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Facebook Founder Mark Zuckerberg To Visit PM Prayuth Later This Month


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Good . . . that totally vindicates my choice, long ago, not to join the FB dependency. I'd regarded it as a girly thing, since its inception but, when a previously good pub pal became hooked on the network and, soon after, lost one of his shooting chums (through indiscrete posting) as well as becoming a total bore, I decided to leave my FB garden pretty well unattended.


I guess, if my daughter wins a coast-to-coast cycle race or something equally newsworthy, I may answer the bleep but, with Zuckerberg giving yet more credibility to our incredible hulk, she may well have to email me in future. Ugh . . . what a bad taste that news has left.

Edited by Ossy
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The internet and wide use of computers has had both very positive and very negative effects on the world as whole. For me, I have found it negative and ruined the art of conversation and debate.


Fake reports and news has caused a lot of damage around the world.


A story can be circulated with such rapidity with such easy access and ability to post on social platforms, it can already have gone half way around the world before people realize it is false or a hoax.


You can hardly gain a persons attention to order a meal or a drink  long enough to distract them from their social media with their phones glued to their ear. It occurs everywhere, in supermarkets, shops, restaurants, hotels, bars. factories and meetings!!


We then have all the additional road accidents and deaths being caused by people on mobiles, taking selfies, texting etc


Another downside that really bugs me,there is nothing more annoying trying to get off a flight when you have just landed to find some clown blocking the aisle blabbing away on a mobile. Can they not wait five minutes?


It's just as bad when you enter the terminal building and attempt to walk or use the moving conveyor walkways, they are constantly being blocked by people weaving side to side, walking at a snails pace or wandering around aimlessly on their mobile phones playing social media, taking selfies or prattling on telling people they have just landed!!


 Jeez, makes you wonder how they survived before the hand-phone! Sorry guys, rant over!!


Anyway, I wouldn't trust a word that comes out of either of the mouths of these two. A tyrant who overthrew an elected government and a guy who cheated and tricked his partners out of their shareholdings in Facebook.



Edited by Scouse123
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58 minutes ago, chickenslegs said:


Attitude adjustment?

OUCH, you beat me to it chickenslegs!  I can't imagine anything even remotely productive coming out of this surely disastrous get-together between such diagonally opposed (in many ways) individuals.  I'm sure ZuckerborgTM is well aware that Little P recently threatened to pull the plug on Facebook here in the kingdom for failure to censor all anti-Little-P Facebook comments, etc.


Dammit I would love to be a fly on the wall for this meeting, though.

Edited by Jimbo in Thailand
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9 minutes ago, Scouse123 said:

Fake reports and news has caused a lot of damage around the world.

Yep stupid people will believe anything they are told


You have to ask yourself what would happen to FB if the Zut gave one millimeter to little P, it would close overnight and the Zut knows that.


Thailand  FB is used by locals more than most countries but the advertising income from here is a drop in the ocean compared to the rest of the world.


Expect a Photo shoot opportunity only from the P, anything to get himself elected????????????????

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1 hour ago, worgeordie said:

I hope an aid whispers in the PM's ear,who Zuckerberg is.


regards worgeordie

'Facecook's here, Sir'?   Prayut will think his make-up girl's arrived. Could be good, though . . . his nasal hairs are showing, again.

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2 hours ago, webfact said:

Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg to meet Prayuth in Thailand

By Coconuts Bangkok 



A Facebook photo of Mark Zuckerberg.


Mark Zuckerberg, CEO and co-founder of Facebook, will visit Thai Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha in Thailand later this month.


Deputy Prime Minister Somkid Jatusripitak said today that the Facebook chief will meet with the junta chief on Oct. 30 to discuss plans to expand Facebook in Southeast Asia.


Somkid added that the meeting will be good for the image of Thailand since Facebook is a data center that connects people worldwide, Prachachart reported.


Full story: https://coconuts.co/bangkok/news/facebook-ceo-mark-zuckerberg-meet-prayuth-thailand/

-- © Copyright Coconuts Bangkok 2017-10-17

Wow, what a physique! Looks like another face-to-face humiliation for PM and hopefully another character-shaming handshake. Come on, Mark . . . squeeze the living daylights out of Mr Smiley.

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BANGKOK — Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg will be coming to Thailand later this month to meet Prime Minister Gen. Prayuth Chan-ocha, the deputy prime minister dreamt. It was a very pleasant dream, he said. Lady Gaga will be the next on his list :shock1:

Edited by jenny2017
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Makes me wonder why a Young Billionaire would even want to get mixed up in Politics.


I would have stayed single and be on some Yacht someplace with a bunch of rich friends and beautiful women eating Lobster and drinking the best Cognac money can buy, and cruising around in my new Jet Ski Boat. Or take off someplace in my Private Jet.


With all that money, do these guys actually get bored I wonder?

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With a net worth of about $72.5 billion,  he might ask Prayuth if he can buy Thailand.. 

I hope the P.M. shows Mark  some respect by taking him out for some street noodles and a soapy.


By comparison, :

  • United Kingdom- Queen Elizabeth- $15 Billion. ...
  • Saudi Arabia- King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud- Net Worth – $17 Billion. ...
  • Brunei- Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah- Net Worth- $20 Billion. ...
  • United Arab Emirates- Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan- Net Worth- $23 Billion. ...
  • Thailand- King *********************** – Net Worth- $30 Billion.
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41 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

With a net worth of about $72.5 billion,  he might ask Prayuth if he can buy Thailand.. 

I hope the P.M. shows Mark  some respect by taking him out for some street noodles and a soapy

Um your facts are a bit out my friend


£30 billion should be $50 billion + on the last count up I saw on Forbes and others, but mind you I hear someone has his finger in the pie now.

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46 minutes ago, ratcatcher said:

With a net worth of about $72.5 billion,  he might ask Prayuth if he can buy Thailand.. 

I hope the P.M. shows Mark  some respect by taking him out for some street noodles and a soapy.


By comparison, :

  • United Kingdom- Queen Elizabeth- $15 Billion. ...
  • Saudi Arabia- King Salman bin Abdulaziz Al Saud- Net Worth – $17 Billion. ...
  • Brunei- Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah- Net Worth- $20 Billion. ...
  • United Arab Emirates- Sheikh Khalifa Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan- Net Worth- $23 Billion. ...
  • Thailand- King *********************** – Net Worth- $30 Billion.

We've done this so many times. Talking a Thai journo pal recently. The MSM group feudal dictators, landed gentry, with the Thai monarch via the Crown Property Bureau, which controls perhaps $30 billion of land. But that is not the monarch's piggy bank. The late HRH was scint, as all Thai kings have been. Westerners just don't get the Thai monarchical system.

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2 minutes ago, jgarbo said:

We've done this so many times. Talking a Thai journo pal recently. The MSM group feudal dictators, landed gentry, with the Thai monarch via the Crown Property Bureau, which controls perhaps $30 billion of land. But that is not the monarch's piggy bank. The late HRH was scint, as all Thai kings have been. Westerners just don't get the Thai monarchical system.

Apparently, neither do you..............."The late HRH was scint,.." His Royal Highness? I believe you mean His Majesty (H.M.)

skint = no money


No further discussion from me.

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Many people worldwide have made facebook a mainstream of their lives. These idiots are voluntarily participating in a social media that has become an extended eye government monitoring machine.


I would guess that this meeting between Zuckerberg and the Thai prime minister has been influenced by Donald Trump after Prayuth`s American visit.

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5 hours ago, DM07 said:

I hope Zuckerberg tells Prayut to shove his facebook- plans, where the sun don't shine!

But with the sleazebag Zuckerberg is, I highly doubt it!

Oh no ! Does that mean that in the near future, we'll see Thais on Facebook, sitting there and typing without having a conversation anymore?


Whole groups, who've forgotten how to talk to each other? People who post their "Hello Kitty photos? 


  Teachers and students who're online and on Facebook during lessons, and people who live in a Facebook world?


 If that's true, Mark, please do not come to Thailand......:shock1:


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2 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Makes me wonder why a Young Billionaire would even want to get mixed up in Politics.


I would have stayed single and be on some Yacht someplace with a bunch of rich friends and beautiful women eating Lobster and drinking the best Cognac money can buy, and cruising around in my new Jet Ski Boat. Or take off someplace in my Private Jet.


With all that money, do these guys actually get bored I wonder?

Yes they do. Having is not as exciting as wanting

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3 hours ago, GOLDBUGGY said:

Makes me wonder why a Young Billionaire would even want to get mixed up in Politics.


I would have stayed single and be on some Yacht someplace with a bunch of rich friends and beautiful women eating Lobster and drinking the best Cognac money can buy, and cruising around in my new Jet Ski Boat. Or take off someplace in my Private Jet.


With all that money, do these guys actually get bored I wonder?

And don't forget the nice massive coke habit....

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24 minutes ago, amdy2206 said:

What a waste of both of their times. Censorship is here to stay so what good could possibly come from the meeting -  except publicity?

Do you really believe Zuckerberg is meeting the Thai prime minister to persuade him to loosen up on censorship?


This is about collaboration, to gain endorsements and to make facebook a State approved US backed social media in Thailand. It will probably involve advertising deals by Thai companies and encourage more Thais to sign up. It`s gives the Thai government online snoop rights supported by Zuckerberg and endorsed by Donald Trump as big business.


This is what it`s all about my friends.



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I think a lot of people are very, very jealous of Zuckerberg, and understandably so given that he's still young and has had such epic success.

There is a lot of gossip that he will run for U.S. president someday. While we do could (and are) do a lot worse, I certainly hope not.

It's predictable (but still sad) to see the hateful posts here related to his ethnicity.

Personally I'm not a big fan of FB or Zuckerberg, but FB is a force to be reckoned with globally now, considering the large percentage of people that get all their news from there.  

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1 hour ago, Jingthing said:

I think a lot of people are very, very jealous of Zuckerberg, and understandably so given that he's still young and has had such epic success.

There is a lot of gossip that he will run for U.S. president someday. While we do could (and are) do a lot worse, I certainly hope not.

It's predictable (but still sad) to see the hateful posts here related to his ethnicity.

Personally I'm not a big fan of FB or Zuckerberg, but FB is a force to be reckoned with globally now, considering the large percentage of people that get all their news from there.  

Have you not heard the old saying; Power tends to corrupt, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men." 'Absolute power...' i
Facebook that was initially designed as a communication network between colleges has progressed into a monster, an addiction that has taken over many people`s lives, as an organisation that collaborates with companies, governments, government agencies, employers and the police as a window into other people`s private lives, as a means of tracking online activities. A social media that tricks people into giving up their rights as private living individuals, believing FB is just a social piece of harmless fun.
People have been murdered, raped, sent to prison, cyber bullied and relationships have been destroyed just by participating on this social media.
Zuckerberg is nothing but a glorified administrator who has set up a well oiled cash making machine just by sitting on a cloud and letting all the idiots that participate in his game do all the work for him because people business is big business.
FB is dangerous, as everything people do on there can be recorded and used as evidence against them. It should be treated the same ways as smoking and drinking, used with extreme caution and in moderation.


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