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Phuket police scandal stirs fears of bribe-taking nationwide


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1 hour ago, duanebigsby said:

I think corruption in Thailand is just more open than some of our home countries. Here you see it in the police, military and government and on street level. It's obvious.


In western countries the corruption is hidden within the government offices and corporations.

It's there but harder to see.

Well said - it took 6 pages before someone pointed that out.

The Western governments have constantly got their hands in our pockets for thousands of pound, dollars, euros or whatever but that's OK - they're taxes not bribes. And of course without clever tax advisers, they're usually unavoidable, especially for we little people.


 It would be different if these taxes were all spent for our good but such a lot is wasted on the benefit of those in power. What, apart from scale is the difference...really?

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"In the past week, several police officers have been transferred as a result of the investigation."


That's no punishment!


It can be assumed that when they are trained and enrolled, each Police Officer makes a pledge to uphold law and order at all times! They have broken their pledge and should be immediately sacked!

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"In the past week, several police officers have been transferred as a result of the investigation."


That's no punishment!


It can be assumed that when they are trained and enrolled, each Police Officer makes a pledge to uphold law and order at all times! They have broken their pledge and should be immediately sacked!

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Issue is no one will speak up for fear of something happening to them or their Family.  Police are there to protect and serve the community But who Polices the Police It says a number of Officers have been removed to other places What is the point  Should be sacked no payout no pension and an Investergation done and prison time for Extortion 


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7 hours ago, Cadbury said:

Where is Article 44 when it is really required? Someone needs to tell PM Prayut and the National Anti-Corruption Commission that the police are involved in corruption. I am sure they would be shocked to hear the righteous RTP as upholders of the law are instead breaking it to steal from others and line their filthy pockets. 

They used Article 44 to fix those sleazebag officials stealing the temple renovation grant money. And that would be peanuts compared to what the cops get their grubby paws on.

But that was "government" money and maybe there is a difference between "government" money and innocent people's money. 


I think that the 'Big Fear' is at the TOP.......... The TOP DOG(S) don't want to use Article 44 because they are at the top of the ladder of 'graft'.....

So...... If the cops are caught then it would likely work it's way up to the TOP and they would be 'busted' also........... LOL..........

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A close farang friend bought a home in a subdivision a few years ago........ As he lived there he learned that a high ranking Pattaya cop was the owner of several homes in that same tract.............

Another farang friend has lived in a tract elsewhere in Pattaya and found a similar situation.......... Another friend 'rented' a house from another 'Cop Landlord' in Pattaya.........

Wonder how the Pattaya cops had money to BUY all those homes???????

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6 minutes ago, Elkski said:

TV when are you going to stop these bickering posts that go on and on.  Like little kids.  Ban the m"'*!?;r f"':!!'*kers

Opinions are like 'buttholes'....... Everybody has his own.............. LOL............. Don't read them if you are bothered..............

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I came here for work and agree the Thai’s are best when not thinking. Some are nice and have best intentions. Most are scumbags though and would fleece you given the chance. But what nationality isn’t like this these days. At least they take your money with a smile which I like opposed to the Chinese.

i have personally paid many police for traffic fines 4-500 thb to not have to go to the station. When you hand them the money the are silky smooth at slipping it in their pocket.

I know a sports bar in BKK that pays weekly brown envelopes and have witnessed the police count it out and allocate it on the table whilst having a free meal. It was unreal to watch. How do I know it was tea money....the owner told me afterwards.

The system will never change as the temptations are just great and they feel a right to skim particularly if a foreigner is making money in their country.

I am even involved with union negotiations and their brain capacity and logic deserves another thread!

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The Short Answer, ... The Thais I know, are not Corrupt, (I only know Poor ones ? Not Rich ones ???) … But well, telling the truth in minor matters ? Might be a bit bent, to extorted a bit too far, on a reasonably regular basis, … Like they all are story tellers Right !!! ???    You just have to be able to read between the Lines. ….  I do not have any trouble with any of the Business men that I have to deal with. Though yes, .. If you do not know them, … then you DO have to watch them !!!


JFYI, in the Small timer’s area any way ...


…  The thing about the trucks, ...


… My Step Son drove loads of Bricks down to Bangkok for Years in our 6 wheeled Truck, .... 1.5 Tones per wheel, the usual Law weight I think ? = 9 tons. ... But they always took 11, and paid the Police a tip, like under a dollar ? Or so ?  I think.  .... ALWAYS, and everyone did it that way. ...Yes the left hand truck lain is pretty well worn down, ... well around here anyway,  (and it is particularly bad from the Asia Highway, and out past Taluar, alongside the Prasak River ??? ) .... (They haul Coal down to here, from up North you know, and then put it in Barges !!! On the Prasuk River, ..Hence that area could be called ???? Rather “Black” I guess ….  )


... And way, … Practically they DO, have to have double Air, Break resiviours, heavier springs, and reinforcing in the back, so the bricks did not fall out, and total some poor Persons Honda Civic !!! …  And this WAS enforced I think. ... That is what the drivers told me any way ..... So with the extra breaking capacity, … in the Thai practical, what goes way, it did work, … It just wore out the roads a bit more !!! Right ???


… And well, take this situation away ? And the Price of Bricks in Bangkok would Increase !!! … Possibly even doubling,  if you restricted them to 9 tons ? ….  The development projects would cost more, … or the truck drivers get less,  ….  And park their trucks up like a lot of them have already.



(My Hard Working, Step Son, now works for a commercial Trucking firm, Picking up Car Parts from the Port at Sathip I think ??? Well a ware house somewhere down there any way I suppose, .... And delivering them all over Central Thailand around here like between Ayutthaya, Salaburi and Lopbury. …  It is a Local Firm, and well, the Son reports that the trucks, and the Conditions are good, they have to wear safety boots, and most wear the reflective vests, … and well their yard is local, so they pick their truck up close by, … and the hours flexible, though well, Long when he wants them to be, like 2 trips a day if the traffic is OK. ,,, 12 Hrs ? … Something like that ..Depending on the traffic ..


 Most of the men around here do that, Drive, or work as off siders. They are Bigger 6 wheel Logistic trucks ... The ones where the sides come off, and they are locally called Jumbos. ..And well our Good Old "Nancy" the truck, … (The name of the Guys, very practical Daughter, who sold it to us), is parked up,... but well, Hey !!! … She still works, (Though you might have to find a new battery to get her started) … but it is nice to have her, if you need to Move any thing big !!!)

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I have never had to pay a bribe in Thailand I think, not in ??? Oh 35 divide two = 18 Years in country ? ...    So how do I manage this ? .. Well I just get my Thai Wife to deal with them,  and well, I must say, she seems to be able to talk their talk, ..  As she does not have to pay them either ??? ... Not actually being guilty of anything is a Big Help I guess. ….  We did have to pay one in Laos once ??? … Still that is what Thai Wives are for isn’t it ??? … To deal with the Cops !!! ??? …  (Her out doors, Thai style, riding shotgun,  in the left hand seat ???)

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5 hours ago, sawadeeken said:

A close farang friend bought a home in a subdivision a few years ago........ As he lived there he learned that a high ranking Pattaya cop was the owner of several homes in that same tract.............

Another farang friend has lived in a tract elsewhere in Pattaya and found a similar situation.......... Another friend 'rented' a house from another 'Cop Landlord' in Pattaya.........

Wonder how the Pattaya cops had money to BUY all those homes???????

Can they just not be friends 

some  friend calling them Farangs 

Some friend to have they are people like you and I 

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12 hours ago, Here It Is said:

That's not how it's seen in Thai culture, though.  In your culture, yes.  

Well then the "culture" needs to change.   Yes, I'm a foreigner and a lowly farang.  No, it's not my country.   No, it's not my culture.   None of which matters one gram.  Slavery and serfdom were once part of various cultures.  Religious persecution and intolerance were once part of many cultures (and still are, as we all too well know).   Institutionalized racism and bigotry.  Child labor.  Tribal warfare.  Human sacrifice.  Genital mutilation.  Sexual harassment.  It's a long list, and always included/includes and was/is always facilitated by how those respective societies "saw things".  And that list includes corruption.   So don't whine and pontificate about "my" culture vs "their" culture.   I don't care HOW they "see it".   It's in-your-face dishonesty and corruption and it needs to change.   It's up to them to determine how and when, but it DOES need to change, doubtlessly including how they "see" things...    Apparently, they can't quite get past step one...











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22 minutes ago, hawker9000 said:

Well then the "culture" needs to change.   Yes, I'm a foreigner and a lowly farang.  No, it's not my country.   No, it's not my culture.   None of which matters one gram.  Slavery and serfdom were once part of various cultures.  Religious persecution and intolerance were once part of many cultures (and still are, as we all too well know).   Institutionalized racism and bigotry.  Child labor.  Tribal warfare.  Human sacrifice.  Genital mutilation.  Sexual harassment.  It's a long list, and always included/includes and was/is always facilitated by how those respective societies "saw things".  And that list includes corruption.   So don't whine and pontificate about "my" culture vs "their" culture.   I don't care HOW they "see it".   It's in-your-face dishonesty and corruption and it needs to change.   It's up to them to determine how and when, but it DOES need to change, doubtlessly including how they "see" things...    Apparently, they can't quite get past step one...

Thanks again, please ask 10 friends to re-quote this post.

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47 minutes ago, Gregster said:

If you think police corruption is bad in Thailand, you haven’t travelled much. 

Meaning what? That because police corruption is worse in other countries that we shouldn't be too harsh about Thailand? 

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Meaning what? That because police corruption is worse in other countries that we shouldn't be too harsh about Thailand? 

You can be as harsh about it all you want, but you will never change this, or any country’s culture. Be thankful it’s not as bad here as it is in MANY other countries.
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20 minutes ago, Gregster said:



You can be as harsh about it all you want, but you will never change this, or any country’s culture. Be thankful it’s not as bad here as it is in MANY other countries.


If influence on local policy and governance were the criteria, this forum would be one very quiet place...    Why would you even suppose that what's written here actually changes ANYthing (or has to IOT be posted)?   Oh.  I see.  New member...   Sorry.   OK, so newflash:  what's written here has no influence on local policy or governance.  It's not a suggestion box.    'Just a discussion board for English-speaking foreigners.


"It could be worse"...   So insightful.    So I have a question.   Can anything, anywhere, at anytime, as perpetrated by anyone, for any reason, not ever and always be "worse"?   I mean, I can think of worse than Hitler, Stalin & Pol Pot, 'worse than Ebola, 'worse than the Great Depression, 'worse than world war, 'worse than Obama, 'worse than someone saying "it could be worse".    So how does saying "it's worse somewhere else" contribute at all to the discussion?   Did someone actually SAY "this is as bad as it gets", or "it couldn't be any worse", or "this country has hit rock bottom"?


I think what's got most of us so entertained here with this topic is the suggestion that "fears of bribe-taking nationwide" are merely being "stirred", rather than the solid gold understatement of the last few decades.  No one's saying corruption is unique to this country.






Edited by hawker9000
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