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Junta Charges Cop Over Yingluck Flight


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Junta Charges Cop Over Yingluck Flight

By Teeranai Charuvastra, Staff Reporter



Former prime minister Yingluck Shinawatra talks to a reporter on Jan. 3, 2017.


BANGKOK — The ruling junta filed a criminal charge against a policeman accused of helping former premier Yingluck Shinawatra flee the country in August, an officer said Tuesday.


A junta representative filed a negligence complaint against Col. Chairit Anurit on Monday, despite top police investigator telling reporters in October there was no sufficient evidence for a prosecution.


Full story: http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2017/11/07/junta-charges-cop-yingluck-flight/

-- © Copyright Khaosod English 2017-11-07



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“The charge was filed against Col. Chairit on suspicion of helping the former prime minister flee,” Pathumwan police station chief Popathorn Jitman said by phone. “She was a suspect wanted by the court at the time.” http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2017/11/07/junta-charges-cop-yingluck-flight/

Actually No, she wasn't wanted by the court at the time. This happened prior to her court hearing, while she was on bail, with no travel restrictions inside Thailand and Col. Chairit only gave her a lift inside Thailand. They may well have a good case against those who actually assisted her over the border, but of course, they haven't managed to find out who that was yet, so seem to be going after anyone, just to make it look convincing that the Junta didn't know she was going to run.

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1 hour ago, FritsSikkink said:

there was no sufficient evidence for a prosecution.

won't be the first time

or the last


on another note is is good that the govt is keeping her in the news

even though she remains silent

Has she become the bogey woman of London?

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This will be interesting for the fact, that Yingluck had no domestic travel ban, i.e. she could travel around Thailand wherever she wanted. She was destined to stay - most likely by command of the puppet master in the Emirates. Me wondering today, if she did not get airlifted out of Thailand with compliments of the uniformed rulers themselves; latter having painted themselves nicely into the proverbial corner. Let her go = the coup was not justified, throw her in the slammer = martyr fanning hot charcoal upcountry. Flying her out - good riddance and everyone saved face! 

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10 hours ago, darksidedog said:

“The charge was filed against Col. Chairit on suspicion of helping the former prime minister flee,” Pathumwan police station chief Popathorn Jitman said by phone. “She was a suspect wanted by the court at the time.” http://www.khaosodenglish.com/politics/2017/11/07/junta-charges-cop-yingluck-flight/

Actually No, she wasn't wanted by the court at the time. This happened prior to her court hearing, while she was on bail, with no travel restrictions inside Thailand and Col. Chairit only gave her a lift inside Thailand. They may well have a good case against those who actually assisted her over the border, but of course, they haven't managed to find out who that was yet, so seem to be going after anyone, just to make it look convincing that the Junta didn't know she was going to run.


Think you're wrong. She hadn't been found guilty at the time of her flight but she was part of an ongoing court case, had made previous court appearances in the case and was subject to bail conditions. Aiding and abetting - knowing or reasonably should have known intentions etc etc.


Plenty to manipulate there.

Edited by Baerboxer
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I would like to ask many posters here: do you trust the police in Thailand? And let me call anyone answering positively a liar. But for once then, this time the police did do the right job finding nothing to reproach to this Pol Col returning a favour to a former Pol Gen, yeah, sure...

Probably the same 'not knowing' the BiBs were, and still are, Thaksin's pretorian guard. Even forgotten the 2010 escalation of violence in Krung Thep and no police to be seen, or with the red thugs... Not to speak about later 'events'. There is no worse blind than the one who doens't want to see... Hypocrites!

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3 hours ago, Baerboxer said:


Think you're wrong. She hadn't been found guilty at the time of her flight but she was part of an ongoing court case, had made previous court appearances in the case and was subject to bail conditions. Aiding and abetting - knowing or reasonably should have known intentions etc etc.


Plenty to manipulate there.

...including using foreign law labels like 'aiding & abetting' and possessing 'reasonable knowledge' that have no similar legal parallels here in the enchanted kingdom. As mentioned by others, there were no travel restrictions in place at the time and conveniently enough, she wasn't considered a flight risk at all, hence the more recent horse/stable door action regarding her 4 passports.

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