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Alcohol ban at national parks to be strictly enforced


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4 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

What is it with all these jail terms for minor offences?


Nope, I can't see it either! After all if such an 'offence' is deemed worth just a 1000 baht fine, how tf does that equate to perhaps also a month climbing the walls in the Bangkok Hilton???


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1 hour ago, Airbagwill said:

I visit NPs frequently, including camping at Christmas, New Year and Song Khran and quite apart from the disturbance drunks cause to other visitors they also caused the greatest amount of damage to the environment... From littering bottles and trampling plants.

As someone who has driven in Thailand for over 20 years I'm confident enough and familiar with the dangers.


Salute to a sober post, and as we've been disgusted by the volume of bottles and other litter beside the trails  and in scenic gathering places in NPs, I could not agree more with the ban, and would wish also that littering *per se* received a fine well-more that the cost of what had been consumed from its containers and wraps. 

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Yeah, been there, seen that, so I do get the perceived notion of the 'Powers That Be' that alcohol to excess can help stir up emnity, uneasy feelings, and such - though I'd claim I personally just get a little 'high' on  my surroundings and my friends within it after a few! -  but you just get a sense that these things come out now and again totally just to SEEM like something positive being enacted towards public H&S by the govt, when in fact its really just about putting more shackles on folks in general. Yes, some of these 'merrymakers' are always going to be dodgy types, but thats by nature rather than simply because of alcohol or any other vice, and clearly such folk will remain amongst us, regardless. Ultimately, however, the lawmakers will always use their very existence as an excuse to enforce ever more restrictive measures on those who just want to, very sociably, have a nice time of it!!! (There, this Monday morning's diatribe over.. back to my tea!)... :wai::coffee1:

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So, are all vehicles going to be searched and bags emptied before you are allowed into the park, in a similar way to security checks at airports?

Or is this yet another in an endless succession of mindless statements from people in uniform who don't seem to understand that there is no possible way for what they say to be enforced.

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I'm a bit surprised they haven't banned smoking @ National Parks too.

Bigger fines, and longer jail terms too...


After all, we have to keep those parks beautiful yes?

That's what the quality tourists come to Thailand to see, 

according to TAT.


When it's all said and done,

and the laws are enforced, 

that restrict all the things people enjoyed about the freedoms of Thailand... 


The tourist have long left,

with no plans to return,

then the Thai's can blame the tourist for all that's changed.


The long term expats can already feel,

see the hate coming from various directions within the country.

As some Thai's realize how much their beloved country is changing, 

in a much more restrictive,

controlling way,

while failing to truly provide any improvements to the safety of the citizens within.


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5 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

What is it with all these jail terms for minor offences?

They're just to offset the non-existing jail terms for major offences . . . ain't that so, Boss?

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Best thing since hanging for banging on park benches . . . oops, that's not till next week, sorry.


I do enjoy a drink, either at home or in a restaurant or bar, but simply cannot see the need or justification for people to take alcos into NP's. Old-fashioned, maybe, but we all as good as know that both tourists and Thais - once fuelled up and ready-to-go - will do exactly that, i.e. they'll 'have a go' and anyone too close to the idiots will be likely to be knifed or bottled. A group of boy-scouts, sitting around a campfire and enjoying a Leo or two, this ain't . . . and I think the ban's warranted, purely on the basis of risk.

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"We were so drunk at the time we wandered into a National Park thinking it was a bar.  Hey!  Where are all the floozies?" :partytime2:


plural noun: floozies
  1. a girl or a woman who has a reputation for promiscuity.


Edited by SiSePuede419
Added definition from dictionary for those who don't speak American English
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16 minutes ago, Golden Triangle said:

Somehow sitting around the camp fire singing ging gang goolie ain't gonna be the same without a beer and a smoke :whistling:

And after 10 beers becomes a smear and a boke.

( Scottish for Puke.)

Edited by overherebc
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Unfortunately as the wheels fall off the  bandwagon and all the easy collected money has gone new more ludicrous  laws get passed to plug the gaps and keep the unelected in power you see it the world over expect plenty more rule a day to come. Turkey is a prime example of how a sultan can be made from a thief .

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11 minutes ago, SiSePuede419 said:

Face it.  America is #1 in Wilderness preservation in THE WORLD.  Most countries have NO IDEA what a "wilderness" actually is, including every single European country, the UK, China, Asia and every other country in world.


Feel free to name one Country other than America that has a true wilderness...


Hmm. I'm only allowed to name one other country with true Wilderness? Then I'll have to choose between Canada, Russia, Brazil, Australia, Greenland (Denmark), and a range of other countries...

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Here's a thought: How about calling for the hooligans to be arrested instead of calling for bans on this or that?
How many fights have started over someone looking at someone else's bird? Shouldn't women be banned from entering too, then?
I like how you think go after offenders dont ban alcohol for everyone. Plenty of people can handle their drink. There are a few who dont handle it well.

Problem is reacting on time, no alcohol means prevention but punishing everyone and allowing alcohol means there will be incidents.

Personally i rather not take away the right to drink just to prevent a few problems but feel that people should be punished harder if they commit a crime in a drunken rage as a deterrent.

Sent from my SM-G955F using Tapatalk

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2 hours ago, overherebc said:

And after 10 beers becomes a smear and a boke.

( Scottish for Puke.)

Do they go hand-in-hand, as it were? What's a smear, on its own? . . . or a boke, for that matter, since we're on the issue of issuing. :sick:

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8 hours ago, stephen tracy said:

What is it with all these jail terms for minor offences?


Same ridiculous brainless people in charge as usual...


Let's see if people do not drink at Koh Samet island which is a national park ! hahaha


How stupid they can be is beyond understanding !

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8 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:

Will be adhered to as is removing ones own trash, illegal parking, smoking, not feeding wildlife and etc.

Laws here are generally meaningless!

I hope you are correct. I like to live in a land where adults can be adults even if a few cannot handle it. Better than banning everything under the slogan of righteousness.  

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9 hours ago, Jeremy50 said:

So a bath is included in the price for foreigners? That doesn't seem too bad. 

Ha ha!

Apart from when I've asked as to why my food costs more than if a Thai ordered it: You're bigger, you eat more.

Also when querying why the traditional Thai massage cost me 300 Baht and not 200 Baht for a Thai: You've got a bigger body, I have to do more work.

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9 hours ago, alant said:

The witch hunt against alcohol continues in the rather characteristic those with power and influence forward and enforce their views on others "less capable of thinking for themselves".

No "Drink Responsibly" here just gaol time.

No glass of beer with your meal at the restaurant in the park now (or will dual standards accompany dual pricing as well?)


"The witch hunt against alcohol continues"


Indeed it does! Remember the case of the rail employee that raped a young girl while drunk and under the influence of drugs, and then threw her off the train?

Rather than blame the recruiting system for employing someone with previous convictions for drink/drug induced crimes, the obvious knee jerk solution to the problem was? Ban alcohol on trains! 

Edited by sambum
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9 hours ago, ChrisY1 said:


Laws here are generally meaningless!

it may be the reason they rather seldom are enforced in the way they should.:coffee1:...

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9 hours ago, ttrd said:

Not surprizingly there are no relation what so ever between the length of the jailtime and the Maximum fine which means it is the fine that will be enforced and that only...


The purpose of the jailtime option seems more to be a way to speed up and force through the fine option...:violin:

So why bother with the threat of jail time in the first place? What's with the violin playing?

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2 minutes ago, Airbagwill said:

Nothing worse than being cornered by some eejit who repeatedly tells you he's "drinking responsibly" ...or decides that the campsite needs cheering up with a song...

I can say hand on heart I've never been cornered by an inebriated person who told me that. But my granddad used to sing Al Jolson songs after he'd had a few. 

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