responsible. 

9 hours ago, ukrules said:

Don't worry, all of this will be back in pristine condition once the smoking ban begins :shock1:

YOU must be joking......a smoking ban will not stop all the crap from being deposited on any beach....

6 minutes ago, garbolino said:

YOU must be joking......a smoking ban will not stop all the crap from being deposited on any beach....

Sarcasm, anyone?

1 hour ago, Sydebolle said:

Well, now only I understand the smoking ban at the beach! 

No chairs, no umbrellas, no beer and no smoking - go figure. This time round you cannot, honestly, blame the tourists or the aliens - it Thai garbage for which Thais are solely responsible. 


True, they just come eat and trash the beaches, who swims or sunbaths ?



3 minutes ago, NextStationBangkok said:


Smoking guns or smoking butts ? :sleepy:

That depends on whether they are gangsters or ladyboys I guess.!

21 minutes ago, Jonmarleesco said:

Foreign visitors, again. Must have been. Thais don't litter - do they?


Do you mean the Tyro-form baskets for fried crabs and somtham ?


And the number of straws, number of plastic bags, number of plastic cups ?


Did i forgot anything else. Sounds like they are always behind Farang butts....:shock1:

17 hours ago, BEVUP said:

& surely it's not that difficult to buy a couple of sand sifting machine (like they have in other countries ) that can be trucked around to different beaches


It wouldn't be that hard to have the Pattaya City Halls clean up crew, small offense prisoners, to "DAILY" remove the trash before high-tide takes it back out into the ocean...:) Like NOW!!!


While I'm at it, have the prisoners start taking care of all of these stray dogs, having litters twice a year, teaching some to sterilize, some to bathe, cut nails, train also having a friend, having them adopted, earning a small amount of baht for the prisoners, also learning a possible trade...:)


There is a thing called K I S S "Keeping It Simple Sweetheart" or "Keep It Simple Stupid"

Hey! What do I know, have been cleaning Thailand's beaches for 17 years, had over 20 dogs, 60 cats sterilized, giving water, food, toiletries, first aid to hundreds of less fortunate Tha's and Cambodian children and adults, going to be 80, need to slow up...:)

Tooting my horn and looking for caring people to take over...        

15 hours ago, Chrisdoc said:

I was at Pattaya beach around 2 pm Sunday. Tide coming in. Piles of rubbish. Never seen it so bad. Definitely hadn't been cleaned yet. I usually sympathise with the deck chairs guys but I can't understand why they don't clean up in front of their sites at least. It's not like they are really busy. I wouldn't sit in that but plenty sunbathing in the filth.

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Where is the Brit with the Machete  when you need him

he could be doing some good going round the beaches encouraging people to pick up the rubbish 

keep the beaches clean 

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