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So much for a nation in mourning

Golden Triangle

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As the title says, I along with millions of Thais and no doubt all expats with any sense have been and will continue to show respect for the late king until the mourning period is over, having said that I have been more than pissed off with the antics of the GF of the guy who lives opposite me, her and a bunch of her mates have been on the piss since early morning and are still at it as I type, they have been sounding like a bunch of Fishwives or a Witches Coven all day, it really does sadden me because I can assure you that they are not anything special and probably grew up in the Rice fields of Isaan where I thought people loved their king and showed loyalty and respect ?


Not this bunch of drunken retards.


And no, I didn't go and ask them to tone it down, do you think I'm mad ? I have to live here, you can choose your friends but not your neighbours.


Anyone experiencing similar ?? 


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thankfully i live in a well managed apartment block; any serious behaviour in breach of the resident contract results in immediate removal, lesser behaviour results in one warning and then out if repeated.



Edited by samsensam
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whether it be in Thailand or any part of the world there will be those who will have no respect.

I personally would like to express my condolences to a much loved King who,s memory

will live in the hearts of the respectful Thai people.


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