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Tourists warned to respect Thai culture - two who showed their butts at Wat Arun arrested


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15 minutes ago, BangkokReady said:

Because Thai people are always taking butt photos in churches whenever they go to Europe?

but you can see bare butts on many sois in Bangkok without censure, their own art (including on one of the ministry websites in the past) shows topless women, I could go on. 


In relation other countries there was the litter issue, also some writing on a sacred wall recently. I am sure there are many other instances that I can't really be bothered to find but of it bothers you so much them being called hypocrites feel free to look yourself.

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so many levels;


the atrocious 'reporting' of this incident; aged about 38 the writer (i wont call them a journalist) couldn't even be bother to do minimum research and find out a couple of simple facts.


38 year olds behaving in this incredibly childish way, really, grow up.


the 'obsession with self' culture  is bizarre, i mean who commits an crime and then posts photographs of themselves on the internet committing the crime; the small mindedness is pathetic and stupidity stunning.

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2 minutes ago, samsensam said:


so many levels;


the atrocious 'reporting' of this incident; aged about 38 the writer (i wont call them a journalist) couldn't even be bother to do minimum research and find out a couple of simple facts.


38 year olds behaving in this incredibly childish way, really, grow up.


the 'obsession with self' culture  is bizarre, i mean who commits an crime and then posts photographs of themselves on the internet committing the crime; the small mindedness is pathetic and stupidity stunning.

What is the crime? The report doesn't seem to know

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Just now, NanLaew said:

The original news article (that had the pixelated bum pictures) suggested the public nudity law had been broken.


5000 baht each... next?

What is the 'next' comment for?


My question was genuine, not sarcastic or trying to belittle you.


jeez, some people are so precious


Oh by the way, I looked a little further, apparently its a 500 Baht fine, not 5000, indecent exposure.

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1 minute ago, kingkenny said:

What is the 'next' comment for?


My question was genuine, not sarcastic or trying to belittle you.


jeez, some people are so precious


Oh by the way, I looked a little further, apparently its a 500 Baht fine, not 5000, indecent exposure.


The 'next' was a jibe at the arbitrary enforcement of laws by the locals as they see fit or depending on the circumstances, ie. in the public eye via social media or mostly unobserved as in real-life. The 'next' arbitrary, disproportionate and mostly irrelevant dispensation of justice will be coming along shortly.


Anyway, good to see you eventually found the 'right' answer about the penalties and the charges.

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1 hour ago, kingkenny said:

Hypocrisy of the highest order.


As stupid as these queers are for doing this arresting them is ludicrous, it will be interesting to see the charge. This is more of a knee jerk reaction from the authorities.

It’s pretty much the same thing as people getting arrested for having the Buddha tattoo’s done in strange places of the body and displaying them. Stupid people these two doing the photos like that as they should show respect to any country that they are in, including their own. Would they do the same, drop their trousers in a church at home and think it’s clever - probably not but people like these two seem to have no respect for anything anyway.

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12 minutes ago, isaanbanhou said:

 I agree, Why did the San Diego Gay and Lesbian News  mentions that they are married?  

 Doubt it was to stir up certain prejudices/hatred in a certain type of bigot. 


Though unintentionally, I bet it did. 

Edited by Bluespunk
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8 minutes ago, binjalin said:

 I don't see anything wrong in reporting they are gay as I don't see anything wrong with reporting their nationality. I see their tasteless display of their a***s as a 'gay thing' right? and they are holding hands in one photo.   

Can’t agree with you on mentioning their sexual orientation. 


It is completely irrelevant  


I played rugby as a teen and showing your arse was a common practice on the bus every time we played away matches. Some may have been gay but not all. 

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1 hour ago, DM07 said:

Yeeeeessss...they should be shot for being so disrespectful to the wonderful and supreme Thai- culture!


10 years in jail!?

Some of you guys have absolutely lost it!

There is "Thai'er-than-Thai" and then there is ThaiVisa!

Thank Christ. A voice of sanity at last.


A 500 Baht fine and the expense and inconvenience of rebooking missed flights is plenty punishment enough, in my opinion. And then there are the opinions of those who are calling for long prison sentences and for them to be raped during their incarceration... Jesus, it is no wonder we on Thaivisa are considered a human zoo on the wider internet...

Edited by baboon
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1 hour ago, KMartinHandyman said:

Phones and cameras have had a self timer function for a few decades now fwiw. That said maybe the bib incarcerated their iPhone as the primary offender. After all tit.

Sure, I understand this but still think there is a third party in these heinous actions........................:thumbsup:

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Minority groups- because for so long they are so sensitive to every slight thing that offend them, now think they can get away with anything.


Same, if you dare to bring up when gays behave in sexual harrassment ways to hetero males, quickly laughed off..

Or you get told...NEXT!!


Hope they really make a example of these two xxxxxx bandits

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5 minutes ago, isaanbanhou said:

No, it was to show the world they are in a "legitimate" relationship.  Everyone has an agenda but you and I

I didn’t say why this couples marital status was mentioned in the paper you refer to. 


I pointed out why this story may have referred  their sexual orientation. . 

Edited by Bluespunk
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1 minute ago, Bluespunk said:

I didn’t say why this couples marital status was mentioned in the paper you refer to. 


I pointed out why this story may have mentioned their sexual identity. 


Yes , I agree.  Why would the San Diego Gay  and Lesbian News mention their sexual identity.  The two men are holding hands in the  photo, if the reader isn 't smart enough to put 2+2 together...

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Just now, isaanbanhou said:


Yes , I agree.  Why would the San Diego Gay  and Lesbian News mention their sexual identity.  The two men are holding hands in the  photo, if the reader isn 't smart enough to put 2+2 together...

Again, I am not talking about their marital status.


Just the reasoning behind referencing this couples sexual orientation. 

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4 minutes ago, Bluespunk said:

Again, I am not talking about their marital status.


Just the reasoning behind referencing this couples sexual orientation. 

Yes, I agree. It is obvious what their sexual orientation is,  they are two men holding hands in public.  

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I am a Canadian who served in the US Marine Corps. 1968 so I guess you can say I love the USA as I was willing to die for her. It makes me boil when these two embarrass themselves but also carry the US along with them because they are "citizens". Sorry but I see a little farther back than most and I see two filthy Indians, not Americans. I would love to see them continue their holiday to Singapore, they still use the cane there. Sorry if you think that this is racist but is only my view.

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1 hour ago, kingkenny said:

What is the crime? The report doesn't seem to know

I ass-ume everyone with some decency have heard a law of "public indecency"?


It exist in many countrys after all.


Since Thais dont appreciate even guys running around with no shirt

would not a tourist ass-ume they should not do this in Thailand?


No, they know, but they give the brown eye and disregard to customs and culture of another country thinking they are smart..and at a temple!


And now run to an authority in the U.S crying for help!


Hope they hang them out to dry, by their willies!




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