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Video: Public outrage as shocking footage shows security man dragged under the wheels of doctor's car


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1 hour ago, chilli42 said:

What will they charge him with if the security guard dies?


Things are very clear in this country regarding the economic value of a persons life.  It’s a sliding scale from rich to poor.  The Thai’s generally seem to accept it provided the appropriate level of compensation.  Even my dear wife tells me that once you are dead nothing can bring you back so best to focus on the financial compensation.  The morals or right/wrong be damned.


You sum it up nicely. I believe some police involved in the Koh Tao notorious murder actually said something along the same lines to the victims families - you can't bring'em back.


So the focus never seems to be on punishing the guilty especially if they are rich, elite, well connected, in socially high positions, members of the "right' families etc etc. The focus is on compensation negotiations, a few wais, appearing sorry and contrite before the coffin and maybe a short time making merit as a monk or nun,


We've seen it before. The alcoholic minor actress who killed a cop, the millionaire Merc driver who killed two etc. She was more or less let off and his case is under appeal. The cases either get a pitiful small sentence or drag on for years and years,


The concept of Justice as a driver and motivator in itself, based on law, fairness and morals, just doesn't exist.

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Was the doctor looking for business? But he is one of the elite Nothing will happen to him  Come on  He is a doctor and more important than a low down security guard. Police will say this that what they intend to do until phone call comes from somebody in high office and things will cool down soon to be forgotten I know the doctor offered to pay patients hospital bill that should get him in the clear and of coarse a small donation will be expected Also :sorry: will help

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2 hours ago, Just Weird said:

Try to rein in your self-important demands about what others can post here until you're a moderator,  but, that aside, perhaps it was clear that you needed reminding of the rights of a driver accused of drink driving.

No, it was an almost exact replica of another post.


You may have noticed it, if you'd bothered to read posts before commenting.


Ads to what this individual is accused of, I'm hoping it is a lot more serious than drunk driving.

Edited by Bluespunk
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19 hours ago, jvs said:

He does not have to undergo a bloodtest.Refusal to have a bloodtest taken will automatically result in being considered under the influence

by a court of law.


Yes but are you sure that's how it always works in Thailand particularly when the person involved is " hi-so "?:sad:

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6 hours ago, StevieAus said:

Perhaps you can advise which Western countries allow that procedure to be followed, none that I know.

Western countries / First world countries dont need to take a blood sample by force, because they have such a thing as the rule of law

That means the law will take its course anyway

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7 hours ago, StevieAus said:

Perhaps you can advise which Western countries allow that procedure to be followed, none that I know.

 The Greatest Nation on Earth not only allows it but goes further by arresting any nurse who refuses to do so:shock1:  watch the video!



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21 hours ago, bangrak said:

Oh, my, a 'famous' Medical Doctor, with a fat job at the department of public health, that's quite up-up in the 'elite''s pyramid, mind you! For such people (doesn't need to be the Red Bull 'boss'), that security man is 'trash', nothing more than a soi dog, hits it, drags it along, doesn't stop, flees the scene, refuses a breathalyser...!

Has he been arrested at once and jailed, forced at once to undergo a bloodtest...?

Erm, ...NO, 'Police said they will charge Dr Yorn', nough said, that will be it, maybe 1/2 a million to the widow(?), a slap on the wrist, and Dr Yorn will go on with his elite doctors' life, just cursing CCTV cameras, and being more carefull where any around, complaining to the hi-so friends he socialises with about that moron of a guard who ran under the wheels of his car, even damaging it, can you imagine... TiT  

between u and me and doctors I know that I shared this story with they agree with you. the driver is a pos regardless of and especially more so given his education and supposed moral level.


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56 minutes ago, midas said:

 The Greatest Nation on Earth not only allows it but goes further by arresting any nurse who refuses to do so:shock1:  watch the video!



I thought that cop was dismissed, because he wasn't allowed to do what he did.

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9 hours ago, godblessemall said:

His dad is probably a truck driver... their unwritten law is to go back and forth over a victim to ensure he is dead because it is cheaper that way.

unwritten law not only for truck drives per Thai friends.

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8 hours ago, Jonnapat said:

This tells you exactly what is wrong with this country generally.

The elite get away with everything whilst poor people suffer.

The police have absolutely no balls when it comes to confronting the higher ups of this damaged society.

police are complicit as they are in the negotiating chain and make good money from cases like these.

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1 minute ago, atyclb said:

police are complicit as they are in the negotiating chain and make good money from cases like these.

Exactly, it has nothing to do with balls. It's all about the money! 

And honestly, If i was the victim of something like this,, I might also rather get tons of extra money than to see the offender go to jail... depends on what happened.... but rather take the money in most situations I think.... What do I benefit from having the offender go to jail? Some sort of satisfaction? sure,, but money can bring tons of satisfaction too....

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14 minutes ago, hobz said:

Exactly, it has nothing to do with balls. It's all about the money! 

And honestly, If i was the victim of something like this,, I might also rather get tons of extra money than to see the offender go to jail... depends on what happened.... but rather take the money in most situations I think.... What do I benefit from having the offender go to jail? Some sort of satisfaction? sure,, but money can bring tons of satisfaction too....

I think you may be missing the point on what the rule of law means.


You can't have one law for the poor who can't pay and another for the rich who can.


Well, you can but where it does happen it would be incorrect to say there is rule of law...

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The doctor is claiming in his press conference he thought it was the gate he crashed into under his car, hence why he didn't stop.

You can see him here talking to the press surrounded by what look like colleagues and  doctors from his hospital for moral support.



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On 11/13/2017 at 9:53 PM, Enoon said:


Perhaps when Thailand receives it's medal for being overall No 1 in road deaths it will also receive the sub-award of being "No 1 for hit and run"?






..well "to be number one" it comes as no surprise does it..coupled with the pretentious status these so called 'professional people' carry on with...hope the victim makes it, but it doesn't look at all good for him with his injuries.

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4 hours ago, katana said:

The doctor is claiming in his press conference he thought it was the gate he crashed into under his car, hence why he didn't stop.

You can see him here talking to the press surrounded by what look like colleagues and  doctors from his hospital for moral support.



Hey, come on! We’ve all got leathered and crashed into a big metal gate. We’ve all assumed the thing making the racket under our car was a big metal gate and not a human being. So of course we keep driving until it detaches itself. 


As as for his colleagues offering moral support - wouldn’t you if you thought this scumbag doctor’s integrity was worth more than the life of a lowly security guard?

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11 hours ago, midas said:

 The Greatest Nation on Earth not only allows it but goes further by arresting any nurse who refuses to do so:shock1:  watch the video!




11 hours ago, midas said:

 The Greatest Nation on Earth not only allows it but goes further by arresting any nurse who refuses to do so:shock1:  watch the video!



If the person was unconscious you wouldn’t need to strap them down, what happens to people who are not injured and refuse to be breathlysed ?

I know in Australia and I understand most European countries that you are then automatically charged with driving over the limit and the same penalty applies

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24 minutes ago, StevieAus said:


If the person was unconscious you wouldn’t need to strap them down, what happens to people who are not injured and refuse to be breathlysed ?

I know in Australia and I understand most European countries that you are then automatically charged with driving over the limit and the same penalty applies

I think the penalty will be even stronger if you refuse. I believe the court calls it a****** tax. 

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Where is the CCTV Video? I clicked the link in the news article but I didn't see anything but still pics. Can somebody link it please? :)


Never mind, I just noticed that somebody linked the clip on the Facebook page in this thread.  Disgusting stuff!

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16 hours ago, katana said:

The doctor is claiming in his press conference he thought it was the gate he crashed into under his car, hence why he didn't stop.

You can see him here talking to the press surrounded by what look like colleagues and  doctors from his hospital for moral support.





It was the gate, not a human being, I'm sure. I'm not a liar. Wow!1 What a dirty piece of sh..e he is.


  And people seem to believe him and back him up.


  He's not a good liar and his face tells the truth. He knew that it was a body, not the damn gate. 

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