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Kevin Spacey apologizes after actor says he was subjected to sexual advance when only 14


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16 hours ago, Jingthing said:

Well now it's "coming out" that Spacey had a reputation when he lived in London for aggressively groping men at gay bars. Not underage. I don't see how that is criminal behavior. Just means he's a jerk. Grown men can deal with that. It's different if its in a power relationship (like with Weinstein) where it's implicit that if you don't go along, you hurt your career. 

Hard hitting on a subordinate and admiring 14 year old, even when you are the 26 year old prodigy theater director is foul play. In most civilized places this would a criminal offense. Let's play this, so if my 18 year old daughter were assaulted by a 30 year college professor, that's it, he's just a jerk. Maybe for your daughter.

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5 hours ago, Kim1950 said:

Hard hitting on a subordinate and admiring 14 year old, even when you are the 26 year old prodigy theater director is foul play. In most civilized places this would a criminal offense. Let's play this, so if my 18 year old daughter were assaulted by a 30 year college professor, that's it, he's just a jerk. Maybe for your daughter.

What a weird response to my post about the report of a crotch grab of an adult man in a GAY bar. 

Please be more careful in your posting.  

There are numerous reports now against Spacey. Some serious involving legally underage adolescent boys and some more about his rude behavior towards ADULTS in specifically gay SPACES. The latter would not be criminal except where homosexuality in general is criminal such as Saudi Arabia. They are not the same classes of reports. 

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Dustin Hoffman sexually harassed an underage person it was reported yesterday and it is supposedly common knowledge in Hollywood that he's an old perv.  Does that deserve it's own thread or should we post about it here.  It is also a food related perversion.  Maybe in the restaurant thread?  And on a personal note I'm sure glad I moved to Thailand 10 years ago. :partytime2:

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18 hours ago, amvet said:

And on a personal note I'm sure glad I moved to Thailand 10 years ago. :partytime2:

You glad you moved to Thailand because it's basically a free fire sex zone. Anything goes. Like the time, I said no to one girl, so they bid down to a younger girl. I said no again, so they bid down to a even younger girl. I didn't want sex. Though I would look at those innocent impoverished girls and they were in fear. Was not happening. How low would they go. Sick shit country.  Besides, the older business educated entrepreneurs  were always better company.


Spacey is now going into a Exploration and Recovery SPA. In the US, anyway, he's toast and he's old in the late 50's. Look at his work, his head was too big and self importantly deep. Good at impressions. The worm is turning in the US, this 'go-along-to-get-ahead-along' is over.


Manafort's trial, best case, might start next Spring. Good look. This thing will last a decade. This way, everybody, gets what they want, more money, more visibility, and nothing changes. Donna Brazile ratted out the DNC and Clinton tanking on Sanders and there's silence. That's all you need to know about Trump dumb haters.

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11 minutes ago, Kim1950 said:

You glad you moved to Thailand because it's basically a free fire sex zone. Anything goes. Like the time, I said no to one girl, so they bid down to a younger girl. I said no again, so they bid down to a even younger girl. I didn't want sex. Though I would look at those innocent impoverished girls and they were in fear. Was not happening. How low would they go. Sick shit country.  Besides, the older business educated entrepreneurs  were always better company.


Spacey is now going into a Exploration and Recovery SPA. In the US, anyway, he's toast and he's old in the late 50's. Look at his work, his head was too big and self importantly deep. Good at impressions. The worm is turning in the US, this 'go-along-to-get-ahead-along' is over.


Manafort's trial, best case, might start next Spring. Good look. This thing will last a decade. This way, everybody, gets what they want, more money, more visibility, and nothing changes. Donna Brazile ratted out the DNC and Clinton tanking on Sanders and there's silence. That's all you need to know about Trump dumb haters.

Over the years I had 10,000 maybe more female employees in the States.  One of them was bound to try and sue me for something.  Less likely since living in Thailand for a long time.

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On 11/2/2017 at 5:24 AM, Kim1950 said:

Hard hitting on a subordinate and admiring 14 year old, even when you are the 26 year old prodigy theater director is foul play. In most civilized places this would a criminal offense. Let's play this, so if my 18 year old daughter were assaulted by a 30 year college professor, that's it, he's just a jerk. Maybe for your daughter.

I think you mean in most 'feminized places', the western world has become abnormal in it's victimizing of normal male sexual behaviour. As for my 19 year old daughter, she doesn't need protection from pushy men, she knows how to say 'NO' (can't see how their age is relevant).

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Does anybody know where I can buy some of that special Rohypnol the famous people, like Harris, Bill Crosby  and Weinstein, use? You know, the one that makes a woman not remember that anything happened for 24 years?

At 70 years of age, I think I would be quid’s in here……….:wub:

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1 hour ago, oxo1947 said:

Does anybody know where I can buy some of that special Rohypnol the famous people, like Harris, Bill Crosby  and Weinstein, use? You know, the one that makes a woman not remember that anything happened for 24 years?

At 70 years of age, I think I would be quid’s in here……….:wub:



At 70, you don't need it.   The ladies probably won't remember you no matter what you try to do, and if they do, the most you will get charged with is assault with a dead weapon.   :sorry:

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Reading all these sex scandals now, and observing the way they come out of the wood work after one person shouts about it. I am surprised that more hamsters didn't come out about Richard Gere all those years ago.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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6 minutes ago, juice777 said:

Reading all these sex scandals now, and observing the way they come out of the wood work after one person shouts about it. I am surprised that more hamsters didn't come out about Richard Gere all those years ago.

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

The hamsters got a particularly sh*tty deal.   :sorry:

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9 hours ago, lannarebirth said:

Mr. Spacey would appear to be toast. Methinks an assassination lies in store for Frank Underwood.





This just in: Fictional President Held to Higher Standard than Actual President


"Fictional President of the United States Francis Underwood has been obliged to step down this week following allegations of historical sexual harassment."

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On 10/31/2017 at 8:07 AM, Luckysilk said:

Greatest actors, you mustn’t get out much.


The gays have turned on him now & rightly so, good luck getting a job spacey with your freak family history and lame drunken excuses.


As for my career, thank God I did something more important than being an actor.

Sure you did.

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20 hours ago, amvet said:

Over the years I had 10,000 maybe more female employees in the States.  One of them was bound to try and sue me for something.  Less likely since living in Thailand for a long time.

Speaks for you. I am sure Harvey and Kevin,  both bigger players than you, and they weren't shamelessly bragging about body counts. Good thing you could good back in the 'retro-wayback-back' for a reality check on sex-power norms, they don't pay in the US today. I've been around, too, and I can drop names, too. You telling me, Thailand has set the bar on sex pedofile trafficking. That politics, exploits your girls.

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19 hours ago, MaeJoMTB said:

I think you mean in most 'feminized places', the western world has become abnormal in it's victimizing of normal male sexual behaviour. As for my 19 year old daughter, she doesn't need protection from pushy men, she knows how to say 'NO' (can't see how their age is relevant).

Thanks because, you can't get out your 'World View'. So, you assume if a young woman or man is being abused or coerced into unwanted sex for she or he knew the norms, tough for you, because your daughter knows better. That's why it's called predatory exploitation. Right over your head, 'feminized places', how about 'human places'. As they say, Thailand is classified as a developing country.

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Mea culpa! Mea culpa! - your penance, Mr. Spacey, is two years in Dubai.


On 30/10/2017 at 7:20 PM, InMyShadow said:

He apologized and next statement will be his in a program for sex addiction


"(CNN)Actor Kevin Spacey is seeking unspecified treatment following an accusation of sexual assault ... ."

Also, a bi-guy playing the gay card is a bit much and, anyway, who cares.

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16 hours ago, Kim1950 said:

Speaks for you. I am sure Harvey and Kevin,  both bigger players than you, and they weren't shamelessly bragging about body counts. Good thing you could good back in the 'retro-wayback-back' for a reality check on sex-power norms, they don't pay in the US today. I've been around, too, and I can drop names, too. You telling me, Thailand has set the bar on sex pedofile trafficking. That politics, exploits your girls.

I have no idea what you mean.  I said out of 10,000 employees a few are going to capitalize on the current political climate to score some cash regardless of facts. 

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The standards are much more strict for actors that play presidents on t.v. vs. actual presidents. Hmm. Something smells with this --




Trump Is President, But Kevin Spacey Can’t Even Play One on TV


Why devote time and affective energy to a fictional Washington full of over-the-top sociopaths when matters of actual life and death now lay in the hands of a real-world assemblage scoundrels, grifters, bigots, killers, and outright pigs? House of Cards’ dramatic reversals, its conspiracies, its Machiavellian gambits, all of that now felt pointless compared to a real Washington of unapologetic, shameless sleaze. The reality of Trump’s accession made Underwood’s antics and deceptions seem tame and trivial in relation to an obscene reality.




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Yeah, game over -- Spacey's career should end because of this.
Not isolated incidents. He's full on.
Another one that should have his career ended over sexual abuses -- the president. 
It shouldn't have even started

Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

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On 2017-10-31 at 4:56 AM, balo said:

All the Hollywood actors that does not want to talk about their private lives are gay , most of them . So no surprise here. They protect their privacy to continue earning millions .  

Now Spacey will be left with stupid roles in B-movies and no more big earners for him . 



Why should anyone have to talk about their private lives?

Please, tell us about yours. No, wait, I’d rather watch paint dry.

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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He should be. 

There are lawsuits from some of his victims developing right now that may touch that presidential pervert yet. 

LOL.   Yeah.   And the South shall rise again.   Since Nov 8, waah waah waah.   Pathetic.  Certainly persistent.   But pathetic.   And TODAY, boys and girls, is the re-re-re-restart of the Antifa presidential impeachment drive!  Go downtown and smash a window!  And get started on those death threat letters, Christmas (oops, "Winter Festival") is right around the corner!!   (Meanwhile, Bernie Sanders supporters are gathering to "touch" Hillary - and maybe that Wasserman-Schultz witch.  They'll both look good in .........  flames.)




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3 hours ago, Jingthing said:

He should be. 

There are lawsuits from some of his victims developing right now that may touch that presidential pervert yet. 

Which presidential pervert are we talking about? Kennedy? Johnson? Bush I ? Clinton? Eisenhower? Roosevelt? 

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Getting back on topic, Spacey is also under scrutiny for his behavior while artistic director at the Old Vic in London between 2004 and 2015. It appears that any guy 'under 30' was fair game but so far, beyond some stories of "beautifully lit", picnics on the main stage, I don't think anyone has come up with much more than accusations of him having “routinely preyed” on young male actors at this time. However, the City of London police have referred an accusation of sexual assault from 2008 to the Metropolitan Police for investigation.


At the same time, the Old Vic itself is under scrutiny for turning a blind eye to his behavior, going so far as to make an official press statement on how they stand with regard to Spacey's slow-motion train wreck.

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While I'm not going to argue that cases don't exist especially in the movie industry, 'casting couch' being the catch phrase, I often wonder how many people in 'normal' life could be accused of similar transgressions.

Working in offices and going to Xmas parties etc etc where secretaries bums were patted after a few glasses of the falling down water were consumed. As the saying goes, nothing propinqes like propinquity.

Imagine years later when/if the 'patter' rises to a position of public importance and the 'patted' decides for whatever reason to claim she/he was molested by the person 20 years before but doesn't mention that at the time both had had a few drinks and didn't really think about it at the time. By the time all the details of party, both drunk, etc etc come to light the damage has been done. 

If it was a weekly happening in the office, forced and unwelcome then that's obviously a whole different ball game.

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18 minutes ago, overherebc said:

While I'm not going to argue that cases don't exist especially in the movie industry, 'casting couch' being the catch phrase, I often wonder how many people in 'normal' life could be accused of similar transgressions.

Working in offices and going to Xmas parties etc etc where secretaries bums were patted after a few glasses of the falling down water were consumed. As the saying goes, nothing propinqes like propinquity.

Imagine years later when/if the 'patter' rises to a position of public importance and the 'patted' decides for whatever reason to claim she/he was molested by the person 20 years before but doesn't mention that at the time both had had a few drinks and didn't really think about it at the time. By the time all the details of party, both drunk, etc etc come to light the damage has been done. 

If it was a weekly happening in the office, forced and unwelcome then that's obviously a whole different ball game.

So you think this is just a matter of Spacey (Weinstein, Hoffman, Affleck, Dick, Cosby, etc., etc., etc.) patting somebody's behind at a Christmas party, do you?  You really need to dig just a bit deeper into the reported facts...


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