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Trump fires back at Britain's May: "Don't focus on me"


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I would cancel him from his so called state visit for one rather than hide behind fudgy words. If she hasn’t even got the guts to do that it’s him sniggering at her.

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Grin and bear it I reckon - with Brexit looming we may need frumpy trump

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14 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

I would cancel him from his so called state visit for one rather than hide behind fudgy words. If she hasn’t even got the guts to do that it’s him sniggering at her.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

He thinks he can get away with anything ... and so far, he's right.



Trump believes he can stir the pot without ever getting burned


People close to President Trump say he has internalized the belief that he can largely operate with impunity. His political base cheers him on. Fellow Republican leaders largely stand by him. His staff scrambles to explain away his misbehavior and the White House disciplinarian, Chief of Staff John F. Kelly, has said it is not his job to control him.



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1 hour ago, Basil B said:

Yes the whole family and the Clinton's too...

There is a good reason to the Clintons...


Aged 11, she wrote a letter to the then US first lady, Hillary Clinton, lamenting a washing up liquid's TV ad strapline: "Women all over America are fighting greasy pots and pans".

Within a month, manufacturers Procter and Gamble had changed the word "women" to "people", she says.

"It was at that moment that I realised the magnitude of my actions.


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32 minutes ago, Kadilo said:

I would cancel him from his so called state visit for one rather than hide behind fudgy words. If she hasn’t even got the guts to do that it’s him sniggering at her.

Sent from my iPhone using Thailand Forum - Thaivisa mobile app

Yes, would be well received with the electorate. But economically not smart.

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I watch mainstream media daily news and commentaries on Youtube.  Without exception, they're all discussing Trump's mental depravities.  In past months, they discussed it in muted tones.   Now, the newscasters and commentators are getting bolder.  They're not mincing words.   


Republican supporters of Trump should get hammered in upcoming elections.  I admit that's wishful thinking on my part, but recent weeks have shown indications of a groundswell of voters rejecting Republicans - and for good reason.   Even dark red states like Montana are voting in reasonable people, and voting out Republicans.







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36 minutes ago, boomerangutang said:

what'cha gonna do?  Make a voodoo doll of Trump and stick it full of pins?  .....make a Trump pinata, filled with soiled toilet tissue, and smash it to bits?

I should just ignore you.


I'm a Yorkshireman don't push me


How many people have you 

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Thought better of it
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7 hours ago, Boon Mee said:

Guess that the truth hits too close to the bone for May, eh? 

Shame she doesn't have the stones Maggie had. 


Nah, what May should've done was retweet some videos showing three separate incidents in which crazed rednecks have sprayed women and children in shopping malls, schools, cinemas and hotels with automatic gunfire.


Then she could hide behind her press secretary as she trotted out some BS like " I'm not talking about the nature of the videos...the threat is real"


The idiot is doing ISIS's work for them.

Surely even his most ardent supporters must be asking themselves whether or not they may have made the biggest mistake of their lives by voting this ass into office.

The guy's not even a year into his "presidency" but he's already alienated half his country's allies.

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I have many American pragmatic and intelligent friends but I found a song for your president, it comprises of American idiot on a red neck agenda and many more apt words - perhaps this could be his next campaign song


Edit - don't want a nation that's driven by hysteria or the media (doesn't mention twitter) this song was way ahead of its time


Red neck agenda and hysteria simples - lyrics here






 To clarify ;


Don't wanna be an American idiot

Don't want a nation under the new media

And can you hear the sound of hysteria?

The subliminal mind- America




















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The negative branding that should stick because it is true:

Troll trump.




President Trump is now a troll

When the president behaves like a Twitter troll, we all pay the price.



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20 minutes ago, the guest said:

Having an Idiot for a President, must be embarrassing for the US.

There have been idiots before, and no doubt will again.  What makes Trump stand out is that he has raised misogyny, racism, hate speech, lying, bigotry, prejudism and sheer nastiness to new highs, or rather lows.  This goes well beyond the choices at the election, or supporting one or other political party, this is all about how he has conducted himself as POTUS.  He is the anti-POTUS, as far from acting with dignity, respect for the position and  humility as it is possible to be, and is one of the greatest threats to world peace and stability we have seen for a long time.  The Trump threads are full of banter, with some pointing out his shortcomings (to say the least) and others applauding his "mavericness" (to coin a term), and although heated at times can still be a laugh, however, some of the comments made in this, and the other thread on this topic, trying to support this act are nothing short of disgusting.  


Image result for the anti potus


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1 hour ago, Tug said:

Yea trump is a racist but I think he is probably trying to distract from his tax ripoff of the working people here in the USA 

Racism requires an IDEOLOGY. Trump has no ideological foundation. He is a reactionary, completely ruled by whim. He has the attention span of a kitten coupled with a hair-trigger temper and a complete inability to follow up or stay on point.

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On 11/29/2017 at 6:38 PM, darksidedog said:

Please wake up America.

We are awake. It's worse than you think. The orange haired freak is dedicating all of his efforts to dismantling the accomplishments of his predecessors instead of trying to move the country forward.

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2 hours ago, the guest said:

Having an Idiot for a President, must be embarrassing for the US.

To decent Americans, yes, it is. However, the minority that support the orange clown TROLL (about 35 percent) are of course as shameless as he is. 

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5 hours ago, Jingthing said:

To decent Americans, yes, it is. However, the minority that support the orange clown TROLL (about 35 percent) are of course as shameless as he is. 

Up till a while ago I would have mildly disagreed with you, and argued that there may be some who still support him for his "independent ways".  However, the threads on this topic in particular have changed that.  There are no excuses for supporting such a downright nasty, bigotted buffoon.  Anyone originally on his bandwagon, in the hope that he would shake up the system (in a constructive way), was misguided, but could get the benefit of the doubt.  I think many hoped that his actions during the campaign were just bluster, and he would settle down once in the White House, rather than actually acting worse.  However, anyone still on it, clinging to the sides as the swamp of his support drains following the revealing of his true self, is indeed as shameless, deplorable, and as lacking in basic humanity as he is.  

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