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This is getting scary. Most of the time my entire body is hurting, every muscle, every bone. Every kind of movement causes discomfort.
Never heard of anything like that. I am afraid to mention this to the Medics, fearing they will classify me as a hypochondriac, or them sending me off to the nearest psychiatrist.
This sounds like a joke, but to me, the problem is VERY REAL.
Thx & cheers.

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2 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

what kind of pain....muscular....tendons...joints.....I know dengue can bring on back breaking body aches....dont f around get it checked asap.

Mostly muscular. Can't be dengue, have no fever. Had it for months, but getting worse.

1 hour ago, thequietman said:

Maybe iron deficiency. Get some iron tablets. You might be anemic, my dad had the same symptoms as you. Some iron and he was better.



Not likely. I eat a balanced diet, rather heavy on meat. Plus I take vitamin and mineral supplements in tablet form daily. Therefore, I can't see it as a nutritonal problem.

- Can supply another clue: The first hour after awakening is the worst time of the day for me. As the day progresses, I gradually feel better. Come bedtime, I am almost "comfortable", but knowing that the same pattern will repeat by the next day.
As suggested by posters here, I will present this problem to my "medics". If they qualify me as a hypochondriac, so be it.

Secretly hoping that "Sheryl" will comment on this. As a "pre-second opinion" so to speak.
Not expecting a firm "long distance diagnosis", but possibly giving a clue as to where the "root of the problem" may  originate from.
Thx & cheers.

10 hours ago, swissie said:

Mostly muscular. Can't be dengue, have no fever. Had it for months, but getting worse.


Come to think of it, I had something similar many years ago, after returning from a trip to phuket.

If I remember correctly it was something viral. Im not kidding here, but I went to see a shaman

and he performed some rituals and gave me daily massages for a week and it was gone. 



18 minutes ago, JHolmesJr said:

If I remember correctly it was something viral. Im not kidding here, but I went to see a shaman

and he performed some rituals and gave me daily massages for a week and it was gone. 


cheesyrdn2.gif  cheesyrdn2.gif

9 minutes ago, sikishrory said:

Get a hiv test as well. I think pain everywhere is a symptom 



Sounds like polymyalgia rheumatica, it's a form of rheumatism where your immune system attacks your hip & shoulder joints causing inflammation.  I'd never heard of it till I contracted it and I'm currently taking cortizone steroid tablets to reduce the effects and slowly being weaned off them as the disease retreats. About 3 months ago my whole body ached and I could hardly walk and struggled to get out of a chair as the pain was so bad to the point it would sometimes take me an hour to get out of bed. The tablets are prednisalone and relief occurs between 24 & 48 hrs after starting to take them. Have a look at the website below and if you think these symptoms apply to you then go see a rheumatologist and get diagnosed.




13 hours ago, swissie said:

Can supply another clue: The first hour after awakening is the worst time of the day for me. As the day progresses, I gradually feel better.

This is one of the symptoms I had but it got worse to the point it didn't make any difference what time of the day it was. I too had thought it was possibly dengue but that only lasts 2 weeks, I had also thought I wasn't getting enough exercise and getting stiff so I went for a cycle ride which made it worse. The only thing I got relief from was having hot showers which soothed my aching bones, we have plenty of hot water as we have a solar panel.


35 years ago in Bangkok I had muscular pain everywhere on my body especially in the morning, I was 30, I could hardly walk, every steps hurt, everything seems like rheumatism.  In Singapore they isolated Chlamydia then they called this: Reiter Syndrome.


Chlamidia is apparently half viral and half bacterial in size that I apparently caught sexually somewhere between Singapore and Bangkok.  In Bangkok and Bombay where I was working they did not know what it was then in Singapore Mount Elisabeth hospital after blood and semen analysis, they found Chlamydia, it was reactive to Tetracycline among many other antibiotics.


I then took Voltaren 100Mg tablets for a full year with 100Mg Tetracycline tablets daily and I was ok after a full year only of this treatment.  This is to indicate that you need to see a specialist with a full blood and semen tests.


So, you're really worried & has been going on for some months ????

You ask for advice on an open forum ? You haven't been to a doctor ?

We must be from different planets.


Without suggesting that the advice given above is of no value,,, you really need to get to a good hospital that can do blood tests etc to try to ascertain the problem (s)

Go spend the money ,,,, they understand your  situation & will not laugh at you


Get a D Pack of prednisolone. Takes all my aches away for months. 



I had dengue fever but surprisingly had not much aches and pain at the time, others report they cannot move.

Depending on the person and the strain, it is possible to get dengue with no fever but all the body aches.

I recall having aches and sore joints 3-4 months after recovering from dengue and put it down to lingering symptoms


There are many causes for what can be described as total body pain.  These include auto-immune diseases such as fibromyalgia rheumatica, rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, systemic lupus erythromatosis, also there are many low grade infectious causes - chlamydia being just one of them  - these are classed as reactive arthritis.


You don't say how old you are, any previous history or any medications you are taking.


You really do need to see a Doctor and have some bloods taken to include ESR(erythrocyte sedimentation rate) and CRP(C reactive protein) plus all the usual.  Further specific tests will be taken according to the initial test results.


Good luck and hope that you get an accurate diagnosis and feel better soon.

5 hours ago, tonray said:

Are you taking statin drugs for high cholesterol ?

...good question... that can be one of the side effects of intolerance to statins.. worth checking side effects of any other drugs he may be taking..


I had similar and I eat good and take lots of supplements...think I had dengue but never knew if it was that or food poisoning.  

I do not see conventional doctors unless I break a bone unless someone else takes me there unknowingly.

Drink more water than you have ever drunk and uptake your vitamins for starters and get serious rest.

You might have a parasite which is a tough one but all of these "challenges" have natural healing solutions if you Google and investigate.

2 hours ago, yimlitnoy said:

35 years ago in Bangkok I had muscular pain everywhere on my body especially in the morning, I was 30, I could hardly walk, every steps hurt, everything seems like rheumatism.  In Singapore they isolated Chlamydia then they called this: Reiter Syndrome.


Chlamidia is apparently half viral and half bacterial in size that I apparently caught sexually somewhere between Singapore and Bangkok.  In Bangkok and Bombay where I was working they did not know what it was then in Singapore Mount Elisabeth hospital after blood and semen analysis, they found Chlamydia, it was reactive to Tetracycline among many other antibiotics.


I then took Voltaren 100Mg tablets for a full year with 100Mg Tetracycline tablets daily and I was ok after a full year only of this treatment.  This is to indicate that you need to see a specialist with a full blood and semen tests.

Strange , I had Chlamydia almost 30 years ago, my dick swell up and look a little puffy, is that what it looks like when you get chlamydia? I went to see doctor got tablets and got cured. But no pains over my body, how is it that you got pain all over your body?

2 hours ago, sikishrory said:

Get a hiv test as well. I think pain everywhere is a symptom 

After taking statins for about three weeks I began to get joint pain. I learnt that this could be the side affect of statins. I stopped and after a few days, so did the pains 

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