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How to live for 4000 baht a month. Not inc rents.


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I see these threads every now and again but they are all poor attempts to live frugally.  The below is for one person.


Electric 400 baht a month (1-bed apartment).  Don't use air, a big fan works fine except for a few weeks in summer.  Cold water shower, you don't need hot in the tropics.  Switch stuff off when you're not using it, unplug it when it's charged, easy enough.

Water from tap 50 baht a month.

Washing use the 20 baht or 30 baht washing machines, 3 times a month.   100 baht inc powder.

1 baht water machine - all the fluids you need for 8 baht a week, 30 baht a month.

Food.  Go to the supermarkets at 9pm.  Max Valu, Big C, Tesco, you can buy a bag full of food for under 50 baht and there's nothing wrong with it as long as you eat it within 24 hours or so.  Buy the milk with 75% off and freeze it.  Don't buy fruit from carts, you're just paying more for them to cut it for you.  Buy Thai food in Thailand.  Go to local markets and eat rice dishes for 30 baht.  Don't smoke or drink or have any other vices.  It's exercising poor self control when you cannot stop yourself consuming something that is bad for your body and for your wallet.  But if you want to die quicker that's your business.  If you have to eat out, use apps like eatigo for 50% discounts at restaurants.  100 baht a day, 3000 a month.

Transport (I know varies and BKK is easier than other places).  Walk.  Songtaews.  No taxis.  Buses 0-10 baht get you anywhere in the city.  Travel outside of peak times if possible.  Combine trips.  400 baht a month.


3970 baht I think.  Which leaves 30 baht for extravagances.


Thank you.  I'll now answer any questions and critiques that you may have.  But not for about 2 hours because I'm going to watch Man U Tottenham (mine's a 20 baht Coke).

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I just paid our latest electric bill, >6k Baht. I spend about the same on fuel and 1k per week on tolls.


Now if you were talking US $4,000 per month ...


Just to put things in perspective, you spend 4,000 Baht a month, I don't get out of bed for that an hour.


You can live on 4k Baht per month, I probably could but I choose not to (actually I probably couldn't).


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16 minutes ago, dfdgfdfdgs said:

Electric 400 baht a month (1-bed apartment).  Don't use air, a big fan works fine except for a few weeks in summer.  Cold water shower, you don't need hot in the tropics.  Switch stuff off when you're not using it, unplug it when it's charged, easy enough.

Water from tap 50 baht a month.

Washing use the 20 baht or 30 baht washing machines, 3 times a month.   100 baht inc powder.

1 baht water machine - all the fluids you need for 8 baht a week, 30 baht a month.

Food.  Go to the supermarkets at 9pm.  Max Valu, Big C, Tesco, you can buy a bag full of food for under 50 baht and there's nothing wrong with it as long as you eat it within 24 hours or so.  Buy the milk with 75% off and freeze it.  Don't buy fruit from carts, you're just paying more for them to cut it for you.  Buy Thai food in Thailand.  Go to local markets and eat rice dishes for 30 baht.  Don't smoke or drink or have any other vices.  It's exercising poor self control when you cannot stop yourself consuming something that is bad for your body and for your wallet.  But if you want to die quicker that's your business.  If you have to eat out, use apps like eatigo for 50% discounts at restaurants.  100 baht a day, 3000 a month.

Transport (I know varies and BKK is easier than other places).  Walk.  Songtaews.  No taxis.  Buses 0-10 baht get you anywhere in the city.  Travel outside of peak times if possible.  Combine trips.  400 baht a month.


3970 baht I think.  Which leaves 30 baht for extravagances.


Thank you.  I'll now answer any questions and critiques that you may have.  But not for about 2 hours because I'm going to watch Man U Tottenham (mine's a 20 baht Coke).


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Been there done that, miserable existence.

Now, my kids pocket money is 4k a month.

Better to have money and a life than to not.

Get a job, help poor people, see the world, have a family etc. Are you celibate btw? I wouldn't think you are the most eligible bachelor in Bangkok.

Ever thought of being a monk, it's free.

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That's pretty good and I always get some ideas from these threads. 

I understand some people go through ups and downs in life and might have to live as cheaply as possible at times. 
But I think you missed a few: 


Soap, shampoo, shaving cream, coffee, 



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17 minutes ago, fiddlehead said:

That's pretty good and I always get some ideas from these threads. 

I understand some people go through ups and downs in life and might have to live as cheaply as possible at times. 
But I think you missed a few: 


Soap, shampoo, shaving cream, coffee, 



half of the things you've listed arn't needed by original poster i'd imagine...

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24 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:

I love threads like this because it seems to enrage some old fools on this forum.

I don't see anyone enraged, and I have no idea how old they are either. Perhaps you are just suffering from gerontophobia.

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3 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

You do often get the guys on here who loathe guys who live on very little.


Let's be honest, those loathers aren't very nice people



Perhaps it's because those who live on very little, even if they can afford a more extravagant lifestyle, see it as a badge of honour, when there's really nothing noble about it. I lived a pretty frugal lifestyle when I was 19 and hitching around Europe and the US, but that was out of necessity.

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Perhaps it's because those who live on very little, even if they can afford a more extravagant lifestyle, see it as a badge of honour, when there's really nothing noble about it. I lived a pretty frugal lifestyle when I was 19 and hitching around Europe and the US, but that was out of necessity.
If those guys want or have to live like that then fine, same with guys throwing money about, but the looking down on the former is just unnecessary
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2 minutes ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


That's one

One wise enough to be aware that 150 KBaht a month, in Thailand just gives you an "ok" lifestyle. And BTW I am not angry just staggered by the stupidity of this post...

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".... you can buy a bag full of food for under 50 baht and there's nothing wrong with it as long as you eat it within 24 hours or so.  Buy the milk with 75% off and freeze it.  Don't buy fruit from carts, you're just paying more for them to cut it for you.  Buy Thai food in Thailand.  Go to local markets and eat rice dishes for 30 baht.  Don't smoke or drink or have any other vices.  It's exercising poor self control when you cannot stop yourself consuming something that is bad for your body and for your wallet.  But if you want to die quicker that's your business. "


You may live longer, you may not - but it will certainly seem like it!

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Good on ya to the OP...people who are living frugally are to be admired, not criticized!

BTW reminded me of that old Bill Gates joke, if he drops $100, it is not worth it to pick up since it costs him more to bend over and pick it up then to keep walking!

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1 hour ago, Neeranam said:

Actually, I pay gardeners 4k a month but they're not very good. How do you fancy doubling your spending for 2 days work a month?


1 hour ago, theguyfromanotherforum said:


I'll do it.



Cue the Thai Visa Work Permit Police....


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39 minutes ago, KiChakayan said:

One wise enough to be aware that 150 KBaht a month, in Thailand just gives you an "ok" lifestyle. And BTW I am not angry just staggered by the stupidity of this post...


I'm still waiting for that job offer that pays 8000k for 2 days work. Lets see if you high rollers can put the money where your mouth is.


Otherwise you're worse than digital nomads, rofl

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