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Aussie woman’s birthday trip to Thailand a ‘holiday from hell’ after horror scooter crash


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2 hours ago, Time Traveller said:

Just as I thought when I read the headline, Another Travel Insurance propaganda infomercial promoted as if it's news.

Yes, insurance companies just love those commercials where people have insurance but there is still no cover.


Next time don't stop at the headline but read the article.

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1 hour ago, pattayadgw said:

While i feel for the young lady who has had the accident but i also feel it's about time the authorities jump all over the thousands of bike rentals companies and make sure they understand what is a real license... supply copies of australian, usa, uk, russian, chinese licenses to each and every rental company so they can cross-check to see if the persons license looks the same.  If the rental company provides a bike to a person who has no license and/or fake license and is caught, its straight to the big house for 12 months.  Remembering if a person has a fake and/or no license but has medical insurance... they wont be covered.  Think it maybe a good idea that any person renting a bike must show medical insurance and a real license before the company will give them a bike. 

And why should the rental company be responsible for people renting with fake licenses.


No need to answer.

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While out on my motorbike, I have seen tourists on motorbikes hell bent on overtaking and getting into the front of the line. As if saying; look at me the big mean Farlang, no one`s going to catch me up. Some I have seen on big bikes hardly managing to keep their balance.


Others I have seen on small scooters, no helmets, just wearing vests and shorts weaving in and out of traffic determined to get ahead of everyone else at all costs, risking life and limb. Then if involved in serious accidents they expect people to take pity and pay for their mistakes.

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5 hours ago, burgdawg said:

...the problem is multi-faceted. No easy solution other than word of this story to spread to the uninformed. Tragic. One must know their own limits to many things...swimming, motorbike riding, skiing, etc.

Falangs "assume" that scooters look "so innocent." Falling off two wheels, motorized or not is going to hurt. No one forced this gal to rent a motorbike. She made the rash decision.


All of us can do a better job telling others to "stay off all motorbikes." I advise many to hail a motorbike taxi. Or take a songataew.

I've been riding bicycles and motorcycles and scooter since I was six years old and I myself am shocked when friends "want me to teach them" how to ride a motorbike. Not on my watch! Many falangs that are newbies to Thailand are horrid pillion riders. Once, I stopped and order my passenger OFF my motorbike. He was so freaked out, he nearly caused a major accident. Tai women are the best pillion p;assengers in the world, no kidding---they've been on motorbikes their entire lives!


In USA, there is a $200 USD course offered by State Police and various motocycle shops sponsored by the MRF--Motorcycle Rider Foundation. An excellent course. Failing this course, my suggestion is devilishly simple---all driver's in the world wanting an International Driver's License must head to London! You got it----3-6 months of rigorous driving throughout England would shape up any driver from any country.


I landed at Newcastle in December 1972 and headed downthe M1 on my BMW R60/5. Excellent motorbike. I had never SEEN a roundabout before. My first one? I went round and round...figuring it all out. UK drivers are the best in the world. I would pull off the side of the road to take a break and was astonished when kind and inquisitive drivers checked to see if I was okay. I spent months riding about UK on my BMW. Here is the shocker---how come with the lousiest weather in the world, some of the top motorcyclists in the world hail from the UK? Just an observation. Brits take their motor vehicle skills very seriously.


Sorrow for this gal and her health. I hope docs can save her leg. Kon Tai assume that everyone in the world can handle a motorbike. Not so. Prayers to her and her family.



Let's see, "All of us can do a better job telling others to "stay off all motorbikes." I advise many to hail a motorbike taxi." Am I the only one to see a problem here? If you are so against newbies riding bikes, why take a motorcycle taxi? If you don't know how to ride a bike, don't, duh. I too ride, been riding over 60 years, and I do not take motorcycle taxis, I don't trust them.

Edited by smotherb
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I find it interesting that Thailand is the top deadly destination for Aussies traveling abroad.... and Australia is the country known as everything in Australia wants to kill you. 
Let me get this straight...these people have the wits to thrive in a place where everything is trying to kill them, but have a hard time surviving in the land of smiles!!!?????
The vast majority of Ozzies live in big city's where crocodiles and venomous snakes and baby eating dingoes along with 7ft roos with 8 inch claws are pretty easy to avoid [emoji3]
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A Real, REAL Tragedy Really !!! ….  Did she know how to ride a Motor bike ??? ... I do wish her a Very good Recovery.


But ? … Like In-experienced Motor bike riders, SHOULD NOT be on the Roads in Phuket at least, … though I do not know about Ko Samui, as it is an Island at least ??? …. And Langkawi, well, Marginal also, even if it is much less crowded than Thailand, .... As well, 37 Years of Driving in Thailand, a lot of it, as a Young Man, on a Motor bike !!! …  …. Well, I have been Lucky I guess, and also for NOT hitting any Locals, like the Young girl that got off the bus and walked across the road without looking, and I was just Going way …WAY TOO FAST !!! … When the road was just getting wet !!! …. And having her family come after me either,  when I was a Young Man, On the Bike !!! !!! !!! ....


(I just about stood it on it’s Nose, trying to reduce the speed with the front brake, without skidding, … no steering doing that, …. but without Losing the back end …   which WOULD have ended up with me Hitting her extremely fast, …. while sliding along the road, sideways,  …..   and I was going to let go of the front brake at the last moment, and try, to dodge her, at Hopefully a much slower speed, ….. …. But she looked up, ....  and stepped back, … just in time !!! – ….  The Luckiest Break in my Entire Thai Driving career !!!) ….  (A Yamaha TZR, street racer, with Exhaust Valve, and a back end / Tire, that well, … Never Really even hung on, even in the dry)


… But well now around here, where I live near the Asia Highway near Bangpaharn in Ayutthaya Province, ... I LIKE driving on the roads here, and have NO Problems doing it at all !!!  ... Like less than I possibly would have driving on the now more crowded Roads back in Adelaide Australia !!!  ....


And the Thais ARE Courteous !!! …  Whatever the Potato sack, Scooter, Couch Potato’s here, might like to say about them, Right ??? "Talartmon" ??? .... But well, in my experience, .... Once you get past Bangkok, at least, which well, is not to bad either considering the volume of traffic !!!  … But then, the Further South you drive !!! ??? … The worse the driving gets !!!  ... Until about half way, when your Life starts to be seriously threatened !!! ???  …. And well if you do make it to Phuket !!! … Well, then you had BETTER have some REALLY GOOD Medical Insurance Right ??? ....


No Inexperienced Tourist Bike riders EVER, should be on those roads I think my self ??? … Still, I have not been down there for a while ??? …. Still, … Like YES, it probably is Worse Now !!! Right ???


Mark mark

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I have rented a motorbike here for 2 years, they made sure I had a license and every rental included basic insurance, I have paid extra ฿200 for additional coverage. I also have my own Thai Motorcycle Policy with zero deductables only ฿2000 for a years coverage. I am not sure, but I think I found it thru Thai Visa either thru an ad or a reply to a forum post. 

Edited by Grumpy Duck
Yi ha
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55 minutes ago, Brigante7 said:

I’m confused, why would her family need to raise funds to bring her home when her holiday insurance will cover it?





Because insurance does not cover injuries from riding a motorbike without a motorbike license. 


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I have been riding for 52 years. Started on a BSA Bantam at 10 and still ride now. HD and CT110 and spent many years riding like there was no tomorrow. I looked in amazement and thought they are ALL riding like I did back in the 70s but I wasn't on a 250 with the wife, kids, dogs, market goods.......I did 4 trips to Thailand before I finally rented a bike on Samui. Licensed, International permit and wore a helmet so WAS covered by insurance as did have a minor accident so reported it but as medical expenses weren't going to be ongoing we didn't proceed with the claim. The insurance company were very supportive and certainly appeared willing to pay.


I was also amazed at the tourists and kept a bigger distance from them when on the bike (and walking) as I sort of could predict the locals but there is no way of predicting someone who has no idea!!

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1 hour ago, Brigante7 said:

I’m confused, why would her family need to raise funds to bring her home when her holiday insurance will cover it?






Holiday insurance will not cover motor bike accidents for a number of reasons eg if you don’t hold a motor bike licence or if you have alcohol in your system. 



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41 minutes ago, InMyShadow said:

The vast majority of Ozzies live in big city's where crocodiles and venomous snakes and baby eating dingoes along with 7ft roos with 8 inch claws are pretty easy to avoid emoji3.png

You forgot about the drop bears.

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51 minutes ago, smotherb said:

Let's see, "All of us can do a better job telling others to "stay off all motorbikes." I advise many to hail a motorbike taxi." Am I the only one to see a problem here? If you are so against newbies riding bikes, why take a motorcycle taxi? If you don't know how to ride a bike, don't, duh. I too ride, been riding over 60 years, and I do not take motorcycle taxis, I don't trust them.

I have had no problems with motorbike taxis they are much better than tuk  tuks and faster in traffic than taxi's. but perhaps they are easy on me as they see an old farang.  

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I think ? Have a feeling ? that the Motor cycle Taxis would be in a LOT of Trouble, and Loose a LOT of Money, if they had an accident, ... and worse, with a Foreigner on board !!! ... So well I do Trust them. ... and well have only ever had about one bad one, in years !!! ...  and well he was not so bad either, .. the road was just very frightening I think. .... Just my Experience / Feeling. ... And well Sala Dang Sky Train, to the Old Auz Embassy !!! I had my first female Motor cycle taxi driver !!! ... And yes, I took her Photo and explained this !!! ..... A Nice Country, Thailand.

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10 hours ago, DavisH said:

Does she have a motorbike licence? I'm sure she wouldn't do the same in Australia. When will these companies stop renting bikes to those who have no idea of how to ride a bike, especially in a foreign country. Even rules such as "Right of way" also has a different interpretation here. 

These people will never stop renting a bike to those who are dumb enough to rent one !!!

Edited by metisdead
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2 minutes ago, scubascuba3 said:

Rubbish story lacking info, why did the insurers not cover the accident? What happened in the accident? Who was at fault? You get hardly any info then the predictable posts

Some more details would be great but the most likely scenario is she did not have a motorbike license and is not covered by her, or the other parties, insurance. No insurance will cover you for riding a motorbike without a motorbike license, not matter who is to blame.

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It's indeed  a sad story, but why foreigners have to ride a scooter here??? They would not do in their home countries.

Are they not informed that almost 100 people die every day on the roads?

And....it will give a feeling of freedom.....without helmet. Sometimes stupidity hurts unfortunately.

Anyway good luck, young woman

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A lot of blaming the girl posts when there is nothing in the story to indicate that she had never ridden a scooter or did not have a licence !!


Chances are, the bus driver was at fault and the girl was an innocent victim. Why shouldn't she hire a scooter while on holiday ? Apart from her insurance not covering her, Oooops... 

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The article states she had travel insurance but it did NOT include motorbike travel.  Many if not most insurance policies do NOT by default cover bikes.  They are considered outdoor or dangerous activities or something like that and you have to pay for that additional coverage. In addition, even if your home country insurance covered vehicle accidents, if one was not licensed to drive a bike, as many people are not, then your home insurance policy will NOT cover you. 



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The article states she had travel insurance but it did NOT include motorbike travel.  Many if not most insurance policies do NOT by default cover bikes.  They are considered outdoor or dangerous activities or something like that and you have to pay for that additional coverage. In addition, even if your home country insurance covered vehicle accidents, if one was not licensed to drive a bike, as many people are not, then your home insurance policy will NOT cover you. 



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Many if not most insurance policies do NOT by default cover bikes.  They are considered outdoor or dangerous activities or something like that and you have to pay for that additional coverage.

NOT true. Not sure what country you are from but in the UK, all bar one policy I looked at covered it as standard but there are clauses, helmet required, bike driving licence required, max 125cc is common, max alcohol level in blood stated.
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1 hour ago, Grumpy Duck said:

I have had no problems with motorbike taxis they are much better than tuk  tuks and faster in traffic than taxi's. but perhaps they are easy on me as they see an old farang.  

I don't argue the convenience of bikes. I rarely go downtown in my car, the bike is much more traffic-friendly. I don't like motorcycle taxis because I trust my riding more--I do not just dart out into traffic and go down the wrong side of the street like they do. Anyway, I was commenting on the dichotomy of the post which warned against all bikes, but suggested taking a motorcycle taxi.

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1 hour ago, Grumpy Duck said:

I have had no problems with motorbike taxis they are much better than tuk  tuks and faster in traffic than taxi's. but perhaps they are easy on me as they see an old farang.  

I don't argue the convenience of bikes. I rarely go downtown in my car, the bike is much more traffic-friendly. I don't like motorcycle taxis because I trust my riding more--I do not just dart out into traffic and go down the wrong side of the street like they do. Anyway, I was commenting on the dichotomy of the post which warned against all bikes, but suggested taking a motorcycle taxi.

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25 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

The article states she had travel insurance but it did NOT include motorbike travel.  Many if not most insurance policies do NOT by default cover bikes.  They are considered outdoor or dangerous activities or something like that and you have to pay for that additional coverage. In addition, even if your home country insurance covered vehicle accidents, if one was not licensed to drive a bike, as many people are not, then your home insurance policy will NOT cover you. 



Most policies out of Australia will cover motorbikes, if you have a bike license, the bike is registered, not breaking the law, or off road etc. Its the same as driving a car, its a legal vehicle. 

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25 minutes ago, gk10002000 said:

The article states she had travel insurance but it did NOT include motorbike travel.  Many if not most insurance policies do NOT by default cover bikes.  They are considered outdoor or dangerous activities or something like that and you have to pay for that additional coverage. In addition, even if your home country insurance covered vehicle accidents, if one was not licensed to drive a bike, as many people are not, then your home insurance policy will NOT cover you. 



Most policies out of Australia will cover motorbikes, if you have a bike license, the bike is registered, not breaking the law, or off road etc. Its the same as driving a car, its a legal vehicle. 

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2 hours ago, InMyShadow said:

The vast majority of Ozzies live in big city's where crocodiles and venomous snakes and baby eating dingoes along with 7ft roos with 8 inch claws are pretty easy to avoid emoji3.png

Obviously you've never been bitten on the finger by a Sydney funnel-web spider.

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