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Three students killed, 48 people injured in school bus crash


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48 minutes ago, berybert said:

No chance the driver fell asleep, if he had of done the bus wouldn't have made the gap in the road and then travelled straight into the side of the road. He was going way to fast and only had time to steer one to avoid something he could easy have voided if he was traveling at a normal speed. 

Also why is he in the outside lane. Buses and lorries should be banded from that lane and should have speed restrictors fitted.

Just another idiot who doesn't have a clue how to drive what he is in charge of. 

And sadly he survived. No doubt be driving another bus full of kids this time next week. 

Another link states the driver died,


"Dan Khun Tod police said three people were killed in the accident, including the bus driver, a woman, and a girl student aged about 9 years old."


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RIP ... yet again .... so where are the pics of the ute, if the bus hit it, and there is no evidence of that in that footage surely the ute sustained damage and one of the onlookers would have taken pics/video on their smart phones  ... looks like the driver had a death nap .... I could see no evidence of braking or steering !

Edit ... actually the video in the above link shows a bit more detail and there does appear to be a dark shape possibly a ute on the left as the bus approaches 

Edited by Fireyfish
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2 hours ago, kwak250 said:

I once mentioned to my wife how I see quite a few female truck drivers and she said it's the girlfrends of the drivers they let them learn to drive when they are near to the yard.

Has anyone seen the driving test here it's ridiculous so long as you can stop in a huge square and go backwards and forwards your good to go.

most people posting on this thread took there "tests" years ago and they were rubbish too.....to claim that tests are the be-all and end-all solution is just facile.

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look carefully you can see the bus hit the truck , it goes backwards, the bus right front wheel collapses , the bus at speed has to go right as the driver now has no control, the truck driver should be locked up, a very bad bit of driving again by a thai, most likely, pushing things to the max as they try to do, many times myself i have wondered what would happen if i did not swerve to the left to miss a car pushing at a turn about, most of the thais do not have a speed or distance perspective i have noticed, i am always aware around them


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its just ridiculous here.

it wont improve until people are taught to drive, plain and simple.

I have been here 2.5 years and going back to Spain to live on Saturday.

dont give me grief, I am not slagging off Thailand, so no need for close the door behind me jokes.

coming back to visit for short periods.

but living here........not for me thanks.

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Tragedy for the parents of these poor kids.
Shame on Thai Government that they still don't see the need to improve licensing standards.
Every moron can EASILY obtain a Thai driver's license and participate in traffic with ZERO competence. Shameful.

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What was the person with the video filming before the accident happened???? A complete mystery to me?

Ooops, didn't realize the video is from the screen of a surveillance monitor.....sorry.

You can see the bus crashing into a vehicle that is making a U-turn, the vehicle is pushed back several meters and right after that bus driver loses control.

Edited by AlQaholic
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I have read similar lately in the daily bus crash , why is it neccessary to say " Three people  including one girl ........................."

Why is she different to the other two , the situation is very sad and more so as it happens on a daily basis does it make it more sad that one of the deaths was a girl ?

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A bus is not designed for evasive action. He would have been better off driving slower and simply t-boning the truck. It requires training and pre-thought to reduce injuries or deaths in a situation like this. Driving into oncoming traffic, for example, is never an option for a trained driver. Training standards and quality enforcement will save lives. Yes, I know, not gonna happen. Stay off these busses and vans if you value your life. 

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27 minutes ago, toofarnorth said:

I have read similar lately in the daily bus crash , why is it neccessary to say " Three people  including one girl ........................."

Why is she different to the other two , the situation is very sad and more so as it happens on a daily basis does it make it more sad that one of the deaths was a girl ?

The Nation article says 3 students killed, but the PBS article says that the 3 dead are the bus driver, a woman, and a 9 year old girl.


So, I think the reporter was emphasising that one of the victims was a child - not that one of the victims was female.




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4 hours ago, Black arab said:

The village where these children come from is about 10km from us my mrs is pretty upset, said she will never let our daughter travel on one of these school bus trips i totally agree.Very sad.

Went on a trip yesterday with the students into Bangkok. The bus never exceeded 60 km/h (perhaps 80 km/h on the tollway). It took ages to get where we were going, but at least we survived the trip. Some drivers / companies are just cowboys.

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Dreadful news ......... Thailand wake up!! How much more daily carnage on your roads do you need before you stop this lunacy & begin to think about other people's safety???  Innocent children on a school bus trip enjoying a day out from the classroom with teachers & parents should be a joyful day to remember ...... this day will haunt them for a very long time. It's so sad that in this beautiful country the risk in enjoying it's stunning scenery is by risking your own life each time you travel by road in Thailand. Really shocking & Thailand should be ashamed of the loss of young lives here ........ I hope the government will get tough, heavy fines, loss of driving license .......... PLUS confiscation of motor vehicles to serious offenders. Act before it's too late for your next generation ............... do it now!!

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RIP to the poor inocent children. You can bet your life that the buss, like all of them was hugging the outside RIGHT LANE. And all other tragic has to overtake on the left lane, then they cut in to the right lane into the smallest gap to get past the other vehicles that are in the left lane. See it all the time. Shit drivers all of them. God Bless those poor kids, their life taken away. 

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One of the many "muralised" buses one sees.


Smallest companies, virtual pirates, probably only one or two vehicles in their "fleet", worst maintained, worst drivers but.........cheapest.


Whoever "chartered" them is very much to blame.





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What can happen is that many parents also do not want to send their kids on the trips. However, some schools will tell them the student will be down graded because of this. Other parents just either have no common sense, education, or just don't have the time of day to think about possible consequences. 

End of the day, Thai is one of the most dangerous roads in the world, the trips are painfully long, the bus drivers are not well trained/tired, and what do the kids actually learn from many of these trips? How to take a photo of the teachers. 

From what I hear from the sister-in-law who is a teacher at a private school - many parents will not allow the kids to go on the trip and the school hires a police car for the bus to follow. 

Edited by wildewillie89
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2 hours ago, ebean001 said:

Many years ago while living in USA there was a slogan repeated frequently ... 'speed kills'. It probably took 50 times for it to really sink in. The next 50 times were enough for me to think of that statement every time I speed up. To reduce accidents it takes many, many incremental ideas that must be implemented to reduce deaths on the highway.

Going 40 kph in the fast lane is just as dangerous as going 120.  Maybe not to the person doing 40; but, to everyone else it is.  

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You can talk about the police, the government etc. but believe me it's the Thai mindset that needs to be altered .

No new laws will make the roads safer when people have the urge to drive faster than the next person, it's all in the ego.

Never travel by bus or van, ever if you value your life

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4 hours ago, tracker1 said:

And the carnage continues on a daily basis with no help from authorities from the top down only talk !

Always has been and probably will continue UNTIL we have road deaths of privileged people happening. :coffee1:

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6 hours ago, NCC1701A said:

" The survivors told police that the driver of a pickup truck cut into the front of the bus, causing the untrained bus driver to crash into the pickup. The bus then overturned and fell into the roadside."


there I fixed that sentence.


RIP victims of the do nothing police and government.

The busload of lives is under the mercy of an UNTRAINED BUS DRIVER

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One thing they could do is stop this stupid idea of heading off on trip at 7.30 PM, Driving all night, getting to the destination in the afternoon, having Karaoke going till 2AM, Driver Tired, and could not possibly concentrate with the noise going on, drive way over the Speed Limit, etc, etc. All about saving cost of one night Accommodation, does not matter about Deaths, just stupid!

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7 hours ago, webfact said:

The survivors told police that a pickup truck cut into the front of the bus, causing the bus to crash into the pickup. The bus then overturned and fell into the roadside.

what happened to the pickup truck and the people inside it ?

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5 hours ago, LazySlipper said:


Bus drivers, song teow drivers, truck drivers all got their driving licences in a Cracker Jack box IMHO. These guys sit behind the wheel of killing machines, yet make it a point to try to drive faster than a speeding car. Who knows maybe the pick up truck driver is at fault, but generally it is not the case.


Sad way and age to die for the woman and student to die.

These so called Bus drivers would even kill them selves driving a dodgem car How about the company if they are found in neglect Would they  face charges or a big envelope fix that little problem?

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7 minutes ago, DavoTheGun said:

One thing they could do is stop this stupid idea of heading off on trip at 7.30 PM, Driving all night, getting to the destination in the afternoon, having Karaoke going till 2AM, Driver Tired, and could not possibly concentrate with the noise going on, drive way over the Speed Limit, etc, etc. All about saving cost of one night Accommodation, does not matter about Deaths, just stupid!

That would be like telling Thais to get a job They will never change there ideas I think it is stupid what they do to Drive all night

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