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Prawit refuses to confirm speculation about junta-linked party


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Noooo, c'mon. - these guys (being army) are the best. I mean look at how many battles they have won, wars that went their way. Ok, ok, you may have to go back 3-400 years or so, and it could be legendary,  but - it still counts, right?

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8 hours ago, MaxLee said:


The ruling regime, which must not be named IS the law, so why bother..... 

One must question the need to hold an election. When elected political parties serve at the pleasure of military commanders, they don't serve any purpose and cause more problems than they solve. Now the military is proposing that they become a political party and thereby establish absolute power. Has anything changed since 1932? Has any progress been made?


Elections would seem to be nothing more than a publicity stunt aimed at convincing foreign nations that Thailand is a democratic country. That seems to be working well.

Edited by tropo
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9 hours ago, webfact said:

will set up a political party to support junta chief General Prayut Chan-o-cha to become the next premier

But the premier is appointed and is not party affiliated.  Stated in the constitution.  I wish they'd get their act together.

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9 hours ago, tropo said:

One must question the need to hold an election. When elected political parties serve at the pleasure of military commanders, they don't serve any purpose and cause more problems than they solve. Now the military is proposing that they become a political party and thereby establish absolute power. Has anything changed since 1932? Has any progress been made?


Elections would seem to be nothing more than a publicity stunt aimed at convincing foreign nations that Thailand is a democratic country. That seems to be working well.

You forget,..... there will never be elections. Book it.

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11 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Image result for beach chair logo  A perfect logo for the junta party. 

Well, not quite . . . how's this?  A bit on the small side, I know, but I'm outa practice.

ncpo logo2.png

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"The NCPO is not involved in politics.


Ugh? Whom does he think he is kidding?


Politics: The activities of the government, members of law-making organisations or people who try to influence the way the country is governed. - Cambridge English Dictionary.


You can fool some of the people all of the time, General, and all the people some of the time -  but not all the people all the time. 

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17 hours ago, yellowboat said:

Image result for beach chair logo  A perfect logo for the junta party. 

I'm sorry, but I don't think this captures all the nuances of the unrelenting drive to return happiness to the people. Could I suggest?



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33 minutes ago, JAG said:

I'm sorry, but I don't think this captures all the nuances of the unrelenting drive to return happiness to the people. Could I suggest?



The logo was referring to their one and only physical achievement outside of singing, exercising and making grandiose, non substantive speeches.  But hey,  have it your way.  

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Try rread this, yes the order was different, but... This is school material that Thai students should learn from rather than the video made by the junta where pupils paint a picture of Hitler...


How Hitler consolidated power 1933-1934

In January 1933 Hitler became chancellor of Germany and by August 1934, he had declared himself Führer - the leader of Germany. What happened during this time that allowed Hitler to take the ultimate position of authority?


Dates and events 1933-1934

Date Event

27 Feb 1933

Reichstag fire

Reichstag Fire - the Reichstag[Reichstag: German parliament in Berlin. ]building is set on fire. A Dutch Communist, van der Lubbe, is caught red-handed in the burning building.

5 Mar 1933

Nazis get 44 per cent of the vote

General Election - only 44 per cent of the population vote for the Nazis, who win 288 seats in the Reichstag.

23 Mar 1933

The Enabling Act

Enabling Act - the SA [SA : Also known as Storm Troopers or Brownshirts. A military style organisation of the Nazi party formed in 1921 under Hitler. ] intimidates all the remaining non-Nazi deputies. The Reichstag votes to give Hitler the right to make his own laws.

26 April 1933

Gestapo established

Local government is reorganised - the country is carved up into 42 Gaus, which are run by a Gauleiter. These Gaus are separated into areas, localities and blocks of flats run by a Blockleiter. Hitler sets up the Gestapo.

2 May 1933

Trade unions banned

Trade unions are abolished and their leaders arrested.

20 June 1933

Cross and chain on a Nazi flag

Concordat - Hitler makes an agreement with the Pope who sees him as someone who can destroy communism. This agreement allows Hitler to take over political power in Germany as long as he leaves the Catholic Church alone.

14 July 1933

Political parties banned

Political parties are banned - only the Nazi party is allowed to exist.

24 April 1934

People's Courts

People's Courts - Hitler sets up the Nazi people's courts where judges have to swear an oath of loyalty to the Nazis.

30 June 1934

Night of the Long Knives

Night of the Long Knives - some SA leaders are demanding that the Nazi party carry out its socialist agenda, and that the SA take over the army. Hitler cannot afford to annoy the businessmen or the army, so the SS [SS: Also known as the Blackshirts. A German police/ military style organisation created to serve as the personal bodyguards of Adolf Hitler. In Hitler's Germany they eventually controlled the intelligence, security and police forces, and extermination of those they considered undesirable. ] murders perhaps 400 of the SA members, including its leader Röhm, along with a number of Hitler's other opponents.

19 Aug 1934

Hitler is Führer

Führer - when Hindenburg dies, Hitler declares himself jointly president, chancellor and head of the army.


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There's no need to read that. The PM already has absolute power and it was achieved masterfully with no bloodshed. It doesn't hurt that Thailand has, since 1932, been controlled by the military. Sometimes in the background, and, when necessary (since 2014) in the foreground.


This comment in the OP says it all:


Quote: "“Why do I have to confirm? The NCPO is not involved in politics. If it is necessary, we will set up a party, but if it’s not, we won’t. And now it isn’t necessary,” Prawit said, responding to a question about the possible formation of a party."


If it is necessary, they will set up a party. In other words, they will wait to see what political parties surface, and if they don't like them, they will set up a party to defeat them in the upcoming elections. They will always maintain tight control of the political environment. They aren't even being subtle about it.


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Since grabbing power the current incumbents have done their best to emulate the former governments policies in the hope of becoming equally as popular.


It seems likely then that continuing this trend this new military political party will need a name resembling the former electoral winners.


' Thai Ying Thai '  seems to be not only similar but also embodies the main part of their manifesto.

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2 hours ago, tropo said:

There's no need to read that. The PM already has absolute power and it was achieved masterfully with no bloodshed. It doesn't hurt that Thailand has, since 1932, been controlled by the military. Sometimes in the background, and, when necessary (since 2014) in the foreground.


This comment in the OP says it all:


Quote: "“Why do I have to confirm? The NCPO is not involved in politics. If it is necessary, we will set up a party, but if it’s not, we won’t. And now it isn’t necessary,” Prawit said, responding to a question about the possible formation of a party."


If it is necessary, they will set up a party. In other words, they will wait to see what political parties surface, and if they don't like them, they will set up a party to defeat them in the upcoming elections. They will always maintain tight control of the political environment. They aren't even being subtle about it.


I think it's the Dem party which is targeted, as the PT will always be against the Junta. Either the Dems will agree to support Prayut as an unelected PM, or the army will set up a party to support him.

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