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Thai media says three levels of authority will be able to fine smokers on Thai beaches


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6 hours ago, ignis said:

many years ago back in the 70's &

80's used to live in the South of France, every morning tractors with big racks would go along the beaches behind them would be tractors with like a big wire mesh collecting the little bits, at the end of the beaches a dumper would load trailers with all the rubbish. 


The beaches would look great every single day...... Moved further south, was the same on beaches in Portugal but much smaller scale [ lived in the Algarve 13 years]


How often are the beaches cleaned here ?



Great point!


Because those countries understood that they were taking in massive amounts of revenue from the tourists and sometimes ' because it's human nature ' they don't discard their rubbish thoughtfully.  So the authorities in their wisdom plowed back some of the revenue into tractors and keeping the beaches pristine like any sane nation would.


Thais only understand the TAKE part of the equation.

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5 hours ago, JAG said:

I don't like cigarette butts on the beach either. There again I am even less of a fan of the foul soup of turds, condoms and dead fish which bob amongst the gentle waves lapping at our soon to be smoke free and lucrative beaches.
There again, you can't fine a turd. Moreover, much better to make your name as a crusader against filthy tourists (falangs, 'cos those are the ones they will go for) smoking on beaches than to be known as "Mr Turd Encrusted Shoreline!"

Sent from my KEN

Happy thought:: Next might be be DNA together with SIM registration  

Edited by silent
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How reassuring that people will no longer be able to smoke on the beach. As you recline peacefully in your dangerous beach chair, at risk of vertigo, you can relax to the sounds of turds gently lapping the shoreline and the rustle of millions of plastic bags as the sea breeze gently wafts them to and fro. No longer put off by the stench of tobacco you can be approached by many a crab or bucket salesman. You never know in the relaxing circumstances you may suddenly be overcome by the burning need to carry out some holiday archaeology (please obtain work permit first) and dig between the trash to a few inches below the surface where you will be able to marvel by the find of cigarette butts, that once smoking was allowed on the beaches and that tourists were also.

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7 hours ago, wgdanson said:

So we shall ALL get text messages saying not to smoke on the beach. How about texts saying DRIVE ON THE LEFT, DO NOT SPEED, WEAR HELMETS, etc etc. 

You don't seem to realize that they have to have priorities and, well, smoking on the beach is.........................


Actually, all they need to have done is to ensure that anyone (Thai or tourist)  who litters on the beach (or elswhere)  is fined (say) 2000 baht and then the whole litter problem, and not just the ridiculously small cigarette butt element, would be solved in no time.  What on earth will this stupid law do to solve the litter problem on the beach or elsewhere?  As a non-smoker myself, this is stupidity at its worst.  Tents on the beaches for smokers indeed!  Thailand seems intent on killing off its tourist industry and, as previous posters have pointed out, the first prosecution with a large fine or even imprisonment of a tourist will speed up its death. Foreign news media will have a heyday, particularly in their cartoon sections.

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8 minutes ago, Retiredandhappyhere said:

You don't seem to realize that they have to have priorities and, well, smoking on the beach is.........................


Actually, all they need to have done is to ensure that anyone (Thai or tourist)  who litters on the beach (or elswhere)  is fined (say) 2000 baht and then the whole litter problem, and not just the ridiculously small cigarette butt element, would be solved in no time.  What on earth will this stupid law do to solve the litter problem on the beach or elsewhere?  As a non-smoker myself, this is stupidity at its worst.  Tents on the beaches for smokers indeed!  Thailand seems intent on killing off its tourist industry and, as previous posters have pointed out, the first prosecution with a large fine or even imprisonment of a tourist will speed up its death. Foreign news media will have a heyday, particularly in their cartoon sections.

You are being far too sensible to note that it is a litter problem, not a smoking problem. You will get yourself into trouble. I recommend taking yourself outside and having a word with yourself ! (keep an eye out for farangs, you don't want to be reported for working as a psychologist !)

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5 minutes ago, Megasin1 said:

You are being far too sensible to note that it is a litter problem, not a smoking problem. You will get yourself into trouble. I recommend taking yourself outside and having a word with yourself ! (keep an eye out for farangs, you don't want to be reported for working as a psychologist !)

Come on!!!!

When did a psychologist work?

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10 hours ago, Samui Bodoh said:

While I am okay with banning smoking on the beaches, I am deeply concerned with the management of this policy; nowhere in the story did it mention a committee to implement the policy!


How can you have a policy without a committee? 


Anarchy... Madness... Chaos... What the hell is happening???

agree ban the butt ; when i was a kid in Durban , South Africa, in the early 60s' the beach was literally made of cigarette butts ; however jail terms of up to a year and 100, 000 baht is extreme to say the least

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How wrong can Thai policy dreamers be? Here's another for the sing-it and fling-it box, with problems on every possible level. Top photo shows 6 men, only one of whom appears to be in good shape; 3 of the others on the podgy side and, counting from L, numbers 2 and 5 looking ready for cutting grass on the health farm . . . for a year, at least. And, just to show there's no sexual discrimination, they've thrown a woman into the fray . . . she must be thrilled!


What chance do any of these 'good guys and true' have of enforcing the N-S law, should they chance upon a beach party - Thais or tourists - of a dozen or more, most of whom are smoking? It'd take a brave man to even approach, let alone attempt to make an arrest. The whole thing is abPRAYUTely laughable . . . remember the people in pickups ban, last Songkran? . . . cancelled next day when they realised that it would prevent people riding in pickups. Wonderful depth of reasoning, there.


Why could someone not see the painfully obvious solution to keeping everybody happy? It's not so much the smoking as the smoky aftermath that's the problem, so why don't the PTB just have a few million press-top metal containers made to take care of ash and stubs; like the ones we used to see in the motorway service stations … those with the glucose sweets to stop travel sickness. Instead of signs and smoking areas, just have neat dispensers for these tins - either FOC or a nominal fee (20 bahts, let's say) - and a huge bin for used ones to be thrown in, as smokers exit the beach. Far fewer people needed to manage these ash cans than to police entire beaches. Wouldn't surprise me if Juntaporn calls me up, tomorrow. Or today, maybe, it's another five minutes before his 4:15 sneak-out.


Where next, Robin? . . . Government House! Yes, got a pile of stuff for those plebs . . . Fire up the batmobile!

Edited by Ossy
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9 hours ago, ignis said:

many years ago back in the 70's &

80's used to live in the South of France, every morning tractors with big racks would go along the beaches behind them would be tractors with like a big wire mesh collecting the little bits, at the end of the beaches a dumper would load trailers with all the rubbish. 


The beaches would look great every single day...... Moved further south, was the same on beaches in Portugal but much smaller scale [ lived in the Algarve 13 years]


How often are the beaches cleaned here ?


Just when the tsunami arrives and takes it all out to sea.

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12 hours ago, JAG said:



Don't worry, once the first couple of tourists have been fined and imprisoned for having a smoke the problem will go away.

As will the tourists...

Sent from my KENNY using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app



i hope tourists stop coming here....all this is pathetic.....I wonder what they are doing on the beaches in Vietnam and Cambodia and seychelles and Mauritius and BLACKPOOL BEACH !!

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11 hours ago, RotMahKid said:

Is it also possible to put the offender on video with your phone, run to the police and get half of the fine?

I do not know about that,  but all the popo needs to do is follow the chinese,  they are chain smoking freaks to be sure. 

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8 hours ago, CGW said:

This could turn out to be interesting, the country where the most visitors come from is China, Chinese like to smoke - a lot - anywhere, in China it is a daily fight to stop people smoking in undesignated areas, they are not going to take kindly to be told to put out their smokes on the beach!! throw in the language barrier, should be fun trying to enforce a fine, no matter what level of authority they have!

Yep, very true. Eastern Euros and Russians are also very keen on a durry. Good luck telling Popov he has to pay 100K for lighting up.

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It'll all wash over and be forgotten soon. The signs will fade in the burning sun and the anti-smoke patrollers will find more lucrative ways of extracting money from unsuspecting tourists. I am sure someone can advise on how long it will take for the eco unfriendly plastic smoking boxes to break down into miniscule plastic beads to line the bellies of fish. Its a typical Thai purge, won't last long, won't be effective but will just linger like a bad nicotine taste. The Thais will move on to the next exciting adventure, which they will put their heart and soul into for our entertainment and the next and the next. I am just wondering if its possible for them to start a multiple linked group of crazy ideas. These singular initiatives are becoming stale. Something like bicycle lanes and relocating coverless manholes off the pavements with large signs protruding into the road to warn motorcyclists of dangerously loaded police pick-ups, or all-inclusive holiday breaks that include fines, rip-offs and hospital bills in one easy package, paid at the time of booking.

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