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Problem's with the ex, can she ruin Future thailand trips?

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Im back in my country now safe and sound.
I miss Thailand and i want to go back.

My ex and I had huge fights (she hit me I hit back)
The relationship stopped and i went back home to clear my head.

She did not stop adding me on different facebook account's. Kept on spamming how much she misses me etc, to the point where i got so angry i told her to suck some (you know what)on thaifriendly for $$$ and stop putting her problems on my shoulders.

She didn't took this the right way and told me she will go to the cops and make sure I will be denied to Thailand or get arrested.

Any of the guys had some crazy exes like this?
And should i avoid Thailand at all costs?!

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OP  calm down, it is all bluster on her part.

Been there done that, got jailed here because of my ex.

Left Thailand day after the court case, came back 9 months later, not any hint of a problem at immigration.

After my ex found out i was back in Thailand she did everything should could to make trouble for me.

She lied to police saying i was at her home threatening her, when in fact i was 45 kilometers away at the time with witnesses.

She lied to my wifes boss trying to get my wife sacked, things she did were unbelievable.

Edited by colinneil
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2 minutes ago, tonray said:

When you walk away...you need to walk away....you sound quite immature in escalating the situation. Having said that...likely nothing she can do. But keep your mouth shut and break off all contact.

Im paranoid and always think the worst.

Have done that. Even removed my facebook.

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1 minute ago, ladyboy555 said:

Im paranoid and always think the worst.

Have done that. Even removed my facebook.

When you do come back, stay in a different location.. Do not give her any way to find you and you will be OK. If she does find you, ignore everything...do not respond in any way.

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I was in a relationship with a girl who turned out to be a nut, so there is a large town in the north that I stay away from. No big deal, I can live without it. If you are tied there by your work it may not be possible, but if not, just wipe the area. Many other great places here.

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Their problems, your responsibility.  One fit of rage or two? Sounds familiar! 


Rest assured that this just doesn’t happen with Thai on Farang relationships. Police I have spoken to have seen it all. The storyline never deviates very much. One half doesn’t like that the other half has a life which doesn’t involve them for two nanoseconds. Loses plot...


If you are worried keep a detailed record of any online rants which have been sent. Staking attempts that have been made. Keep them in a safe place. 


If you come back to live, and happen to live in a condo, a good one will usually have relationship with a close relationship with the local cop shop. Coppers checking in morning and evening, even if is just cursory most of the time.  Get the number which will ensure the real police will come around instantly. 


Don’t let them bait you. The unstable ones are masters at it. And yes, cut off all contact. The wisest thing to do! 


Good luck with it all. 

Edited by samran
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1 hour ago, Pilotman said:

I know this sounds ridiculous and maybe even crazy, but the world does not revolve around  social media.  Ditch Facebook and any other communications,  bar a phone and e mail would be my advice.  Do it for a couple of months and disconnect yourself.  Until 15 or so years ago, FB didn't exist,  There is a world beyond it. 

Or just block her on Facebook and buy a new simcard for 50 THB so you have a new number.

If you meet again tell her either:

1) to FO

2) that you will file a police complaint for harassment. 

Depending how you feel, I think option 2) would be better suited for you.

Edited by FritsSikkink
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2 hours ago, TerryLH said:

Yes, you could have a problem if she goes to the police, since initially they would only be hearing one side of the story.

He wont have an issue. The police dont like to work and he didn't do anything. Unless she has really good contacts or money to pay the police they wont do anything. 

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All of the recommendations are good. No SIm, restrict social media, and most importantly, stay away for the area where she is and where her friends/family are. Stay under the radar for awhile. Develop new friends and get a new relationship for sure will go a long way. 

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4 hours ago, colinneil said:

OP  calm down, it is all bluster on her part.

Been there done that, got jailed here because of my ex.

Left Thailand day after the court case, came back 9 months later, not any hint of a problem at immigration.

After my ex found out i was back in Thailand she did everything should could to make trouble for me.

She lied to police saying i was at her home threatening her, when in fact i was 45 kilometers away at the time with witnesses.

She lied to my wifes boss trying to get my wife sacked, things she did were unbelievable.

To the OP You have these threats on email lol. And your crying here. 

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2 hours ago, Pinot said:

Police know all about Thai women. They rarely get involved. 


Having a Thai woman throw a wobley on you is one of the rights of passage. 

Yes they not interested unless they see a angle. Now that's near impossible 

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1 hour ago, samran said:

Their problems, your responsibility.  One fit of rage or two? Sounds familiar! 


Rest assured that this just doesn’t happen with Thai on Farang relationships. Police I have spoken to have seen it all. The storyline never deviates very much. One half doesn’t like that the other half has a life which doesn’t involve them for two nanoseconds. Loses plot...


If you are worried keep a detailed record of any online rants which have been sent. Staking attempts that have been made. Keep them in a safe place. 


If you come back to live, and happen to live in a condo, a good one will usually have relationship with a close relationship with the local cop shop. Coppers checking in morning and evening, even if is just cursory most of the time.  Get the number which will ensure the real police will come around instantly. 


Don’t let them bait you. The unstable ones are masters at it. And yes, cut off all contact. The wisest thing to do! 


Good luck with it all. 


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2 hours ago, Pinot said:

Police know all about Thai women. They rarely get involved. 


Having a Thai woman throw a wobley on you is one of the rights of passage. 

rights {sic} of passage indeed.

good to know after 20 years that i have something to look forward to.

i suppose looking for an actual partner or equal i have been dating all the wrong women.

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Immigration knows nothing about your domestic problems, nor will it want to.

All you have to do is ensure geographical separation. If she's in Pattaya, go and live in Phuket. If in Chiang Mai, go to Buriram or Khon Kaen.

Buy a new SIM for your phone, change your email address, and stay off Facebook. That's for narcissists anyway.

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Another angle on this problem of ex wives and gfs causing trouble. I believe there is a Thai women's forum where they exchange information about men they have met, dated etc. Apparently they can search by names and even post photos as well. Women intent on causing their former partner trouble can easily post false info that can destroy a man's chance of finding a new partner. Anybody have further info about this website/ facebook page ?

Sent from my SM-N915F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

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22 minutes ago, xerostar said:

Thai women's forum where they exchange information about men they have met, dated etc

Yes, this is true. A friend of mine went to the police to get his profile taken down. Many as well on Facebook as well.


New sim card, New Line Account, New Facebook account. Take down all your photos. Never paste anything on your facebook page with your face in it due to facial search and the such on Google. Reset your phone 100% as could be keyloggers or tracking software on your phone. Do not go back to the area your ex is in and start again.


Change your google email address as they can be tracked. Just disappear from social media. I am never who I really am on social media.


Coming back is not a problem. Just full of hot air losing a sponsor/big fish/ face to her friends.


Do the above and just come back but remember your lesson on what has happened.

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Forgive me, but I was under the impression that this forum was dedicated to matters concerning Thai visas, residency and work permits not an agony aunt forum. 

I guess ladyboyHaHaHa is laughing at all the comments. 

Come on folks, his/her question was answered in the first couple of posts. Time to put this one to bed.

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1 hour ago, xerostar said:

Another angle on this problem of ex wives and gfs causing trouble. I believe there is a Thai women's forum where they exchange information about men they have met, dated etc. Apparently they can search by names and even post photos as well. Women intent on causing their former partner trouble can easily post false info that can destroy a man's chance of finding a new partner. Anybody have further info about this website/ facebook page ?

Sent from my SM-N915F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app


Stickman wrote about the site several months ago, before he flew the nest. It does exist and it could be very dangerous. There are extremely strict laws in Thailand though about spreading false news about people on line, and I imagine it applies to Thais as well as farangs. Anyone doing so could face a long time behind bars.

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6 hours ago, 007 RED said:

Forgive me, but I was under the impression that this forum was dedicated to matters concerning Thai visas, residency and work permits not an agony aunt forum. 

I guess ladyboyHaHaHa is laughing at all the comments. 

Come on folks, his/her question was answered in the first couple of posts. Time to put this one to bed.

Im not, thank you all for responding. Thai visa also includes tourist visa that they can DENY you at the airport.


3 hours ago, chuang said:

She crazy she hit you you hit back probably harder, you told her to go and suck xxxxxxxxxxx. I think you are crazy too. She can tell the police you assaulted her. 

Only one huge slap in the face and some hair pulling.


8 hours ago, xerostar said:

Another angle on this problem of ex wives and gfs causing trouble. I believe there is a Thai women's forum where they exchange information about men they have met, dated etc. Apparently they can search by names and even post photos as well. Women intent on causing their former partner trouble can easily post false info that can destroy a man's chance of finding a new partner. Anybody have further info about this website/ facebook page ?

Sent from my SM-N915F using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

There are multiple ones in facebook where they post all about the 'bad falang' all from country to country. (like visa groups)

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Are you serious?  she hits you and you hit back?  You need to grow up. The equation is unless she is a professional boxer you will always be bigger and stronger.  Just walk away especially when you have no self control that you got to hit back. That itself can and will get you into a bit of a problem.

Otherwise, right now as noted you have walked away so stay away majority of the time in my opinion it is just idle threats. Stay off Facebook and you will be able to come and go.


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