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Video: Millions view shocking school violence as teacher appears to attack student


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Absolutely horrendous- the teacher is completely out of control as evidenced by his striking the other student who tried to help. His strikes to the students head were at full force and possibly life threatening.  He reminds me of many of the road rage incidents in which people grab weapons and try and intimidate others.


The only way to stop this is to sack the teacher; have the police charge him with assault on a child and jail him if found guilty. In addition, the school needs to pay compensation to the boy and his family.

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3 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

We don't know details. Under some circumstances, I could act the same way this teacher did.

And what circumstances are those when you would attack a young teenage boy in class in such a way? I guess under 'some circumstances' then you should be locked away in jail for a very long time. I hope you have no children, I hope you never have any children and I really hope you do not work in a school.


It amazes me that even when under perceived anonymity on a board like this (it is not anonymous by the way) what people will actually admit to. You Sir seem to be a danger to society if you admit that under some circumstances you would do this to a child.

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

And what circumstances are those when you would attack a young teenage boy in class in such a way? I guess under 'some circumstances' then you should be locked away in jail for a very long time. I hope you have no children, I hope you never have any children and I really hope you do not work in a school.


It amazes me that even when under perceived anonymity on a board like this (it is not anonymous by the way) what people will actually admit to. You Sir seem to be a danger to society if you admit that under some circumstances you would do this to a child.

I just made an addition to my post which might answer your question.

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5 hours ago, djayz said:

It's difficult to keep children and teenagers interested and focused on a topic.


Maybe the teacher in question lacks the necessary skills to teach the youth of today? Or maybe the student on the receiving end of the beating is simply disruptive and rebellious by nature and the teacher simply had enough? We'll never really know.


Either way, violence - especially at that level - simply isn't acceptable in today's society. 


We don't know if this student was persistently disobedient, disruptive and riotous in class. It is not acceptable for a student or a small number of students to disrupt classes to an extent that it has an adverse affect on the other well disciplined students' learning and class time. 


Some form of punishment is necessary to teach people where the boundries are. 

"Maybe the teacher in question lacks the necessary skills to teach the youth of today?"


Maybe? A bit of an understatement! The man is a thug and a bully - pure and simple, regardless of whether he'd "had enough". 

Edited by sambum
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6 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

I just made an addition to my post which might answer your question.

well you added this line

14 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

Maybe this "innocent" student just raped the teacher's daughter? So many hypocritic comments I want to vomit.


No that does not answer my question at all. If an alleged crime has taken place you call the police. You are essentially as bad as the teacher. He committed the violence and you seem to think it is ok. There is little difference in your mental state only the teacher was there and you were not. What makes me 'vomit' are people like you who condone the use of violence like this in the classroom. The boy is sat at his desk, he is unarmed and no threat to anyone. He is not trying to harm any other student. The teacher then also attacks the brave boy that tries to intervene  is that ok as well.


Go stew on it. Nothing you have to say has any relevance or any credibility. Your comment is almost as shocking as the act itself, particularly as you will claim to come from an 'educated, civilised nation'.

Edited by Andaman Al
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15 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

We don't know details. Under some circumstances, I could act the same way this teacher did. Maybe this "innocent" student just raped the teacher's daughter? So many hypocritic comments I want to vomit.

Quite.  Not even sure he IS a teacher.  For all we know the 'victim' is the school bully and is getting a thrashing from a parent of one of his victims.  

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7 minutes ago, Thaidream said:

Absolutely horrendous- the teacher is completely out of control as evidenced by his striking the other student who tried to help. His strikes to the students head were at full force and possibly life threatening.  He reminds me of many of the road rage incidents in which people grab weapons and try and intimidate others.


The only way to stop this is to sack the teacher; have the police charge him with assault on a child and jail him if found guilty. In addition, the school needs to pay compensation to the boy and his family.

I agree, but regarding  your last paragraph, only the final sentence is remotely possible - as far as the the other suggestions go,  :cheesy:

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1 minute ago, Andaman Al said:

well you added this line


No that does not answer my question at all. If an alleged crime has taken place you call the police. You are essentially as bad as the teacher. He committed the violence and you seem to think it is ok. There is little difference in your mental state only the teacher was there and you were not. What makes me 'vomit' are people like you who condone the use of violence like this in the classroom. The boy is sat at his desk, he is unarmed and no threat to anyone. He is not trying to harm any other student. The teacher then attacks the brave boy that tries to intervene  is that ok as well.


Go stew on it. Nothing you have to say has any relevance or any credibility. Your comment is almost as shocking as the act itself, particularly as you will claim to come from an 'educated, civilised nation'.

First of all, relax. I have a feeling you would give me a serious beating in case we meet in person right now. That is why I call some of the posts hypocritic. Your level of verbal aggression doesn't go well with your pacifistic stance.

Second, if I understood you right, in case that somebody harms your daughter or son (something I wish never happen) - your only reaction will be to call the police?  Well, maybe that is wise. But again - I personally would act like a beast. And I don't care what others will think about me.

And third, most important. I don't support the actions of this man (teacher?). I only say that we don't have enough information in order to be 100% sure of his guilt. And it is very important not to blame somebody innocent without the facts.

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I suspect it was staged,

1. Not one of the remaining "students" moved a muscle

2. In a brief moment a couple of the "students" looked older than elementry or HS age. 

3. The person attempting to intervene was not wearing a student uniform, seemed a co worker. 

4. At the end I saw an apparent adult male that was present the entire time  walk right by the camera to the front of the classroom, (stage). 

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5 hours ago, djayz said:

It's difficult to keep children and teenagers interested and focused on a topic.


Maybe the teacher in question lacks the necessary skills to teach the youth of today? Or maybe the student on the receiving end of the beating is simply disruptive and rebellious by nature and the teacher simply had enough? We'll never really know.


Either way, violence - especially at that level - simply isn't acceptable in today's society. 


We don't know if this student was persistently disobedient, disruptive and riotous in class. It is not acceptable for a student or a small number of students to disrupt classes to an extent that it has an adverse affect on the other well disciplined students' learning and class time. 


Some form of punishment is necessary to teach people where the boundries are. 

No way. If the child was as disobedient as you suggest then the teacher needs to report to the school Head. This is not just violence it is a total moronic lack of self control. Obviously the second (standing) boy suffered a short burst of that violent anger too and I doubt that he too was disobedient. In other words this teacher was ready to dish the violence out to more than one child and that could, I say could, be construed as intent. This teacher needs to put away and outside the reach of children.

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7 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

I only say that we don't have enough information in order to be 100% sure of his guilt.

We definitely have enough information in order to be 100% sure of his guilt.


No i would not be aggressive in your presence, just disgusted that you consider this Teacher may actually have a justified reason to do this.

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3 hours ago, DavisH said:

Obviously, the students are allowed to use phones in class. If the teacher wants control of the class, let them use their phones for educational purposes....with regulation of course. Most teachers don't know how to integrate technology into the classroom though. 

Actually, we do and we do. 

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4 hours ago, djayz said:

What are you on about?! "Oh that was fast". 

Were you in the classroom when this happened? 


There are ALWAYS two sides to every story - unlike a lot of people here, I like to keep an open mind on these matters. 


No, the teacher shouldn't have laid a single hand on the student, but it's important to find out and understand "why" he did what he did. 

This isn't the first time we've seen or read about this happening in schools here. The question is, why is it happening? What can be done to reduce/prevent it from happening before some child is seriously injured or worse... 

Are the teachers here so stressed and if so, what's causing that stress? In order to be able to solve a problem, you must first understand what it is and what's causing it. 

As I wrote in my initial response, "Either way, violence - especially at that level - simply isn't acceptable in today's society."


One student tried to intervene so you might think that that student thought the teachers response was unfair/unjust/too violent ... the other students looked shocked and rightly so .... the student that tried to pull the teacher away also got a hiding ... disgraceful behaviour from an adult to a child ... especially from a teacher

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9 minutes ago, Zikomat said:

First of all, relax. I have a feeling you would give me a serious beating in case we meet in person right now. That is why I call some of the posts hypocritic. Your level of verbal aggression doesn't go well with your pacifistic stance.

Second, if I understood you right, in case that somebody harms your daughter or son (something I wish never happen) - your only reaction will be to call the police?  Well, maybe that is wise. But again - I personally would act like a beast. And I don't care what others will think about me.

And third, most important. I don't support the actions of this man (teacher?). I only say that we don't have enough information in order to be 100% sure of his guilt. And it is very important not to blame somebody innocent without the facts.

"And third, most important. I don't support the actions of this man (teacher?). I only say that we don't have enough information in order to be 100% sure of his guilt".


One of the most hypocritical comments yet! You say you don't support his actions, but the video clearly shows what he did, or are you one of those who advocate that no one is guilty until they have been found guilty in a court of law? In which case this teacher/thug will probably be transferred to another school.

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20 minutes ago, Grumpy Duck said:

I suspect it was staged,

1. Not one of the remaining "students" moved a muscle

2. In a brief moment a couple of the "students" looked older than elementry or HS age. 

3. The person attempting to intervene was not wearing a student uniform, seemed a co worker. 

4. At the end I saw an apparent adult male that was present the entire time  walk right by the camera to the front of the classroom, (stage). 

You might have a point, Grumpy - I just sent this to a Thai friend of mine who is a teacher and he thinks it is not in Thailand.  It does look a bit fishy when the students are just sitting there watching with no seeming reactions.

Edited by snooky
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Nobody is sure yet if this video was filmed in a Thai school. Assuming it was, I have always wondered how Thai teachers kept it together. Thai government schools and vocational schools aren't for the faint hearted. I actually know of a Farang teacher who was beaten up by Thai students! It's good to wax lyrical about kids rights having never been a teacher in Thailand or not knowing both sides of the story. I doubt this teacher left his home planning to beat the kid. Teachers are human. They break when pushed to the limit. What he did was wrong! I can understand the anger people have towards the teacher. I will pass judgement when I have the whole story. 

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14 minutes ago, Fireyfish said:

One student tried to intervene so you might think that that student thought the teachers response was unfair/unjust/too violent ... the other students looked shocked and rightly so .... the student that tried to pull the teacher away also got a hiding ... disgraceful behaviour from an adult to a child ... especially from a teacher

Did you look closely at the so called student that tried to intervene? It looked to me like another person in a teachers uniform, like another teacher perhaps? 

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That is assault and battery in the highest degree, compounded by the fact it was on a minor and by a person entrusted to take care of children.  This one will not be pushed aside. It will be seen by some pu yai and action will be taken. We can only hope it will be a severe action.

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4 minutes ago, Machiavelli said:

 I actually know of a Farang teacher who was beaten up by Thai students!


Anyone want to take bets on what Thai officialdom's response to this kind of video would have been if it was a FARANG teacher delivering that kind of beating to a Thai student?  No doubt, the farang teacher would be in jail PDQ.


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35 minutes ago, TKDfella said:

No way. If the child was as disobedient as you suggest then the teacher needs to report to the school Head. This is not just violence it is a total moronic lack of self control. Obviously the second (standing) boy suffered a short burst of that violent anger too and I doubt that he too was disobedient. In other words this teacher was ready to dish the violence out to more than one child and that could, I say could, be construed as intent. This teacher needs to put away and outside the reach of children.

With all due respect TDK, I did not suggest that the student was disobedient. I was merely looking at it from different angles. 

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12 minutes ago, Machiavelli said:

actually know of a Farang teacher who was beaten up by Thai students!


He mustn't have studied the Thai ethical course that foreign teachers are supposed to study before being a Thai teacher's license, and disrespected them through his own ignorance. 

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